As you know, I am very sensitive. That trait is great for an intuitive and healer, but not always so good in everyday life, as I can get easily affected by other people’s emotions and energy. Practicing mindfulness is very helpful with this.
In fact, I’ve come to realize that I go into mindfulness mode quite naturally as a way to cope with certain situations, like…
When something really upsetting happens, i.e. I find out someone has cancer, or there has been a shocking accident, or someone dies suddenly, I immediately start cleaning. I will get a cloth and start dusting, cleaning, and organizing while on the phone, or just after getting off the phone, or while being with the person I’m with at home.
Do you every find yourself doing things like this?
The act is, essentially, a practice in mindfulness. Maybe not in the typical Buddhist sense, but it is modern mindfulness: being involved and absorbed in doing something that fully captivates your attention and helps you release energy.
As I have progressed with my practice and channeling work, I have noticed that I tend to become very ungrounded. As an intuitive who likes to play in the higher realms with angels, light beings, and ascended masters, I can get spacey and distracted. I can bi-locate, which in remote viewing terminology means being in two places at once. Essentially, with bilocation, your consciousness is here, but a part of you is somewhere else. So when I go into these higher realms, my consciousness really is there and I enjoy being there. It’s really nice!!! So coming back down to the earth plane and busy crowded LA can be difficult, to say the least.
I recently took up Jiu Jitsu as a grounding technique. I have always been interested in martial arts, but I have a shoulder injury and didn’t think it would be a good idea. But my son Ivan started taking jiu jitsu and it looked like so much fun that I decided to try it. And it was terrifying!
The thing is, if you are not completely grounded and fully in your body, you will get hurt and/or you won’t be able to do the techniques!
Here’s a snapshot of how it goes in class: the instructor will show a technique 3 times on his partner, and then the partner will do it on the instructor 3 times, so you are watching the technique 6 times at least. Everybody watches it. But then when I go to do it with my partner, I tend to blank out and completely forget what I’m supposed to do. For me, remembering the steps and saying them out loud is a practice in mindfulness. It gets me fully engaged in the present moment.
Martial arts is a wonderful training for the mind and body, marrying mindfulness with being in the face of danger. I mean it’s self defense; protection against danger. Circling back to the original idea I started out with, mindful action (even if it’s just cleaning) in the face of danger is extremely therapeutic!
If you are doing this sort of work and/or are interested in the psychic and healing arts, I advise you to make sure you do something every day to connect to your body. I work out every day, weights, cardio, etc, but that alone isn’t quite enough. Nowadays, the martial arts practice is helping.
For many people yoga is very grounding. I have a friend that finds it extremely healing and helpful. Different things work for different people. Once you find the thing that works for you, just make sure you do it consistently.
If you are naturally ungrounded, no worries! If you find your mind wandering (as I often do), or you are feeling spacey and scattered, you can draw yourself back right away. It’s easy!
Let’s say, for example, that you’re driving and you go on auto pilot. Once you notice this, just put your hands on the steering wheel and start paying attention. In other situations, you can also practice being mindful and notice someone without any thoughts or judgments. Just observe, very practically. You’re not being intuitive here, so you don’t have to worry about getting impressions or anything. Just see what is before you and be really grounded in the reality around you!Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!
P.S.I teamed up with an online learning organization called OfCourse, based in the UK, to create a couple of mindfulness courses. The first is an introduction to mindfulness. Click here to get it.
The second is an entire Mindfulness Diploma Course. Click here to check it out!