
Can You Ever Completely Heal Childhood Wounds and Trauma?

Can You Ever Completely Heal Childhood Wounds and Trauma?
This week’s video is about an interesting concept that is a little bit sad: can we ever really, truly, and completely heal from childhood wounds and trauma?

Doing intuitive work puts me in the trenches with people, which helps me to understand more about the human condition and what we all struggle and suffer with. And I’m here to tell you…

Emotional Wounds can be Healed – to an Extent

To an extent, you absolutely can heal a great deal of childhood wounds. You can do trauma work, energy healing, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy, and all kinds of other things to heal that wounded inner child. However, no matter how much work you do, those wounds are always going to be there. They set up this foundation for your life. To erase or dramatically heal to the extent where it doesn’t impact you at all would be akin to changing your entire personality.

My Traumatic Childhood

I came into this world as a miracle baby. My mother had cancer when she was pregnant with me. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she refused. After I was born, her cancer went into remission for 10 years, and came back when I was 10. Between the ages of 10 and 15, I watched her slowly die. I accompanied her to chemo treatments, combed her hair as it fell out of her head, and emptied her bag when she could no longer go to the bathroom. While I did have good memories, these childhood memories were extremely traumatic and deeply painful. When my mom died, it was not all roses after that, either. Life was hard, filled to the brim with the standard trials and tribulations that we all go through. 

My childhood created in me this fear that is always there, sort of like static in the background. I meditate and channel every day, and every day the guides tell me to let go of fear, release fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am working on it, and am making progress, but am I going to be this person who never went through this? No!Your Wounds Make You the Wonderful Person You Are

Those of us who were abused as kids, grew up with money issues, witnessed parents struggling and fighting, or whatever the case may be – nobody gets off scot free – have a unique advantage, though. Because sometimes undergoing difficult circumstances as a child makes us more compassionate caring adults. We are different from other people. This is not a bad thing.

Are We Really Here to be Happy?!?

In the spiritual world, there is such an emphasis on being happy. Many teach that the whole point of being here is to be happy. They say that you don’t have to struggle, and all you need to do is embrace love and release fear. However, if you are afraid to love because of past trauma that you experienced, it’s going to be difficult to burst your heart open and start loving and just being happy happy happy all the time.

If you are working to heal past trauma, know that it may take your entire lifetime. You may make certain strides and get to a certain level, then have setbacks. Your trauma is a part of who you are and makes you who you are. It’s great to work with it and heal it, but it will never completely go away. It’s a part of you.

Maybe We are Here to Heal Instead.

The reason you’re here might not be to be happy. Maybe you’re here to heal yourself, to evolve past your traumas and to be gentle with yourself. Then, perhaps, you can take what you have learned and share it with others. By being kind and present, you can hold the space for others in the struggle. 

There is no panacea for childhood trauma. While you can lesson it and work with it, you are not going to automatically erase it. It will always be there. 

Whatever you are going through or have gone through, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself like you are your own beautiful child who you are helping to live in this world. That way, you will be an enlightened person on the path of evolution.

I know that was a very heavy topic, so thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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