Want to be Psychic? This is a MUST

I thought it would be fun to circle back to one of the major prerequisites to psychic development today. Why? Because so many of us are tuning in to our intuition and having these incredible awakenings! It helps to revisit the basics at times like this.

And one of the most basic things of all, when it comes to psychic development, is having an open mind.

Some of us may think we have open minds. I know I do. But the kind of open-mindedness that being psychic invites you to embrace is beyond anything we are trained to be used to. Psychic open-mindedness means you have to be willing to throw away old beliefs, viewpoints, and even life plans.

We cling so much to what we think we know to be true! But embracing true psychic intel means we have to be willing to see things in an entirely different light. To be open to new possibilities, new roads, and completely different ways of being.

And that is when the magic truly happens. When we are receptive and willing to listen and to change, the whole world in turn changes right before our eyes. More details on all of this in the rather long video above.

What are your experiences with being open-minded? And how do you feel about psychic work revealing completely different information than what you were expecting? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

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