If you are a healer or intuitive, but are having a hard time shining bright, believing in your gifts, and believing you are helping people, I have an idea of what may be behind that energy.

I’ve worked with many genuinely gifted healers who really want to help people. But they are held back, often by the belief that they are not talented enough, that they can’t find people to work with, or that they won’t be able to support themselves doing what they love. This is a collective problem holding a lot of light workers back, and it’s time to change!

Historically speaking, shining bright has often led to persecution. I mean Jesus Christ himself was tortured, and that is deeply ingrained into our collective psyche!!! Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated! Many leaders who stood for what is good and pure and true have not been treated very kindly here on earth.

We can say that times have changed, but have they REALLY? People can be ugly, and they like to attack stuff they don’t understand. As a sensitive light worker, that’s enough of a deterrent to stay small.

Many healers I have worked with in past life sessions have indeed been persecuted for standing up for what they believed in in previous incarnations. And even if that has not cropped up in a past life, there is enough of that energy out there to have a powerful effect on one’s psyche. Many light workers I speak with are well aware of the savage side of humanity, and do everything they can to avoid it, even when that means hiding from the world.

The good news is, people are not being stoned to death in the town square for using their healing and intuitive gifts these days. And better yet, young people ESPECIALLY are more open-minded. They were raised on cartoons and movies that work magic and mystery into the storylines. It’s a part of their world view, and that is great news.

If you’re doubting your gifts, and your light, keep telling yourself you are safe. This is so important! And keep calling in your kindred spirits! They want to share life with you. There is no shortage of like-minded people. You just have to be on the lookout for one another.

Doubt is natural. I’d be concerned if you were over the top super confident. It’s the crippling doubt and fear that is a shame. You know, there are billions of people on the earth. That means we need billions of light workers out there to help. If we collectively break through the barriers and restrictions to shining bright, we pave the way for others, and that’s how a new world order will emerge over the next thousand years or so.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you felt like you’re not embracing your gifts? Or did you work through obstacles, and if so, what did you do to shift things? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s topic is about intuition. We all have it, and it’s so natural! I marvel at how open we are as a society to the notion of intuition, yet not so much to the idea of being psychic. Because….

Intuition is the gateway to all things psychic!

Intuition can sometimes – most times – be very subtle. Other times, it can be loud and pronounced. I am fairly certain that everyone can say they remember a time when they had a sense, a feeling, a KNOWING about something or someone. That was their intuition.

Everyone’s intuition presents in a different way. Some of the most common are:

  • That small still voice giving you a warning in your head
  • A gut feeling
  • The hairs on the back of your neck standing up
  • The hairs on your arms standing up
  • A knowing, or feeling in your bones

If you’d like to honor and hear your intuition more, just pay attention! Watch your body, your feelings, your thoughts. Notice how it presents to you. And then document it!! Keep an intuition journal. Write out when you had a sense. Document what happened when you listened to it – and when you did not. This will help you learn how your intuition presents, and it will signal to your subconscious that you are ready and willing to be more open to it.

How has your intuition presented to you in the past? Do you have stories you can share? Please come over and tell us in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

Mindfulness is not only an extremely therapeutic way of functioning in the world, but it can also turn into an actual way of life.

Recently, I treated myself to pomegranate seeds, blueberries, and raspberries. They are expensive! I now eat a ton more fresh fruits and vegetables in an effort to help my body stay healthy.

One afternoon I was eating my fruit snack so quickly that I realized I wasn’t savoring it. I wasn’t TASTING the food! I stopped, and make a concerted effort to fully appreciate the flavors and bounty of the berries. Suddenly I was flooded with gratitude!!! And they tasted SO GOOD!

Mindful eating not only heals your body (eating in a rush is never a good thing!). It also helps with appreciation, and with slowing down and savoring the goodness of life. It is wonderful!

In this video, I discuss the benefits of mindful eating, gratitude, and actually TASTING your food. It’s hard to do when we’re always in a hurry, but if you can, the practice of mindful eating will change your life. ✨🙏🏼✨

Thanks so much for watching! I’d love to hear your experiences with mindful eating, so if you are watching on YouTube, please share in the comments!

I’ve thought about this week’s message for many years now. And it’s this: one of the most incredibly powerful ways you can relate to the people in your life is by…

Looking at them with a Sense of Understanding and Acceptance.

Why? Because it is both therapeutic, and spiritually aligned. While love is, of course, a very strong vibration, sometimes it’s hard to continuously emit a frequency of unconditional love. It’s easier to look at someone and try to understand where they are coming from, why they behave the way they do, and then to accept them just the way they are.

Many of the issues people have with each other spring forth from the fact that they are unwilling to understand and to get why they are they way they are…and then to be OK with it and accept it.

It Works with Family, too!

Understanding and acceptance is especially helpful when it comes to people within our family, and/or at work. People who rub us the wrong way and irk us, making us feel like ARGH!!! can really test our merit. A way around feeling like that is to look into what others have been through, and to deeply try and understand the whole genesis of who they are, inside and out.

