If you are super sensitive, you’re going to love the technique I present in this video! This is the second of a 4-part series on how to work with your aura.

Your entire being is comprised of energy, and that energy radiates out around your body. This is your aura. Some people have a really strong aura, and their emotions and vibrations radiate out quite powerfully. Some have a softer energy, and are more easily affected by the energy of others.

If you’re sensitive, and you’re in a place with intense energy (like a theme park or Costco or any super crowded loud and noisy place), or around someone whose energy is impacting you, try CONTRACTING your aura.

The aura is very responsive to the cues we give it. So just imagining you are pulling your aura tight around your body actually prompts it to do so. When you pull your aura in, you’ll feel less affected by strong energy.

The technique is as simple as that, but I explain it more in the video above, so check it out!

If you try this and it works, let us know in the comments on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week’s video is the first in a 4-part series on working with your aura. The aura is an important part of your energetic composition! Having a strong, clear aura can make a huge difference in your life. You’ll feel clear, centered, healthy, and present. A healthy aura indicates a healthy physical body and nice, strong boundaries.

However, if you’re around negative or vampiric people or in places with bad vibes, your aura can become compromised. Energy is fluid, and sometimes your aura can get entangled with the energy you’ve been around. You might feel cranky, drained, and just blah. Too much of this and your physical body starts to feel heavy and dull.

But this can be easily remedied!

The best way to work with your aura when you’ve taken on the energy of other people or places is to ground it out.

It’s pretty easy to do – and I walk you through it in the video above.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

All the Best,


One of the biggest myths that confuses people about energy work and energy healing is its connection to spirituality. Many believe that anything having to do with psychic-ness and energy healing is also innately spiritual.

While one could argue that everything is spiritual, as we are spirits having an earthly experience, one doesn’t necessarily even have to believe in God for energy healing to work.

There are certain aspects of energy work that can be spiritual, absolutely! But just working with energy itself, whether it’s Reiki, Theta healing, Bengston, or any other energy modality, does not have to be spiritual in order for the healing to work.

I love the Bengston method and talk about it a lot in other videos. Bill Bengston, who created the modality, is adamant that belief has nothing to do with healing success. He says his energy technique is not holy, nor is it about “spirit.” It’s simply energy. It’s a resource, like gas, or wind, or solar power.

What confuses many, I think, is that the actual reason energy healing works seems unknown. So when it works, that seems miraculous. Humans have always attributed miracles to Higher Power until science proves otherwise.

And on the flip side, you really CAN connect to Source/Spirit/Higher Power with psychic and energy healing work. I do, and I love it, because it is something my spirit really longs for and loves. I can’t even put into words how incredible that connection is.

I have a library of guided meditations on my website. Some of them are channeled energy healings, where you can really feel the divine presence. Others, like my Psychic Setup Toolkit Meditation, are simply energy – you’re just running energy through your body. Both have their purposes, and both work.

What are your thoughts on this? Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

There is so much about the nature of energy that we are collectively learning right now. There are healing methodologies that can clear and release energy, store energy, and channel energy into living bio systems. And we are just at the tip of the iceberg as far as what the true implications of energy healing are.

You probably already know this, but energy can get locked in the physical body and create disease. For example, if you experienced heavy trauma that wasn’t processed, the tissue in your body can hold on to that energy. And if that energy doesn’t move or flow out, it can create blockages or inflammation.

Some negative energy can get locked into your body and create aches and pains and, in some cases, serious illness.

The good news is, there is so much we can do with energy as medicine to heal the body!

Recently I’ve been practicing tapping. I do both EFT and SFT to release trauma, and it is really helping. I can feel the emotions becoming less intense! It really does clear the trauma from the body. There are tons of amazing tapping videos on YouTube right now. I like Brad Yates and Jen Ward, among others.

Another energy healing method I love is Bengston Energy Healing. Bengston is a highly effective method of treating the body; it works on cancer, clears all sorts of other diseases in the body, and even clears trauma from the past when we we send it back in time.

