This week’s topic is an important one, especially as we are moving into an era where the fields of psychic work and energy healing are being discussed more openly and freely.

There are approaches that will make psychic and energy work flow more powerfully than you could ever believe. And there are also approaches that will SHUT IT DOWN.

Wonder what those are? Pretty simple:

Fear and embarrassment.

When you’re afraid to get a reading, or afraid to give a reading, that fear creates a huge block and interrupts the flow. As a reader/healer, you might not even get any intel because you’re afraid! As a recipient who fears getting a reading, you’ll likely doubt and mistrust the energy and information coming through and not be able to accept what is coming through. Same goes for embarrassment. If you’re embarrassed, you’re creating a situation that is not positive. And that, of course, blocks the flow.

Feeling open-minded, in a state of love, wonder, and appreciation — all of this will actually make readings and energy work 10 times more effective. We are energy beings, after all, so our attitudes have a very strong impact on our experience in this field of work.

Have you ever noticed that things don’t flow well (whether you are giving readings and energy healings, or receiving them) when the other person is afraid or embarrassed? Share with us in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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