This week’s video is about psychic development, and it’s a tricky topic, so bear with me as I try to explain it! 

It’s that some of us use psychic/intuitive insight as a way to control our environment, giving us a very deep and real sense of comfort in this crazy world.

Being really tuned in, knowing how to read oracles and activate our own psychic senses at will, is great. It helps us to be more wise, and to navigate life more easily. What it doesn’t do, however, is give us a “Get out of Jail Free” card. While we can avoid certain situations, we can’t avoid the bigger life lessons altogether. 

Ignorance is Bliss!

No matter how much we can try to navigate, plan and prepare for life using oracles and other forms of divination, some things are bound to happen no matter what. In many cases, NOT knowing we’re going to have to go through an unavoidable difficult situation is easier than finding out in advance. To be honest, some things are better left unknown!

We ALL have lessons we have to learn in this lifetime, and all the mystical wisdom in the multiverse can’t save us from that. At times, psychic intel can help us make decisions that can change certain factors and situations, but if it’s a lesson we have to learn, the essence of the lesson will most assuredly pop up again, just in another form. 

Psychic Work, at it’s Best, is Transformative

That’s where psychic work can be truly transformative, because it can help us understand the intricacies of our lessons so that we can improve ourselves and grow by leaps and bounds. 

Being psychic and intuitive can help us to be omniscient in many ways. However, for true and deep guidance, it helps to intuitively seek answers from sources greater than ourselves. I love channeling for that reason, and I also love reading the iChing oracle. In times when great insight is needed, they both provide such a wellspring of wisdom that it can sometimes be overwhelming. With the iChing, for example, it’s like you’re talking to a wise noble Yoda-type being who is giving you guidance and advice. You just have to be willing to listen and learn.

We are all here to strive towards enlightenment. As long as we are on the path of being understanding, loving, and kind, we’re on the right track. That involves being good to ourselves, too, knowing that we all struggle, no matter how intuitive we are.

I hope this makes sense and helps!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


I don’t often talk about food and consciousness, but it’s a very important topic. And to be honest, many people have varying points of view on the best way to eat and get quite worked up about it, thinking their way is the only way. However, when it comes to raising your vibration and being more psychic, there is an ideal way to go:

Eat healthy and eat clean (for the most part).

It doesn’t matter if you eat meat, if you’re vegetarian, if you’re paleo, or full-on vegan. If you’re eating whole, healthy, unprocessed foods (most days), and you’re focusing on living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of water, being in nature, thinking pure thoughts and meditating, you’ll have no problem raising your vibration, being psychic, feeling grounded and balanced, and everything else this spiritual path entails.

A lot of yogis, monks, and others devoted to a life of spirituality espouse healthy eating in order to obtain enlightenment, and that’s fine and good. They immerse themselves in their spiritual pursuit and wear robes, adapt spiritual names, and live an almost spartan lifestyle in order to maintain a steady and high vibration. This has been done since time immemorial and of course it helps one stay pure and high.

However, let’s be honest here. We are real people living in the real world. If there is dark chocolate to be enjoyed, does restricting oneself from it really make a difference?

Yes, too much sugar is not good for you and can lower your vibration. Too many hamburgers can do the same. Eating only cucumbers and nothing else will throw you off balance, too.

Everything in moderation, with flexibility and adaptability, is the optimum way to go.

One of the things that fascinates me to no end about psychic things is that there is ALWAYS room for surprise. In fact, surprise – both expecting it, and being open to being surprised – is what makes this all so much fun. Things are never what they seem and although you might expect something to turn out in a certain way, it can be completely different – and also good.

That’s why, when it comes to food and your vibration, it’s best to allow yourself to be guided, to let your body do the talking for you and tell you what you need. Perhaps going vegan and/or sugar-free for a while is good for you. Maybe you, like my shaman sound healer friend Dominic, need to eat a little grass-fed beef on a weekly basis.

All of our bodies are unique and different, so no blanket statement on eating meat vs. abstaining is going to be effective for everyone. Go easy on yourself, make sure what you fuel your body with is nourishing, and your vibration will be just fine.

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Hello and Happy November!

I’ve got a new way of looking at things and it all started with the Trader Joe’s Haunted House Gingerbread Kit. We got two and had great messy fun with them, from set up to breakdown (which happened daily as Ivan and his friends picked pieces of candy off before finally chomping down the walls and roof). So my new way of looking at things is this: the holidays start in October with Halloween.

