Past Life Therapy

This week’s video topic came as a request from a dear client who has done past life therapy to heal in this lifetime:

“I wanted to ask if you could say some more about past lives. For myself many lives have come up in meditation, usually leading to some emotional release usually around grief. There are some lives that have come up that are more basic and subtle just showing me who I was and where. I guess I wonder how time to spend investigating all my lives balanced against living fully in this one. If you could share some of your insights along these lines I’d really appreciate it.”

I was so excited to get this request because I love all things related to past lives and reincarnation! And what I know from experience is that past life regression therapy is amazing, especially when there is a core issue that is so deeply entrenched that it seems impossible to release.

Many of our past lifetimes were not easy, and as the client mentioned above, many of them involve grief. For that “once in a lifetime” type of healing effect to take place regarding past life trauma, the issue at hand should be one you can’t figure out how to fix by another method. It’s like this inexplicable trauma that only deep hypnosis can unlock and release.

Some of us have been here hundreds (or even thousands!?) of times. We have incarnated into other galaxies and dimensions as well. To know every single lifetime would be a major feat and likely take years to uncover. So as far as the question of how much time to spend on past life exploration, it all comes back to balance. I haven’t yet met a person who is so deep into past lives that they are not living fully in this one. So that’s good!

Have you done past life therapy? What results did you get? If you are watching this video on YouTube, please share in the comments. I really want to hear about your experiences with this. Thank you!

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