Today’s video and write-up came at the request of a light worker/healer who is having a hard time keeping her energy grounded and clear while working with special needs patients (dementia, extreme non-verbal autism, alzheimers, etc). She has noticed that she tends to match their brainwaves inadvertently, which is, understandably, very uncomfortable.
She is well-versed in psychic protection techniques, but they simply aren’t enough in this case. So she asked if there were any other methods that might help.
I am so glad she asked this, because, for many of us, no matter how many psychic and energy tools we have, and how aware we are of our own energy, keeping the energy of other people away from us and out of our fields can be EXTREMELY challenging. Some of us are such natural empaths that we don’t know how NOT to match other people’s waves. It’s just how we operate. Try stopping someone from being how they naturally are – that would be ridiculous!
Everyone is unique, and, therefore, everyone is affected by things in different ways.
It’s interesting, because I was having a conversation recently with a friend who is a nurse. And she told me that her shifts are 12 hours long, with one 30-minute, and two 15-minute breaks. That’s 12 hours of almost nonstop intensive care-taking for the people who are physically, mentally, and emotionally suffering. She’s also having to work with friends and family, as well as other staff members. I asked her if she ever gets burned out and she said yes, absolutely, but they designed the shifts like this so nurses can have more days off in order to recharge.
As the person who asked this question stated, it’s unhealthy for anyone with low energy and not in great health to work in certain types of environments. But if that’s what you’re trained in, and you’re at a certain age where you’d rather not start over and go into an entirely new field, what are you going to do? If it becomes apparent that you can’t continue doing that sort of work, you would probably still have to work until you can manifest a more ideal situation.
So here are some tips that might help…some of them might be considered a part of a natural psychic protection program, and others are just things that came to mind as I pondered this:
- Listen to binaural beats when you’re not at work – they produce a rhythm that helps your brainwaves match THAT, and then you can slip into that state when you are with patients
- Learn and practice Bengston Image cycling – this method can run in the background in your brain, and if you have that going on in the background it can deflect other energies
- Get as grounded as you can – be in your body and imagine roots growing down out of your feet into the earth. Place some protection in your aura. The person who asked me to cover this has these tools, but not everyone does, so I just added them here as they are “psychic protection 101” survival tools. 🙂
- Try not to be so close to your patients that you can’t take a breather…if you are allowed to, take little breaks and go stand in the sun. I used to do this and run the Middle Pillar meditation, while chanting, which really helps. Of course, if you only get a couple of breaks as my nurse friend does (you can’t even make it outside of the hospital in 15 minutes!), find a quiet corner to self-heal.
- When you get home, immediately take a shower, scrub with sea salt, or take sea salt bath, using cedar wood oil (which keeps your power centers strong and keeps other people’s energy at bay). Lemon juice, lemons, and lemon essential oil is also very good with helping you release and clear energies.
- Meditate to keep your aura strong and bright. It will build up over time and will eventually grow so bright that people won’t interfere with your light and you aura will attract more gentle, soft, angelic energies to help protect you.
- Crystals and stones – in my experience when I used to have to do too many readings at once, the crystals didn’t help at all!!!! They are beautiful and can help with other things, though. You might carry one and wear one to help you remember to call your energy back in.
- You could also imbue a talisman with protective energy. Pray with it and hold it in between your hands and charge it with your energy, calling all of your guides and angels to help you get through this and to be of ultimate service without draining your life force.
If there is a way to reduce the hours, or intersperse them, and plan recuperation days in between, that might help as well.
Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!
With Love,