An Easy Energy Technique for Calming Anxiety

This week I’ve got a really easy energetic technique to help manage anxiety, which is rampant in our society these days.

It’s ridiculously simple – but it works! I’ve felt how powerful it is firsthand (details on how this discovery came about is in the video above).

All you have to do is breathe in a deep, rich, blue light. Just imagine you’re breathing that light in, and have it flow out into your aura. This will immediately ground out and calm down anxiety and anxious vibrations. You can do it. You can also have loved ones who share your space (and vibes) do it.

It’s easy and simple and can be done in about 10-30 seconds, and immediately you will feel a shift. It’s awesome!

Try this out and let us know how it works in the comments.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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