I recorded the entire video above without realizing I’d forgotten to plug the mic in, so I apologize for the sound! Making videos when you are technically challenged can be a comedy of errors at times. It’s about all I can do to fix my hair and makeup, put on a decent top, accessorize, and get my message/point across coherently!

In this week’s video, I address a really great question from a viewer, who asked, “How do I beam energy at people and make them feel comfortable in my aura?”

I love this question, because it reminds us that it IS possible to use our energy in different ways, and also because it brings up a vitally important concept regarding knowing how to use our energy, that not everyone is aware of.

Morally and ethically speaking, you don’t want to beam at anyone unless you really know them, and have permission to play with energy with them. You see, if someone is unaware and you beam at them and even send them light and good energy, they might get uncomfortable and their aura might feel like it’s being attacked – I wouldn’t do it unless they know.

Here’s an example: even with spiritual awakening, when you’re meditating and trying to reach up high and open your crown chakra, and you feel that hard pressure on your crown, and you WANT to feel something, that can feel uncomfortable. So imagine if you are just minding your own business, not thinking about anything but whatever it is you’re doing, and someone beams light at you…it might surprise you, shock you, and/or make you feel really off.

The only exception to this rule that I can think of is if you’re meditating and working with your energy and you send unconditional love and light to your loved ones. I just did this earlier today with my 7 year-old son, who is at school, and just for a moment I sent him an energetic “hug” of unconditional love. I felt like that was very safe and OK to do.

Just steer clear from doing that with others you don’t know well or who don’t know about energy work, and only do it with friends/family who are excited about it and game to do it. You will absolutely find people who want to play and love this stuff!

As for making people more comfortable in your aura and in general, just fill your energy field with unconditional love. We all want that. It’s a wonderful feeling, and if you can cultivate that in yourself, that’s wonderful. Just fill your aura up with a love of your own being and essence, and accept yourself for who you are. Then, look at things in in your world with love and find anything you can love. Your aura will start to palpably change and people will feel that. Look at everyone you encounter through eyes of love. It’s not that common (but it will be, once we all start to do it!), and they will notice and it will make them feel good. Genuinely admire something about them. This is a very fun practice because, simply put, it will make you feel good.

In addition to this, make sure you are very grounded. Envision a grounding cord plugged into your root chakra that travels down to the core of the earth, or put your energy in your womb space. If you are a woman, it will probably make more sense, although if you are a man and you want to try this, by all means do it! Otherwise, you can just ground into your root chakra. Grounding into your womb space, from my experience, creates a light that shoots out around all you and your aura. That light then moves up into your heart chakra which opens up and starts to radiate a very powerful vibration.

The idea around this is about generating the energy of unconditional love, comfortability, and acceptance. We live in a world that is so keen to judge everyone and everything. People are more used to being unhappy than happy. When you are in a place where you feel good and you genuinely adore something about them, they will love that.

That whole practice in and of itself can be and is a spiritual experience, in and of itself. So try it out!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


Happy Holidays!

Everything is in full swing now and I can’t believe Christmas is literally right around the corner. We were in San Francisco over Thanksgiving and I loved the beautiful holiday decor…giant life-size gingerbread houses, gorgeous trees, and bright sparkling lights everywhere. Just the decorations alone make my heart sing; and the music, goodies, and presents add even more to the delight and joy of the season.

It makes me think of sparkling-ness, which makes me think of the Sparkling Brilliance meditation I talk about in the video above, in response to a viewer’s question about how to get guys to look up from their smart phones and notice her!

So here’s the story with this meditation (also noted in the video above): if you are feeling dull, unattractive, and as though no-one notices you or gives you the time of day, this will help! By breathing in this sparkling, diamond-like light, you will transform your aura and radiate such beauty that others will definitely see it.

Energy is subtle, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. And it can be so easily shifted and transformed! I used to teach this meditation in workshops I gave – in fact, it’s a cornerstone piece of my “Magnetize Your Soul Mate” program – and people who did it got astounding results. I mean it. In fact, I’ve been trying it out for myself lately and I have to report that the effect is two-fold: first, you do start to turn heads. And secondly, that light is so radiant and sparkling that it actually starts to make you feel happier and more joyful.

You can play with it, too; add pink, or warm golden sunlight energy, or whatever suits your fancy. You are constantly breathing. Why not add light to that breath and see how things change for the better?

Do it before parties or dates, or just on a daily basis as a part of your general routine. And then pay attention and notice the positive reaction you receive from others. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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