
When there’s No Soulmate in Sight

Society paints a portrait of romantic soulmates that isn’t the reality of what most people go through in their love relationships. It’s Confusing!  That can create a lot of confusion if you’re alone, doing all the right things to manifest a soulmate relationship. You may be frustrated not to have the fairytale ending it seems […]

Pet Visitations from the Afterlife

The mysteries of the intuitive world are nothing short of remarkable. In this week’s video, I share a story about what happened recently after our beloved 22 year-old cat Aloysius crossed over. Things like this happen often when you embrace the extraordinary and believe. These are the most incredible parts of the work: experiencing the […]

Intuitive Wisdom

For a long time in our history, the human race has been trained to turn to spiritual and religious intermediaries as a link between ourselves and the divine. These intermediaries, usually men, told us what God had to say and what God thought about us and our actions. Now people are shifting towards creating their […]

Apartment Guide Feature!

Check out the recent ApartmentGuide article we were featured in: It’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside in today’s busy world. But taking care of ourselves is crucial for managing stress, staying balanced, and improving our overall well-being. This collection of expert advice offers practical and easy-to-implement self-care ideas you can do at […]

Mastering Intuition: Accuracy Does Not Matter

When you’re learning to activate your intuition/psychic ability, you will naturally want to be accurate. But at the beginning, this is not important. 00:00 Intro 00:31 I learned how to do this and you can too 1:36 Accuracy unimportant at the beginning of your training 2:48 This takes time and patience 3:26 A common misperception […]

Supercharge your power with this chakra reset meditation.

00:00 Intro 00:34 The new 5-D reality 2:04 The big swings you’ll see (teeter-totter effect) 3:13 Applied energy helps the body change: example 5:05 This chakra sets the tone 6:35  The exercise (turn off notifications – get quiet) 12:12 This meditation will help you do this on your own – do it first 12:44 A […]

Bengston Energy Healing: Interview with Energy Healer Eric Bates

Bengston Energy Healing: Interview with Energy Healer Eric Bates We are hosting a ZOOM Bengston workshop this September 2024! Visit or to register. The Bengston Energy Healing Method® is an innovative healing technique that has been shown to be effective on a wide variety of conditions. Dr. Bill Bengston has been conducting research […]

Aura Clearing Exercise

For more content like this and a details on a live September workshop visit the shop page or home page of this website. 00:00 Intro 4:37 Energy presents as color clairvoyantly 5:55 The Exercise

Intuition Exercise for Decision Making

The simple idea of intuition is interesting, but it’s the application of your intuition that really helps your life on a practical level. In the video above, I guide you through a simple exercise that helps you make a decision using your intuition. This exact type of exercise can help you make important choices, trusting […]

How to Stop Sneaky Self-Sabotage

It’s one thing to be aware of self-sabotage when it happens. But what about sneaky self-sabotage, the kind you have no idea you’re doing? 00:00 Intro 1:31 Self-Sabotage = manifesting, but from a wounded place 2:40 Example of self-sabotage re. your job/livliehood 4:50 Another example: romantic relationships 6:43 Personal example of sneaky self-sabotage 9:58 How […]

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