There’s a common default method when it comes to getting readings. That default is to subconsciously give power away to the person who provides information in a reading.

Many people seek intuitive insights out of fear. This isn’t a criticism; uncertainty is frightening! But when that “need to know” energy is prevalent, it’s a sign that there’s an undercurrent of fear. When we go to someone with this fearful attitude, we are giving them the power to dictate “how it’s going to be.”

If the person giving the reading isn’t coming from a place of empowerment, it creates a tense and sometimes negative situation. This isn’t what getting a reading should be like! The whole point of seeking intuitive guidance is to help you feel empowered and to bring you back to center.

As an example, in the video above I talk about a client who had been told by an astrologer that she would never get married, and there was nothing she could do about it. This sent her into such a tailspin that she started going to all kinds of psychics and intuitives trying to figure the issue out, pleading for someone to predict something better.

In a reading space, the ideal approach is based on questions like  “What can I do to be the best version of myself?” or “How can I approach this situation?” as opposed to “What’s going to happen?” Working from this reference point brings the energy back to the self, where it belongs.

It’s human nature to be fearful of the unknown. The world still believes professional intuitives have gifts and powers. But they don’t have anything you don’t have within yourself!  You have gifts. You have powers. You can trust your own intuition to navigate life.

It’s great to seek intuitive guidance, but from the perspective of solving a math equation or figuring something out. Never from a place of giving them the power to make decrees that you may not be in alignment with.

Have you had the experience of feeling like you were giving your power away in a reading? How did you resolve this?

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

One of the things most people are most fascinated about when it comes to psychic work is predicting the future.

As you probably already know by now, the future is not always set in stone. But then again, sometimes it is! It makes the whole prediction thing confusing and complicated.

Some future events are actually written as if carved in stone. Fate/destiny are real forces! There is something greater running the show, and we are not 100% in control all the time.

To make matters more confusing, there is this entire aspect of life in which we really do create our own realities. The way we think, and the actions we take, propel our lives forward. We do have power as far as that is concerned.

So, because of this, sometimes predictions aligned with fate will be spot on. Other times, predictions regarding something you have sway over may not actually come to pass. I don’t know if I made this exact statement in the video above, but it’s important.

Regardless of figuring out whether a future outcome is the work of fate or of personal manifesting skills, predicting the future or even thinking about the future too much can be problematic. We are meant to be living in the present moment. All we can really affect is how we are living, NOW.

It’s human nature to be curious. And it’s fun to see what psychic probing can reveal about the future. I think the ideal approach is to get the information, but try not to harp on it. To just have that in the back of your mind, perhaps, and keep living the best way you can.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you gotten predictions that came true, or didn’t come to pass? Please share in the comments!

Have you ever had a prophetic dream? Something so intense that you woke up remembering it…and then it came true? A lot of people have them. It either happens once or twice in their lives, or they regularly have dreams that come true. The phenomena of prophetic dreams, however, is a lot like deja vu; we don’t typically know how to control it, but it’s definitely cool and fascinating when it happens!

What is it about Prophetic Dreams?

Sporadic instances of prophetic dreams are typically instances where your psyche or your consciousness roams out into the future, sees or experiences something charged with energy (typically prophetic dreams are warnings of negative life events), and then reports back so you’re prepared.

The problem with these dreams, though, is lack of control. How do you make them work for you instead of happening to you?

Tip #1: Try Passionflower.

There is something about passionflower that boosts your psychic abilities. When I took it regularly, I had many prophetic dreams. They were happening so often I didn’t keep track! Try it for yourself and let me know if it works for you.

Tip # 2: Do what Remote Viewers Do and…

Write a directive to yourself before bed! For example, you can say “I am going to dream about something useful that will help me in my life tonight.” The sky is the limit as to how you can direct yourself prior to going into your dream state! You can ask for a prophetic dream to warn you about danger, and then you won’t have to worry about anything until you have a bad dream. Or you can direct yourself to have prophetic dreams about wonderful and exciting things that will be coming up for you. Remote viewers will write down something like “Before I wake up, at x time, I am going to find out about Target #xyz.” Then they will go to sleep, wake up, remember the dream, write it down, and add it to their target summary report. Many fascinating details can come through in the dream state!

With practice, you can turn prophetic dreaming from a one-time, once in a while occurrence into an intuitive tool that you can use regularly to help you navigate your way through life!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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