For more info on Bengston, visit http://www.bengstonresearch.com.

An idea came to me not too long ago, and I wanted to share it with you.

In a nutshell, it’s this: if you do energy work, whatever type of energy you practice, at some point, you will want to flow that energy to the people you love so that their conditions improve.

When you do that, it helps to hold a state of mind of pure love and altruism. Not expecting thanks, not expecting acknowledgement. Just sending the energy so that they get better. Once you establish that state of mind, you are more free to just let the energy flow.

This notion came up because I’ve been deeply involved in Bengston energy this year. It’s a great energy, easy to do, and super fun. The best thing is, it works wonders on the physical body. There are groups of us who work together to heal one another, and our loved ones.

You always have to get permission from someone to work on them, so the person knows you’re doing it. It’s amazing how many people need healing, and how quickly a list of people who need help can grow. I started out with one loved one in mind, and suddenly I had a pack of 20-30 people I’m doing remote healing on. The energy gets stronger if you do a bunch of people at once. I as thinking about it, and realized I may not know if some of the people I’m working on improve. And that’s OK. It’s not about my knowing or hearing; it’s about something much bigger than me.

The expectation of receiving some sort of acknowledgement is a strong one. It’s only natural! But if it comes from a void or a need for the ego to be stroked, it’s not positive and can in fact be detrimental to the work.

Keeping the ego in check is critical in most endeavors in life. And being in a state of pure love for the people you’re flowing energy to, thinking only of their improved health, is key. Otherwise, you can start to feel resentful, which is not pleasant at all.

It’s wonderful to hear when someone is better, and to feel that gratitude and extreme joy. In our healing groups, we cheer for one another and are so happy when we hear good news. It’s a collective effort, all of us as one group field helping to create change. That vibe is amazing, because whenever someone tells a story of a miraculous recovery, an incredible cure, a life expectancy extended, we thank the group and float in this incredible happy space.

Not having expectations makes all of us a lot happier, more free, able to continue to do the work.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Are you doing energy healing on people? What is your experience like regarding acknowledgement, etc? Please put them in the comments below if you are watching this on YouTube. Let’s support one another and share our stories!

That’s all for now. Thanks so much for reading and watching.

Today I’m sharing a fun little exercise you can do with energy. I’ve made other videos in the past about using your hands to practice psychometry, and this is along those lines.

We all have little chakras in the palms of our hands that generate energy. To really feel that energy, all you have to do is rub your hands together really quickly for 30 seconds to a minute.

Next, pull the palms of your hands apart, and then very slowwwwly bring them closer together. You should feel a cushion of energy that makes it hard to just clap your hands together. Kids love this part!

To make an energy ball, pat that cushion together and shape it into an imaginary ball. You can infuse it with a color, an intention, or anything positive that you would like to fill it with.

Then bring it into your own body — your solar plexus or heart centers would be a nice place to put it. Or you can press the energy into another person, plant, or pet.

This is a really fun and easy way to sense energy, and it works. Play around with it and see how you feel!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I’m a part of a healing group that meets every week to practice Bengston image cycling. I love the group and the energy field that we create! One of the members was talking about this experiment nurses have been doing for a while now, getting consistent results. It’s called…

The Rice Experiment

To do the experiment, the nurses would take 3 jars and fill them with cooked rice. They would then talk to the jars of rice every day for two weeks.

The first jar would be told wonderful and loving things daily. They’d say things like “I love you! You are wonderful. You are beautiful rice.”

The second jar would be told terrible and mean things daily. They’d say “You’re terrible rice. You are really bad! I don’t like you.”

And the third jar they didn’t do anything with. They just ignored it.

At the end of the two weeks, the first jar of rice looked as good as it did on day one. The second jar of rice was moldy and rotting. And the third jar looked very similar to the second jar.

