I’m here today with Obi-Juan (pun intended), my friend’s highly sensitive dog. I had to hold him in the video because he was crying for her! The only way he stopped crying was if I picked him up. I felt their mutual (intense) anxiety before she left, and luckily realized it was not my own. The energy dissipated, I held Obi-Juan to soothe him, and here we are.

It’s not easy being sensitive. It’s actually really HARD! Sensitive people are affected by so many different energies – from other people, places, and just free-floating vibes. If we don’t know how sensitive we are, we can easily get tricked into thinking we are just having ridiculous mood swings or unprovoked anxiety attacks. That we are not OK.

If you are reading or watching this and you suspect you are highly sensitive, you’re halfway there to managing as a sensitive person. We don’t really “do” the world the way non-sensitives do. We need to work to distinguish our own energy from that of other people and places. We also need to know how to care for ourselves in order to manage our sensitivities.

Here are some basic tips that will help:

1. Spend. Time. Alone.

It’s vital that you spend time alone as a sensitive person! Get to know your own energy. Notice the ebb and flow of your emotions – alone, in a safe and comfortable space. Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up in the morning, and how your emotions feel to you. The more you understand your own baseline energy, and the way your emotions flow, the more easily you will be able to recognize when your energy is being compromised by other people or places.

2. Notice when your emotions and energies change

Pay attention to when your emotions shift. Notice what comes on quickly for no apparent reason. What changed in your environment? Did you just interact with a particular person or group of people? Are you in a new space? Try and identify any external factors that could have contributed to the shift.

3. Clear energy that isn’t yours

Most sensitive will tell you the easiest way to clear unwanted vibes or emotions that are not their own is to LEAVE! And then clear the energy. There are tons of ways to do clearings using energy healing modalities. I also have a free grounding meditation on my website that will help: https://krishanti.com/product/free-grounding-meditation/. You can also do basic things. Taking a walk outside will naturally ground you. Many sensitives swear by water – being in or near a lake or stream, ocean, waterfall, shower, or sea salt bath. Eating a light snack or meal will help, as will drinking water.

Once you get to a place where you can recognize certain energies that provoke an emotional response are in fact not yours, you’ll feel relief. And you will be OK!

Have you felt other people’s energies? How long did it take you to discover you are highly sensitive? And what techniques do you use to clear unwanted energy? Please share in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

I was honored to be featured in a recent Redfin post on 15 simple ways to create a positive and peaceful home in 2021. To read the article on the Redfin site, click here:


I’ve included the tips you can read it here, too:

15 Simple Ways to Create a Positive and Peaceful Home in 2021

After experiencing a year full of so much change, challenge, and uncertainty, many are looking to manifest positivity as we enter a new year. And one of the best ways to do this is by creating a peaceful home environment.

So to help you bring more positivity, peace, and zen to your home, we reached out to experts across the country – from Portland, OR to Salem, MA – for their best advice. From being more mindful of the energy in our homes to incorporating crystals and calming scents, here are 15 simple ways you can create a more peaceful home this year.


1. Begin the day by focusing on your heart until it feels relaxed and open. Then visualize light emanating from your heart with the intention of connecting every being, every inanimate object, the rooms, corners, floors, ceiling, and yard with this energy. You can play around with color in your home, such as blue light to calm anger, pink light to attract positivity, or green light for health and prosperity. – Sacred Transformations

2. Use crystals to harmonize your home. Place Black Tourmaline by your front door to protect and repel all negative energy. For your bedrooms you can use Red Jasper and Green Calcite to help your energy relax and feel grounded. At your work table place Citrine, Pyrite, or Green Aventurine to bring vibrations of prosperity, growth, abundance, and success in your career. Lastly, add Shungite near your laptop to protect and shield you from EMF. – Sugar, Be Crystal Clear

3. Minimize energetic clutter in your home by limiting items to only things that you love and bring you joy. Take a look around your home. If there are things that trigger negative feelings as you look around, extend gratitude to that item, and then release it – no matter how much it cost, who gave it to you, or the sense of obligation you attach. You’ll feel a significant increase in your sense of personal peace when you release the things that are no longer serving you or bringing your joy. – Brenda Winkle

4. It’s all about the energy and intent you set for your space. Simply setting the intention for a more peaceful home, the energy will shift naturally. It doesn’t have to require buying or rearranging furniture if you don’t want it to be. I love lighting candles, a fire, or some incense and setting the intention for the space to become more peaceful, the highest frequency possible and zen, and even more loving if you’d like. You’ll be amazed at how powerful this simple practice can be. – Crystal Heinemann

