Have you ever had one of those out-of-this world spiritual experiences where you are like OMG I can’t believe that happened…and it changed your life?
If so, I’d love to hear it – please share in the comments as I share my story with you today! It’s detailed in the video above, but here’s the Cliff’s Notes version:
A while ago, I worked with a client who brought a negative attachment that jumped on to me. It didn’t go away with a short clearing, so I had to take an entire hour after the session to work on clearing it. I went so high up I actually heard celestial music clairaudiently. I kept going higher and higher and saw the Elohim. This is so sacred that it’s actually quite an honor to even SAY that word aloud. I found cherubs (cherubs!) who ultimately released the energy. It was so powerful, and so profound, that I was weeping with gratitude.
And then I came back down and finished making chicken pot pie for dinner.
Such is life!
I know you MUST have had a story like this. So many of us do. Please share it in the comments!
Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.