If you’re curious, try the experiment and see what happens! Thought and intentions, which create energy, are so powerful. It definitely can shift and change how water molecules are formed. And, of course, it has a very powerful effect on human beings, animals, and plants. Beings who are the recipients of loving energy thrive!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about psychic development. It was prompted by a question that came from Chris:

I was wondering if you could speak a bit about the difference between the left and right sides of the body and any spiritual or energetic implications. It seems to me that energy comes in from the left side, and leaves from the right side, but that’s just my speculating. I sometimes feel/hear things in my left or right ear that feels supernatural. Do you have any insight on this? I love that question! It’s such a good one, and I absolutely do have insight on this. I feel energy differently from the left and right sides of my body. For a while, I felt like I was too centered over to the right side of my body, and the left side felt weaker. I am working to heal that imbalance.

Spirit Guides = Right Side

My guides and higher level beings I talk to in my channeling work, my main guide, saints, angels, high-level beings, deities, and others from the higher realms come through and talk to me on the right side of my head/ear. I will often feel a tickle on my ear when I’m channeling, too. All of the info from that team comes through the right side.

Spirits = Left Side

What I don’t love is what comes through the left side: pushy spirits! I don’t like mediumship for that reason. They come through whenever they want, whether you are prepared to do mediumship work or not!  These beings have a more dense vibration and they’re on the astral plane. When I am in a session with someone, my earpiece is in my left ear, and so I then view that person’s energy on the left side of my screen, too. My guides and I sit over on the right. That’s just how I set it all up based on my guides coming through the right.

Energy Flowing through the Body

As far as energy coming in through the left side and leaving through the right, as Chris observed, I don’t feel that as much. It could be because when I was taught to do readings, I was trained to have a grounding cord plugged in to my root chakra going down into the earth. I then release energy that way. Or, I erase it, blow it up, or fill it with light. That’s how it leaves my body/reading screen in a session.

And that about sums it up!

This week’s video is about an interesting concept that is a little bit sad: can we ever really, truly, and completely heal from childhood wounds and trauma?

Doing intuitive work puts me in the trenches with people, which helps me to understand more about the human condition and what we all struggle and suffer with. And I’m here to tell you…

Emotional Wounds can be Healed – to an Extent

To an extent, you absolutely can heal a great deal of childhood wounds. You can do trauma work, energy healing, traditional therapy, hypnotherapy, and all kinds of other things to heal that wounded inner child. However, no matter how much work you do, those wounds are always going to be there. They set up this foundation for your life. To erase or dramatically heal to the extent where it doesn’t impact you at all would be akin to changing your entire personality.

My Traumatic Childhood

I came into this world as a miracle baby. My mother had cancer when she was pregnant with me. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she refused. After I was born, her cancer went into remission for 10 years, and came back when I was 10. Between the ages of 10 and 15, I watched her slowly die. I accompanied her to chemo treatments, combed her hair as it fell out of her head, and emptied her bag when she could no longer go to the bathroom. While I did have good memories, these childhood memories were extremely traumatic and deeply painful. When my mom died, it was not all roses after that, either. Life was hard, filled to the brim with the standard trials and tribulations that we all go through. 

My childhood created in me this fear that is always there, sort of like static in the background. I meditate and channel every day, and every day the guides tell me to let go of fear, release fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am working on it, and am making progress, but am I going to be this person who never went through this? No!Your Wounds Make You the Wonderful Person You Are

Those of us who were abused as kids, grew up with money issues, witnessed parents struggling and fighting, or whatever the case may be – nobody gets off scot free – have a unique advantage, though. Because sometimes undergoing difficult circumstances as a child makes us more compassionate caring adults. We are different from other people. This is not a bad thing.

Are We Really Here to be Happy?!?

In the spiritual world, there is such an emphasis on being happy. Many teach that the whole point of being here is to be happy. They say that you don’t have to struggle, and all you need to do is embrace love and release fear. However, if you are afraid to love because of past trauma that you experienced, it’s going to be difficult to burst your heart open and start loving and just being happy happy happy all the time.

