
Energetic Cords of Attachment

Energetic Cords of Attachment [Get Him Off Your Mind]

As you know, all physical matter is comprised of energy. We ourselves are energy condensed into solid matter. So although we see each other as separate beings, in the world of energy, these separations are not so cut and dry.

Bonds and Cords of Attachment

When we are closely connected to another person, a resonant bond often forms, enabling us to be more in synch with one another. Essentially, our vibrations sort of match up, whether we intend them to or not. Oftentimes, cords of attachment also develop between us. These are energy cords or threads that connect us to each other. This can be both positive and negative, depending on our relationship with the other person.

Romantic Cords

What I have discovered over the years is that when we are romantically interested in someone, whether or not they reciprocate, we can form cords of attachment between each other. These cords keep us thinking about the other person too much. Cords of attachment tie us to each other. They also keep the other person in our energy field even when they are not good for us and they don’t need to be there.

Cord Cutting

A common practice in energy work is called cord cutting, in which an energy practitioner will pull out or cut the cords that tie one person to another. When this is done, the person working with the healer will feel a sense of relief. And do you want to know something funny? When I have suggested cord cutting in sessions with clients who are not well-versed in energy techniques, they totally know what I am talking about and are crystal clear about whether or not they’re ready for those cords to be cut.

Something very fascinating also happens quite frequently when cords are cut. Time and time again, when I have been in session with someone and I help them to detach, cut cords and break away from that other person, that other person very often senses what is happening on an energy level. The minute we get off the phone, the other person texts, emails, calls or reaches out in one way or another. They sense it!

Real-Life Examples

One of my favorite examples of this happened with one of my psychic development students a few years ago. She was interested in a semi-famous athlete and confessed that she was too wrapped up in him because she was more interested in him than he was in her. Immediately after we did the cord cutting session, he texted her. We were tickled and amazed!

Another example of how powerful cord-cutting can be came from someone who took my Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days program to help her detach from her non-marriage-minded boyfriend. She worked the course step by step, and followed my cord cutting meditation. Her efforts paid off, and really pulled all of her energy back to herself, where it belongs. She then went on a trip to Italy without him. And get this!! He ended up following her there and proposed!!! Because she pulled back completely both physically and energetically, he had an a-ha moment.

I wish every story was that happy! But this is how powerful this kind of energy work can be. And even if that great happily ever after thing doesn’t happen, you are pulling your own power back to yourself, grounding into your own energy and you are not thinking about that person to your detriment anymore. That is how cord cutting works at its absolute best.

For more info on the Get Him Off Your Mind program, click here.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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