5. Diffusers can help create a more peaceful home. Set up a diffuser in your bedroom and in other areas where you spend most of your time. Great scents for relaxation include lavender, bergamot, vetiver, and chamomile. The sense of smell is one of the key ways to quickly calm your nervous system. – Heart Fire Healing


6. Self-care is key to creating a more peaceful home. Start by creating a space in your home that is just for you. A space where you can meditate, breathe, practice yoga, qi gong, state affirmations, or whatever you feel will bring you peace. Make it easy for yourself to take a minimum of 10-20 minutes out of your day to focus on self-care. Be sure to pick a place that can be dark when you need grounding and relaxation or bright when you need to feel uplifted. – Chi For Healing

7. Leave technology at the door. Encourage yourself and those who live with you to detach from their cell phones and social media in certain rooms of the house. Technology has become another layer of stressful distraction, and we need to take periods of digital detachment to properly observe ourselves and our experiences. Perhaps you can make the kitchen a phone-free space to ensure organic and distraction less connect. – Erin Doppelt

8. Find a quiet spot to surrender. Create a space with a comfy chair you can sink into to clear your mind and let go of your worries. This spot can include a pillow and blanket, a favorite crystal to hold, and be sure the space is free of clutter. Then settle into that comfy chair, hold your crystal while closing your eyes, reconnect your breath with your body to notice any tension, and then release stress with each exhale. – Jessica Roth, Jess Kay Crystals

9. Open up your living space and let the positive energy flow. A tight, crowded living space not only encroaches upon you physically, but also mentally and spiritually. So cast out the clutter, embrace wide-open spaces, keep flat surfaces clean and clear, and place objects that delight in your line of sight. These shifts help promote peace of mind, engage your focus in the moment, and create beauty and harmony. – Krishanti

10. Clear the energy in your home and fill it with love. Energy clearing is one of the most powerful ways to make your home feel more comfortable, bright, and beautiful. The simplest method is to use your voice to speak your intention and request. For example, saying phrases such as, “Please help make this home a sacred space for rest and nourishment, where I naturally let go and relax. – Isa Dona, Spiritual Healer & Transformation Coach

11. Learn Reiki. Reiki is an easy method of energy healing that you can use to calm your mind, heal injuries, and make yourself feel better whenever you want. Anyone can learn Reiki in just 2 days and then you can send yourself pure positive energy just by placing your hands on your body. You can also help heal your family and friends, your pets, and even your plants. – Healer Source


12. Be the sage and smudge. This is an ancient technique of clearing and lightening up not only one’s energy, but the energy of your environment. Simply light sage and wave the flame out gently, allowing the smoke from the burning of the sage plant to softly billow into the room. Stand at the center of the room and waft the smoke around yourself and the room with your hand; clearing your energy and the energy in the room. – Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW, The Center for Personal Evolution

13. To feel more supported in your space, try grounding it. Grounding is a common exercise for bringing your energy back into your body but you can do it for an energetically scattered home as well. Sprinkle some salt on your floors to connect to the element of Earth, and soak up any negative energy at the same time. Then just sweep or vacuum it up. For hard surfaces, you can follow up with a magical mopping by adding a few drops of an essential oil that brings you back to your body when you smell it. – HausWitch

14. Scent is a powerful way to calm and soothe. During these challenging times where many people are working and learning remotely, your home can retain odors you’d prefer not to have linger. Lighting a soy candle in your favorite scent or diffusing lavender essential oil or a refreshing citrus blend can make your home more relaxing and peaceful. – Jenn Aubert

15. Increase your home’s positive vibes by adding green plants or fresh flowers. Then pull open the blinds and let the light of the moon and the rays of the sun clear negativity and energize your home. Healing stones can also make any room vibrant and feel more zen. – Gabrielsen Healing Center

Originally published by Redfin

I started studying clairvoyance over a decade ago, and since then I’ve learned a great deal about the world of energy and ESP. I’ve come to the conclusion that clairvoyance is one of the most powerful ways to access your own intuition and psychic abilities. Why? Because it’s an active practice that goes hand-in hand with energy work.

