If you are interested in this topic and you are highly sensitive, you may actually be a healer. Now, healers are not all necessarily shamans or doctors. They are teachers, mothers, janitors, hairdressers, artists and architects. Healers come from all walks of life. And the way they heal is all different, too. People can heal through words of encouragement, by creating art that inspires, by providing beautiful haircuts, etc.
If you are sensitive and boundaries are an issue, here’s one viable reason why it’s hard to keep people in check. Because you have healing abilities and you genuinely want to help others, whether or not you advertise that, people sense it. And they become attracted to you because of what they feel you can give, what medicine you have for them.
If people are taking advantage and not listening to you when you are stating your boundaries, the universe may throw a lot of those cases at you. Consider them opportunities to get better. You’ll get to one level, get comfortable there, and then move up to the next level. Finally, once the work is solidified, you won’t have to think about boundaries, because they will feel so natural to you.
The solar plexus chakra is one of the biggest places where people come in and get your energy. I was known for doing great chakra clearings, but you can strengthen your solar plexus now with my channeled chakra cleansing meditation. It will help clear out all your chakras, including your solar plexus, and then energize it with brilliant light.
How are you doing with protecting your boundaries? Have people taken advantage? What did you do? Please share in the comments on YouTube!
Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.