Get Him Off Your Mind

The Intuitive Realm, as I like to call this magical psychic/intuitive reality, is incredibly fascinating. There are endless phenomena to discover! But one of the most significantly interesting things I stumbled upon while working closely with people in readings and energy healings will shock you:

The majority of women, at some point or another in their lives, find themselves totally obsessed over certain men.

These are women from all over the world and from all walks of life. Women of all ages, some who have been married for 20-30 years, some who barely know the guy, some who dated a guy and then found out he wasn’t who they thought he was.

All of these women are having an exceptionally hard time getting these guys off their mind. They come to me and other intuitives for advice, asking us to tune in to the guy and tell them what he’s thinking, because he won’t. They ask us to help them to get closure when the guy disappears, ghosting them and not giving them any information to work with. It’s incredibly difficult and painful to go through.

The good news, though? There are certain clairvoyant energy healing techniques that really help to detach from someone and assist with the healing process. 

The thing is, no matter how much you talk to your friends, your therapist, your hairdresser, your healers, everyone, the energetic residue from some men is hard to get rid of. Some bonds are so strong that energy work is the one thing that can break them and make it better.

That’s why I created Get Him off Your Mind, a program that is chock full of powerful techniques that help you to detach and heal yourself. A blend of energy healing meditations as well as grounded, everyday practices, Get Him off Your Mindwill help you break the treacherous cycle once and for all.

The experience of obsessing over someone who’s not returning your affections, or who you know isn’t good for you, is not easy, nor should it be diminished. Get Him Off Your Mindhelps you to bring your energy back, pull his energy out of your system, and cut the cords that connect the two of you. 

Ultimately, it helps you to become more centered, grounded, and in control of your thoughts, emotions, and energy. This can save you from years of heartache – and from repeating the pattern with new men that come into your life.

if you are dealing with this issue, know you are not alone. There is hope and there is help! For more information on the program, which will be available early 2020, check out

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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