Clairvoyance is not just being psychic; it’s all about seeing and shifting energy. What exists on a physical level also exists on an energetic and vibrational level. So, when you’re looking to heal, transform, and evolve, practicing clairvoyant meditation is very effective, as you go in and shift energy first, then let it work down into the physical, mental, and emotional levels.

Clairvoyance and the Crown Chakra

One of the EASIEST, and yet most powerful, clairvoyant techniques to help you clear blocks and move forward when you’re feeling stuck, blocked, or lost is to change the color of your crown chakra. Your crown sets the tone for so much of who you are, and if you work to adjust and shift the energy of it by setting it to a new color and vibration, you will take on the qualities of that color/vibration.

Although it may seem like this work is purely imaginative, what I’ve noticed (and it delights me to no end) is that, in a clairvoyant group, when one person starts projecting out a color, other people in the group will notice and can “see” what color it is. So it’s not so made-up after all.

When I’m in sessions with people who feel stuck, they intuitively know exactly what I mean when I ask them what color they’d like their crown chakra to be. On some level, there is an intuitive awareness that this is serious and powerful work. And here’s an example of how it worked for me: once, a long time ago, I was in an unpleasant work environment. I changed the color of my crown chakra, and then intensified it, and visualized this every day when I went into meditation. In a short amount of time, I felt stronger and more self-sufficient, and this motivated me to get out of there, stat! It worked!

So, if you’d like to play with this, try this free meditation I created that gets you into a prime mode for energy work, and then set your crown chakra to a color you love with all of your heart and soul…or just let the right color for right now appear to you. And let me know how it goes!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program.


I don’t often talk about food and consciousness, but it’s a very important topic. And to be honest, many people have varying points of view on the best way to eat and get quite worked up about it, thinking their way is the only way. However, when it comes to raising your vibration and being more psychic, there is an ideal way to go:

Eat healthy and eat clean (for the most part).

It doesn’t matter if you eat meat, if you’re vegetarian, if you’re paleo, or full-on vegan. If you’re eating whole, healthy, unprocessed foods (most days), and you’re focusing on living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of water, being in nature, thinking pure thoughts and meditating, you’ll have no problem raising your vibration, being psychic, feeling grounded and balanced, and everything else this spiritual path entails.

A lot of yogis, monks, and others devoted to a life of spirituality espouse healthy eating in order to obtain enlightenment, and that’s fine and good. They immerse themselves in their spiritual pursuit and wear robes, adapt spiritual names, and live an almost spartan lifestyle in order to maintain a steady and high vibration. This has been done since time immemorial and of course it helps one stay pure and high.

However, let’s be honest here. We are real people living in the real world. If there is dark chocolate to be enjoyed, does restricting oneself from it really make a difference?

Yes, too much sugar is not good for you and can lower your vibration. Too many hamburgers can do the same. Eating only cucumbers and nothing else will throw you off balance, too.

Everything in moderation, with flexibility and adaptability, is the optimum way to go.

One of the things that fascinates me to no end about psychic things is that there is ALWAYS room for surprise. In fact, surprise – both expecting it, and being open to being surprised – is what makes this all so much fun. Things are never what they seem and although you might expect something to turn out in a certain way, it can be completely different – and also good.

That’s why, when it comes to food and your vibration, it’s best to allow yourself to be guided, to let your body do the talking for you and tell you what you need. Perhaps going vegan and/or sugar-free for a while is good for you. Maybe you, like my shaman sound healer friend Dominic, need to eat a little grass-fed beef on a weekly basis.

All of our bodies are unique and different, so no blanket statement on eating meat vs. abstaining is going to be effective for everyone. Go easy on yourself, make sure what you fuel your body with is nourishing, and your vibration will be just fine.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Happy New Year!

So my son Ivan is in Kindergarten. And late last year, I noticed something funny with his Thanksgiving projects. He would write the things he is thankful for and I noticed the word “Jesus” popping up here and there. It struck me as odd, since we don’t really emphasize any particular faith at home. And I thought about it and realized that he is being influenced by his little friend who is not only a Born Again Christian, but whose parents are both pastors at their church.

The whole thing is highly amusing to me in a way. I have told Ivan who this Jesus person is, but not in the way as in “Your Lord and Savior.” In our house, Jesus is this very cool guy who was a healer. But think about it – we are so highly influenced by the things around us that some things just seep into our consciousness and become a part of how we live and breathe. I am fine with Ivan being grateful for Jesus, but not to the exclusion of all of the other icons,  gods, goddesses, saints, deities and holy figures from every background and every religion the world over.

