
Making Your Bengston Energy Healing Cycling List

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How would you like to have a magical genie lantern that granted your wishes? It would be pretty amazing – and also a great responsibility!

I’ve been practicing the Bengston Energy Healing method (Image Cycling) for about 5 years now, and it is exactly like having that magical lantern. You make a list of at least 20 things you want, spin it, and it generates the energy. Then you actually get the things on your image cycling list. To keep the energy fresh, you need to keep adding things/experiences to that list once other ones manifest.

And knowing what it is you REALLY want takes time!

In this week’s video, I discuss making the list and what you can put on it. One of the things I forgot to add that is very important is health! If you want to improve your eyesight, heal from an ailment or condition, whatever it may be – add it to the list!!!

If you missed my previous email about why I love the Bengston method, I’ve copied the details below:

What makes this energy healing technique so great in my mind is that the practice – image cycling – is one of the most potent and powerful form of intentional creation I’ve ever experienced. It’s also pretty fun.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Make a list of at least 20 things you want to have or experience in your life. Deep dive into what it would be like to have each list item in your life. Imagine it as if it’s already happened, and feel the energy of it, the emotions. Some people do this alone as a manifesting technique.

The list is never stagnant. It’s continuously updated and maintained. When you get something, take it off the list. When you want something else, add it to the list. It’s imperative that the list is up to date and current with your current desires.

Now we generate momentum: the cyling itself. Take these 20 things and encapsulate them with a picture for each item, and then put them onto something that spins, like a clock or rolodex. The cycling of these items generates the energy that heals the physical body. It’s also as if that spinning creates the energy that magnetizes what you want into your life.

These three elements make Bengston flow.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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