
How to Connect with a High-Level Spirit Guide

How to Connect with a High-Level Guide

I watched a video recently that got me thinking. In the video, a woman gave a review of a reading she had received. She was adamant that the reader was tuning in to a dark entity for guidance instead of a high-level guide, because of the dubious (and somewhat dangerous) advice she was given.

It made me genuinely wonder…how do you know, without a doubt, that you are connecting to and working with a legitimate guide who is in the light, and not a trickster spirit or a demon?

This is challenging territory to get into, because so many non-believers are all too eager to say that psychic work is the work of the devil and leads one to dabble in the darkness.

Psychic Work can be Dangerous!

And to a degree, it’s true. There are some inherent problems with doing psychic work. You can run into very scary issues! There is a definite potential of working with someone who might present as a “love and light” guide, but in reality is a disembodied spirit or trickster in disguise. However, if you keep your integrity strong and maintain a high level of purity, and are 100 million percent committed to working in the light, you will be protected.

Two Types of Psychic Work: Spiritual and Non-Spiritual 

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. There are two types of psychic work: the spiritual and the non-spiritual. Remote viewing is a non-spiritual type of psychic work. In remote viewing, you are following a strict set of protocols that help you access a deeper level of your mental capabilities. You then use your consciousness to probe targets at different locations. You’re like a human satellite. There are no guides, no talk of past lives or karma or soulmates: just pure remote viewing.

You can also be psychic and be spiritual, traveling to higher realms, visiting with ascended masters, angels, and other light beings. You can learn things of an energetic and spiritual nature, like how the multiverse functions and how to heal, grow, and evolve.

To Connect with a High-Level Guide, do this:

In order to connect with a high-level guide, start every session with a heartfelt prayer to your spiritual deity of choice. I believe that all religions should be respected. They all have a beauty to them. If Christ comforts you, say a prayer to Christ, and intend to get on that wavelength of Christ consciousness. If you’re Buddhist, connect to Buddha. If you’re Muslim, connect to Mohammad. You’ll be safe and protected in their light. There are so many beautiful deities that are able to assist.  If you align with that high-level consciousness and ask that light and love to come into your life, you will be guided and protected.

If you don’t follow those measures, and you’re flying around the astral plane just exploring, you could very well get influenced by an earthbound spirit or dark entity that will advise you to do things that may not be in your best interest. The equivalent to this is playing with a Ouija Board to see who comes through. If you’re curious, great – but beware! I’ve been doing this work for over 10 years now and I can adamantly state that I don’t want to see who comes though!! No thanks!

A Pro Tip

In all of my years doing clairvoyant readings, I discovered something pretty interesting. If you can see clairvoyantly, know that a high level guide will never show you eyes. If you see eyes looking at you, that is not a high level being. It’s a spirit or beastie. High-level beings appear as light and color.

If you are interested in learning more, and connecting to your own spirit guides, I created a Meet and Work with Spirit Guides Mp3 Audio workshop and a guided meditation to help you do just that. These methods are the same ones I used to connect with my guides, and they’re very effective.

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


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