Spiritual Teacher Scandals: Why!?!

Have you heard stories of spiritual leaders who people worshipped until it came out that these leaders engaged in the most scandalous, terrible actions? It happens all the time, and it is so disappointing! Devastating, really.

Why does this happen time and time again? I think it’s because you can be really spiritually evolved and still have a ton of issues to deal with at the personality level. We all have karma, and we are all here to improve ourselves. Even (especially!?) those who present themselves as having mastered the spiritual path.

The spirit retains knowledge of universal truths. You can be born in this life with a recollection of all that is – babies and young children say the most profound truisms everyday!

But we are born into our lives with karma, emotions, personalities, and sub-personalities. Without paying attention to your character flaws and trying to improve them, there’s a split between the higher self and the personality. If the personality gets hooked on the superficial, that’s when big issues arise. Humility takes a back seat and the ego recklessly runs the show – much to our detriment!

When you work the path combining spiritual growth with activating your psychic abilities and intuition, though, you gain more tools to harness the power of your spirit. With a really adamant approach to asking the spirit to take over, that energy can radiate into the personality and sub-personalities, therefore shifting those lower-nature drives.

This can take an enormous amount of work, and it is not always easy. It’s the work of a lifetime! Things do change, shift, and transform, though. I’ve seen it happen! You get to a next level, go through more tests and experiences, and then level up again. This is the process! It’s fascinating and rewarding…and again, takes a concerted effort.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you been dismayed by the downfall of any prominent spiritual teachers? What do you think the core issue was?

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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