The whole point I am trying to make here (other than sharing this kind of funny story) is that we are incredibly influenced by the people and energies around us.

In the video above, I chat specifically about EMFs and screens: TV screens, phone screens, computer screens, and IPad screens, the electromagnetic frequencies they emit, and how those frequencies affect our consciousness.

Whether we are aware of it or not, the things we are engaging with not only emit EMFs, but they also send out and trigger emotions. Think about how you feel when you watch bad news on TV, or scroll through Facebook and Instagram sometimes. The images we see, combined with the EMFs of the screen AND the energy of all of the other people engaging in the vibration of that image and/or news, has a very powerful effect on our consciousness.

We live in a picture-based reality. A part of why Clairvoyance and Clairvoyant readings and healings are so powerful is that they involve a focus on MEI pictures, which are the mental-emotional images that comprise our reality. Everything you are seeing on your screens, from a succession of pictures in video form to pictures on social media, has an energy that can affect you either positively or negatively.

In order to keep your vibration high and your energy strong, it’s good to know what brings you up and what brings you down – and then to try and avoid the things that negatively impact your vibration. That’s not to say that you should stick your head in the sand and not pay attention to negative things, but it’s more like…why feed yourself with darkness when you can fuel yourself with light?

The brighter you are, the more of a positive influence you have on the people around you. You can be so bright that you yourself are like the sun, spreading love and warmth to the world around you. The more of us who are embodying this truly positive energy, the better. It has a very powerful domino affect that is the perfect antidote to fear, which can grow like a weed if you let it.

Although there is no getting around the fact that we are highly influenced by the energy of the world and all of the people in it, we can decide to create our own heaven on earth by staying true to what we believe in, by being strong, positive, and keeping our vibrations high. Tuning out negative EMFs can absolutely help with that, so why not start off the New Year on a clear and bright path and keep it that way throughout all of 2018!

I send you the BEST wishes for an AMAZING New Year. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Time suckers, attention stealers, and energy vampires are everywhere these days. It can be hard to keep your energy fresh and clean and vibrant when you’re surrounded by distractions like spam emails, in-your-face billboards, unsolicited phone calls, irritating people, etc. etc. etc.

If you live in a place like I do, this is pretty much on the uber high-end, so I’ve had to learn how to tune things out. Yet I still have a hard time, especially on trash days, when no less than 10 dump trucks careen up and down my street, rattling windows and setting off car alarms and causing major traffic jams in which cars honk and people not only shout obscenities, but literally scream with rage. For reals. When I’m feeling extra spiritual I am very, very grateful that we have services to remove our trash. But I am human and I do have hormones, and on some days that is not so easy.

Dump trucks aside, today when I opened my email and read yet another message from someone whose newsletter I subscribed to, but am seriously annoyed by because I get a total creepy vibe from him, a nice little two-word mantra popped into my head:


I have ZERO TOLERANCE for this creepy man and his creepy emails, and I unsubscribed from the list ASAP instead of just deleting the message whatever whatever because maybe one day there will be a good email and he is considered a leader in his field after all.

It’s OK to have ZERO TOLERANCE. In fact, it can be good for you. It can foster peace of mind and help you to be strong and to stay true to yourself.

Why tolerate yucky stuff in your life that makes you feel bad?

At work, you can have ZERO TOLERANCE for Negative Nelly and Bossy Brian. Tune them out, turn them off, avoid, avoid, avoid. If your workplace is teeming with people who annoy you, have ZERO TOLERANCE for that and get a new job! Toxic workplaces will kill you, no joke.

At home, you can have ZERO TOLERANCE for back talk from your kids, for example. At age 3, Ivan is learning how to be sassy and say naughty things. No, we do not call our parents Poopy Butts. That is rude and unacceptable. Time out! ZERO TOLERANCE.

In your life in general, you are allowed to have ZERO TOLERANCE for things that frustrate you.

It’s OK!

Stop letting things slide. If you’re tired of the way things look in your house, or of accepting a certain situation even though you know in your heart and soul it’s wrong for you and not serving your highest possible good, it’s GOOD FOR YOU to have ZERO TOLERANCE!

Listen to your intuition, and pay attention to the things that annoy you or cause your vibration to sink to a level you’re not comfortable with. Keep your energy clean and clear and high, and create good things for yourself. Adopting a ZERO TOLERANCE policy will help!

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