
How to clear your mind…even during the holidays!

With the holidays fast approaching – I know, I know, right!?!? – my mind is as busy as ever. It reminds me of a funny thing I once heard Esther Hicks/Abraham say – “it’s like your thoughts are thinking themselves!”

Do you ever feel like that?

The thing is, we are trained to be so alert and focused on a million different things at one time, that to clear your mind completely and not think about ANYTHING AT ALL is shocking and feels almost sinful!

However, and I can wholeheartedly attest to this, when you are able to clear your mind, amazing things can happen. For one thing, you can become much more intuitive and psychic. Take it from me!

There is so much noise around us – just general background noise, electromagnetic frequencies, the energies of others, as well as our own thoughts, that it can really deplete your energy.

Tuning all of this noise out is not only therapeutic for your body and your mind, it’s also incredibly healing for your spirit and soul. While it’s difficult to just sit there and not think about anything (which is what a lot of people think meditation is about), guided meditations help shut out the noise of the world just the same. Even just 10 minutes a day can help soothe your soul!

Once you get a meditation practice going, you can bring this new awareness into your everyday life by practicing mindfulness, which is about extreme focus. For example, if you’re chopping an onion (which I need to do after this for the lentils I’m making for dinner tonight), just focus on chopping that onion. If you’re driving, just focus, be in the zone, pay attention to the cars around you, feel the steering wheel. If you’re listening to music, focus on the sound, the notes, the harmony, the lyrics, and how the music makes you feel. You can even multi-task by listening to music while you drive, and still be practicing mindfulness. ?

Remote Viewing, a methodology which helps you to gather impressions about a distant or unseen target, is all about focus. Practicing it trains your mind to really notice what you might otherwise have thought was mundane, like something on the wall, or the lines and structure and architecture of where you are. You can spend a great deal of time just studying a chair, for example, and this practice not only keeps you occupied if your phone battery is dead or you are phone-free for a change, but also helps you get more grounded, centered, and intuitive because you are fully engaged in the present moment, to the exclusion of all else.

By doing this, you are experiencing each moment as it unfolds, rather than letting your thoughts circle around your consciousness like a runaway train. You see, thoughts aren’t necessarily real, whereas your physical body is. So try and make your thoughts take the back stage and don’t let them run the show. Christmas cookies and tins to put them in – I’ll put you on the to-do list and forget about that for now!

At some point or another, ideally in your meditation space, you will be able to get to that place of thinking about nothing. It’s not going to happen for long periods of time – but even just 5-10 seconds is progress – and it’s an amazing feeling!!!!!

Doing this will ultimately help you to cultivate a strength and power that extends into your moment-to-moment experience of life. It’s about focus, really. Think about those pro athletes who are successful. They are in the zone, fully and totally in the zone, to the exclusion of all else. And when you are in the zone you are VERY POWERFUL!! It’s actually quite incredible. That’s why I love clairvoyance. Your literally have to focus on the pictures that are coming up, and monitor the energy of the person or situation you are reading, as well as your own. You are fully present in every way. And it’s awesome!

Well, I’m off to chop onions mindfully now. Fun note – when you cook mindfully and/or with love and gratitude, the food you make actually tastes better, and can generate healing properties too!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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