Tips for Living with an Intuitive Person

Living life as an intuitive is different. We sense and feel at a much deeper level than non-sensitive, non-psychic intuitive people. Sharing life with an intuitive is a unique experience with challenges and benefits.

Here are the basic tips I cover in the video above:

1. Respect for both parties.
2. Understand that the intuitive’s triggers are like allergies
3. Create a peaceful, safe home space with positive vibes
4. As the intuitive, avoid the “I told you so” syndrome when your intuitive hits are accurate
5. Encourage the non-intuitive to be more intuitive – this absolutley works!

Are you an intuitive, or sharing your life with one? What other tips do you suggest? Please share in the comments below!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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