
Spirit Guides

You’ve got to admit, the whole notion of spirit guides is pretty new agey. Which is why I thought it was funny when I found myself telling close friends last week that “My Spirit Guide said (insert guidance here – from ‘don’t get an IPL photofacial because the results won’t be worth it’ to ‘send Ivan to this new school vs. another’).” It still makes me chuckle; I am amused, blown away, and also a tad skeptical (STILL – I’m working on it).

The thing is, I have been intrigued by the concept of spirit guides ever since I heard about them, and have been working diligently to make contact with mine. Now that I have been channelling for over a year, I am confident that my main guide is 100% real, accurate, and, basically, legit – because I sit down and listen to him every single day. The things he has told me are right on, and the level of energy healing and other things I have seen and experienced in this realm of the Ascended Masters is just BEYOND. Before that, I knew I had guides, but channelling has taken it to the next level.

So in the video above, I chat and at some points ramble about spirit guides vs. deceased loved ones and how to connect and why. Once you get in the zone, and it has taken me quite a few years to do so, but once you do, you will be amazed by the level of assistance that’s available to you.

I don’t say this in the video, but I have had experiences where my departed loved ones have come through, and I know it’s them vs. my guides because of the feeling I get. When Nana came a couple of years ago, she gave me a song she used to love. It just was placed in my head and I felt a wave of love and mutual forgiveness that was much needed. My grandma Lauretta helped me in the delivery room when Ivan was born, and angels were there too because they always come when you call them, without a doubt and undeniably so, and I just knew they were there.

You most definitely can differentiate who it is that is helping you and what they are here to assist with. My blue guide, an Ascended Master who I talk to daily now, has a pattern of speech and a vibration that I clearly recognize. Now, with him, I am channelling, so that is different than just tuning in while going about your day. The main difference with that is I set time aside, just like I do with my daily workout, to focus and connect.

When you make the effort to take this path seriously and incorporate it into your life for guidance, spiritual and emotional healing, or whatever else you need, the space will be made and they will most absolutely come through. You can have many guides to assist with many different areas of your life; teacher guides, medical guides, master guides, spiritual guides, creative guides…there is no limit to the type of help you can receive.

Remember, we weren’t sent here to earth to struggle alone and get through life without assistance. There are realms upon realms of wonderful beings and energies available to you. And if you need help making the connection, remember that I’m here with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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