I mean, why not? We’ve got the great rituals – decorating the house, picking out pumpkins, choosing costumes, etc…and then we’ve got heartier foods, holiday scented soaps and candles, and general holiday-centric cheer. I like this new way of looking at things because it puts me in a celebratory mindset, which is good for my spirit.

You can change your way of looking at things at any time in your life. And here’s an idea, if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening: we all have psychic abilities. If we were taught to use them from an early age, just as we are trained to read, write, and do math, we could more easily rely on them in a natural and cohesive manner, incorporating them into our daily lives with ease.

It’s only because humans have labeled psychic phenomena as odd and supernatural (as opposed to SUPER NATURAL) that we get all weirded out about it and think it’s this gift only some people are graced with, or this “weird” thing that spontaneously happens sometimes.

Because using your 6th sense is different from using your 5 senses, it helps to figure out where your strengths are. Are you more clairvoyant or clairaudient? Do you tend to visualize things, or just know them from a thought-based place?

That’s what I chat about in the video above. Just like some people are better at writing than math, some people are more clairvoyant and see things more easily with their third eye, than clairaudient, where they distinctly hear messages from beyond. One thing most people have in common is that we are all pretty much clairsentient, which means we feel and sense energy easily.

Once you know where your greatest strengths are, you can start using them and naturally incorporating them into your life. To get good at being more intuitive and psychic, you have to be diligent about practicing – just like to stay physically fit you need to exercise – but practicing is fun, and you get better and better as you do it. You basically have nothing to lose!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

This week’s video is a very informal look at crystals that help boost your intuition and keep you clear and grounded. It’s not meant to be super instructional or in-depth with definitions of what crystals are purported to do – it’s just a simple walk-through of what works for me and how I use them.

In a very brief nutshell…

  • Clear Quartz crystals help amplify your intuition and open your third eye and crown centers
  • Amethyst really helps boost your intuition and heighten your ability to connect into the higher realms
  • Selenite clears your aura and personal space
  • Obsidian, hematite, and other black stones are very grounding
  • Rose quartz helps open your heart, grounding you into the energy of love and forgiveness
  • And there are oodles of other stones whose names I have forgotten but are very helpful

A viewer asked me to talk about crystals, hence this video. My take is that they can be very useful and some are indeed very powerful – you can feel the energy. However, they are not ESSENTIAL in developing your intuition and healing abilities; rather, they are nice tools to have if you like to buy things and you feel they assist.

A really fun intuition-boosting/psychic power-enhancing exercise is to go to a place where they sell crystals and stones and just hold them and feel the energy, noting the vibration you sense, the way the stone makes you feel, and what it activates in you. When I first held the large grounding hematite I show in the video, I could instantly sense a very deepening, soothing vibration and I loved it. Same with other crystals I have.

So, again, this is just a fun and silly look-see of what I have and is extremely UN-TECHNICAL so please don’t get upset if I don’t give you deeper encyclopedic-level meanings of stones. I just sense their energy, get a general meaning for what they do, and go from there. 🙂

Remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

This past weekend we went to an amazing birthday party for Ivan’s 4 year old friend and there was a big fat lizard who changed colors that they were teaching the kids about. He happened to have a little teeny tiny eye on top of his head so he could see birds above who might want to eat him and it made me think of our third eye.

I’ve always thought Clairvoyance was such a funny, old-timey word! I picture Victorian ladies doing séances in candle-lit parlors with lace doilies. But really it’s just a basic ability everyone can tap into (though those who are naturally more visual and imaginative will find it easier to work with). If you’re not so visual, fret now! Your skill will probably be in clairaudience, instant knowing, or just plain old intuition – more videos on that to come, or look for tips and articles on the blog.

I learned how to be psychic, and so for me Clairvoyance is two things. First, basically it’s a method of tapping into your intuition by using your imagination and visualizing pictures that deliver information. If you can read a book and imagine what’s going on in your mind’s eye, you’re using your clairvoyance. Secondly, Clairvoyance is a school of training, a method by which instructors teach students how to use their clairvoyance and do clairvoyant readings and healings. The school that started all of this was the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I learned through the International School of Clairvoyance, founded by my teacher and friend Debra Lynne Katz.

In this video, I talk about clairvoyance, your third eye, and how clairvoyant schools teach you to do readings and healings. If you like this kind of info, please subscribe as I’ll be prattling on about it with new videos every week!

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