As an example, some people are suffering with legitimate chemical imbalances in the brain. They look fine and “normal,” but they are not, because they are dealing with a very challenging health problem. Many people dealing with this face their own feelings of immense guilt and shame. On top of that, others in their life accuse them of being down in the doldrums, or not like everyone else.

I thought of talking about this in this video because a couple of beautiful souls came to me for readings recently who are dealing with this exact ailment. If their loved ones only knew and understood that they have legitimate physiological issues, they might find it easier to simply “be” in life.

Employ Your Intuition with this One.

A very helpful and useful way to use your intuition is to figure out what makes people tick so that you can understand why they are the way they are. You can’t change them; you can only change yourself, and, as they say, knowledge is power.

Being an understanding and accepting person is such a wonderful way to be. It’s definitely peaceful and creates more harmony in your life. It lets you let go!  

And to be on the receiving end of that, to be understood and accepted, is priceless. I love being around friends who completely get me. I can be myself. I am seen. I am understood. I am accepted. 

People who accept you can literally save your life…they make you feel like you are OK, and that you are fine just the way you are. It’s so healing and feels SO GOOD!

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

A client came to see me last week, and asked about her ears; she’s been losing her hearing, and doesn’t know what to do about it. I tuned in to her physical body and noticed that there appeared to be a swelling and buildup in both ears, and one ear had a fluttering sense to it in the eardrum. I asked her if she’d been to a doctor, as obviously I’m not a medical professional (I majored in Art History!) and I always recommend a client sees someone trained in medicine for an official diagnosis. And get this.

She had BEEN to a doctor. An ear, nose and throat specialist. And you know what he said? 
He checked her ears, shrugged his shoulders, and dismissed her. 
What a joke, right? It’s a crying shame. But what’s even more of a shame is that this happens all the time. MOST doctors are like this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to doctors with problems, only to be offered a prescription to mask the symptom rather than an in-depth understanding of the real root of the issue.
If all doctors were trained to use their own intuition and tune in to their patient’s bodies, the world would be a different place. We’d have a whole new understanding of what causes illness in different people, and health would be much less elusive. The CIA trained soldiers  in the art of remote viewing; surely, doctors can be trained to remote view their clients bodies and pick up things that MRIs, X-Rays, and CT scans can’t register. 
It’s not difficult to use your own intuition to find out what’s going on with your body. The first thing you need to do is learn how to be in sync with your physicality. A lot of people think of their bodies as separate from themselves, and then when the body malfunctions, they get fearful and don’t know how to get the answers they need. 
If you’re tired of getting no answers from your doctors, or if you want to learn how to use your own intuition to maintain and promote good health, here are three ways you can tune in:
1. Think of your body as an ally. Appreciate it, and ask it what it needs. 
Before you take a bite of a Big Mac, for instance, ask your body if this food will truly nourish and support it. If you’ve already ordered the Big Mac, of course you’re going to eat it, but in the future, just try and sense what your body – and not your taste buds – craves. Same goes for exercise. As you’re toiling away on the elliptical or the treadmill, ask your body if it likes and is getting the most out of that exercise. You may hear a “Yes!” or you may get a sort of “I’m bored” feeling. If your body seems bored, let your imagination show you what it needs. You might get a vision of yourself skiing, or swimming, or doing something different. Just go with what you get, and then try and implement that new element into your routine. Same goes for herbs, supplements, and medications.
2. If you’re ill, don’t be content to mask your symptoms – dig deeper, and get to the root of the problem, then work on solving that. 
Most doctors encourage people to take their pharmaceuticals and shut up. They solve the problems after all, right? But if you want true healing, you have to find the root of the issue. In order to do that, you must quiet your mind and tune in to your physical body. This classic grounding meditation will help you get into the zone. Next, just visualize your body on a screen in front of you, and ask it to show you the problem area(s) and the solution. You may hear answers, get ideas, or see images of things that will help. The key here is to let your imagination take the reigns. Don’t dismiss anything you pick up as silly or “out there.” That’s how intuition works. Release yourself from your analytical mind and trust what you get.
3. As for higher guidance, and be open to different answers.
Every human body is different. Some people need meat, and some don’t. Some are allergic to things that others are not. In order to find out what is best for your body, ask for higher guidance to support you and give you the answers. Perhaps your body is too sensitive to live in the city, and a life in the country would revive you and give you the energy you need. Maybe you need acupuncture, or a holistic health practitioner. Maybe Western medicine is just the thing for you. You never know until you ask for higher guidance. It’s like putting a request out to the universe, and then just waiting for the answers to come in. Know that you don’t have to struggle, and it doesn’t have to be this great big difficult challenge. 
The more you work with and trust your intuition, the more it grows. There are no wrong answers, either. Just have fun with it, and explore, giving yourself validation, as well as credit, for seeking information and knowledge. 
What do you think about medicine today? Do you think things would be different if all medical doctors were trained in medical intuition?
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