If you are working to heal past trauma, know that it may take your entire lifetime. You may make certain strides and get to a certain level, then have setbacks. Your trauma is a part of who you are and makes you who you are. It’s great to work with it and heal it, but it will never completely go away. It’s a part of you.

Maybe We are Here to Heal Instead.

The reason you’re here might not be to be happy. Maybe you’re here to heal yourself, to evolve past your traumas and to be gentle with yourself. Then, perhaps, you can take what you have learned and share it with others. By being kind and present, you can hold the space for others in the struggle. 

There is no panacea for childhood trauma. While you can lesson it and work with it, you are not going to automatically erase it. It will always be there. 

Whatever you are going through or have gone through, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself and treat yourself like you are your own beautiful child who you are helping to live in this world. That way, you will be an enlightened person on the path of evolution.

I know that was a very heavy topic, so thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

A fascinating topic that often comes up when people talk about the power of the mind is that of telekinesis, which means moving objects with your mind. While it really does sound like a power limited to superheroes, telekinesis CAN be learned: you just have to be patient and build up to it.

Some people are naturals when it comes to TK (not to be confused with Transitional Kindergarten). For others, it takes practice. It’s best to start out with lightweight objects before attempting bigger and heavier things, because, sensibly speaking, they weigh more and it takes more energy to move them!

If you’re interested in learning how to activate your own telekinetic abilities, here are a couple of things you can start out with:

  1. Use a Pendulum

A pendulum is, generally speaking, a crystal or stone that hangs from a chain. Using a pendulum can give you great yes/no answers. It will either swing back and forth, or kind of swing around in a circular direction. My pendulum swings clockwise for yes and counter clockwise for no.

Hold the pendulum and say “show me yes/no” or just say “move for me” and keep your hand still, or hang it from something and look at it as you mentally ask it to move. Even if your hand is completely still, it will move. That is TK – you are moving an object with your mind. When you are using a pendulum to get answers or guidance, you’re using your subconscious/higher self, but when you are just telling it to move, as in this exercise, you’re demonstrating TK.

  1. Practice with a Candle Flame

Light a candle in a room with no breeze or air flow. Just stare at the flame and become one with it, and feel like you are simpatico with that flame. Admire it, appreciate it, think about how much you like it. And then ask it to grow taller. And the flame will get taller! Then ask it if it can shrink low, and it will. Next, ask it to dance…and it will!

Give yourself half an hour to an hour to get going with this. Many of us can get easily bored and give up before we have a chance to make it work. Again, if you’re patient, you will see results!

Now, sometimes TK happens spontaneously. A classic example is when our energy is strong and we experience a negative emotion while working on the computer. I’ve fried a couple of computers this way and I now know to put my laptop down if I get emotional. Many students and fellow energy workers have had the same thing happen to them. It also manifests in the form of cars acting up and “wigging out” when you’re emotional too.

I haven’t focused on telekinesis much in my practice because I didn’t see how it could immediately and practically help clients heal and grow. For me, learning to be psychic so I could get answers for people, and running energy to help them heal, made more sense.

I’ve been to psychic/consciousness conferences with friends in this realm, and at some of these, they all get together to bend spoons as a fun practice. They will literally grab some spoons from catering, meet in one of the conference rooms, and then bend them, but I never went in to join them because I was like, what am I going do with a bent spoon? Whoop dee-doo! I would be more inclined to learn TK in order to mend a wound. Let’s say somebody’s hurt and you know how to move objects with your mind and you bring the skin back together, or you knock a weapon out of a bad guy’s hand. Now that would be epic and very superhero-like, don’t you think?

If you would like to just see if you’re able to move a candle flame, or a pendulum, by all means try it! If anything, it will help reinforce how powerful you really are. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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