I recently made a video about fear as a block to understanding the psychic arts. I created this video/write up as a follow-up to that, because it is such an important topic that I felt it needed a bit more explanation!

What does Being Psychic Mean?

There are some major misconceptions out there about what it means to be psychic:

  • A lot of people think you have to be born with it
  • A lot of people think you can’t do it and it’s a bunch of baloney
  • Many people are flat out afraid of it

In my estimation, being psychic means you follow your inner guidance and intuition to get high-level intel that will help you make sound decisions and follow your highest path. It also means you can connect with angels and light beings who can provide incredibly wonderful assistance to you and others on the earth plane.

Why Are People Afraid of Psychic Stuff?

Now let’s address why people are afraid of the psychic stuff. In a nutshell, they don’t want to find out anything bad or scary. They are afraid that if you dabble in the psychic arts, or you pull cards and do a reading, or you are intuitive, you will stumble upon something that will happen to them (tied to a feeling of powerlessness) that will be bad and scary. So they just want to avoid it altogether.

Now that does make sense if you look at how “paranormal” phenomena is covered in the media and movies and whatnot. Even the word sounds really scary, like bad things are going to happen and evil spirits and ghosts are going to get you. There are so many movies and tv shows about the dark side! It seems that part of human nature is this fascination with the darkness.

The darkness does exis and it is scary. But if you walk in the light, connect with angels, and hold a firm unshaken intent to reach the highest source of goodness and light and healing, that scariness can be avoided.

Will a Reading Reveal Terrible, Awful, Really Bad News?

From my experience, readers are not in the business of delivering bad news. Although I have heard from clients who’ve received damning and condemning information. One girl said her astrologer friend said she would struggle with money her entire life. Bam! Talk about a doom sentence! I can see how damaging that would be.

If her friend had said “It looks like in your lifetime you will have struggles with money as you have already experienced, but you can find ways to shift that and heal that pattern” that would have acknowledged a challenge and provided a solution, turning it into an empowering message. Most of us in a reading don’t want to tell you bad things. Sometimes they do come up, though. 

That reminds me of a story that happened a while ago. A dear friend of mine and I were doing card readings for each other, and the Tower card in the tarot kept coming up for her over and over. This card represents a sudden and dramatic change that is unavoidable and can’t be predicted. You literally can’t say what that change is – that’s the good old Tower card! In a matter of weeks, her apartment building caught on fire. The building was damaged, but she was fine, her pets were fine, and her property was ok. She had to move out, and  it shifted everything. While it was definitely scary while it was happening, she ended up moving in with her boyfriend, and they got married! And she is in a gorgeous place now. So yes, a not-so-great thing came up, but the final outcome was wonderful. 

Let’s Banish Fear! 

Again, I’m talking about this whole subject to give a nod to the fear out there that blocks people from embracing the psychic world and the beauty, joy, and happiness that it can lead you to. Good things and bad things happen in life. A reading shows you options and helps you move in the direction that brings the most optimal results.

Back to the TV and movie thing, I wish there were more positive shows about all of this! Most of them are about using energy for manipulation and bloodshed and evil. There isn’t enough happy, positive media out there! If there were more shows with an emphasis on the fact that this is wonderful, light, and good, and that good things happen, it might start to help change public opinion.

Most terrible things can be transmuted. I mean, just look at the fairy tales!  These stories are comprised of archetypal energies we all tap into. In Sleeping Beauty, the fairies were giving gifts to the baby princess, and the angry fairy Maleficent cursed her. The good fairies transmuted the curse and softened it. The bad thing did happen, but it all turned out OK in the end.

Life is full of positive and not-so-positive experiences. It can be epic, mythological, and beautiful. Embracing our own psychic abilities and trusting that the intuitive realm is one of possibilities and hope really changes everything!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Happy Thursday! This week’s chat is all about a core facet of the psychic arts that I think turns a lot of people off and creates a collective block to the whole thing. It’s the fact that psychic accuracy is never a sure thing. ESPECIALLY when it comes to predictions.

Yes, intuitive intel can be very insightful and intriguing and helpful and healing, but when you do a test of it, it’s rare that you’ll get 100% accuracy all the time.


This is mostly related to the prediction side of things. Just being psychic about something, getting intuitive information about why someone is feeling a certain way or how a pattern began and how that looks and feels etc. is another matter. That is neither accurate nor inaccurate. It’s about discovering truth, however that truth appears. Once you are in the flow, you go beyond right and wrong, which are human constructs, and into a realm of limitless possibilities, with no restrictions.

It’s human nature, though, to need things to be “right” or “wrong.” When it comes to predictions and solid, left-brain cognitive practical questions, we want accurate results.

However, predicting things is very tricky, because the entire act of predicting something takes into account another person’s free will. For example, you can say this person is your soulmate, I see him, he’s coming, and it will be in May in XYZ year. And then that guy meets somebody else and goes on that bandwagon, and it doesn’t happen because of his free will. Or the readee will meet another person first and go down that path instead.

A way around this is to look at and ask for potentials, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book.

When people ask me to predict potential outcomes, I tend to give percentages, because nothing is set in stone.

I have been searching for a way to predict timing with close to 100% accuracy, and had found a way to do it with my cards and a clairvoyant technique as well, but then time got slippery and it seemed it wasn’t quite working. Other readers reported the same thing.


Even with astrology, which I am not fond of for this reason, there are blind spots when it comes to timing and major life events. An astrologer can see where something traumatic is going to occur in someone’s life. But unless you are really tuned in and are prophetic almost it can be difficult to say with 100% accuracy what exactly is going to happen to someone, and when. For instance, you might be thinking, “Oh! This ending means it’s the end of that awful job because the astrologer saw a major ending and that must be it!” And you are all happy, then the time comes and your next door neighbor moves away. And it’s that ending instead.

Because there are so many factors at play, it’s very difficult to say, OK this is going to happen, and it’s going to happen at that juncture. You yourself, with your free will, can do something completely and totally different that would change the course completely. It is simply not a hard proven science.

It is exciting when you get a hit that does come about. But I can’t say what it is that makes that happen. Things can change on a dime at any given moment.


The beauty of intuitive intel and what makes it so powerful is that it can help you guide yourself and navigate through the changes of life on a day to day basis, following what is for your highest good. I love the I Ching, the book of changes, because of this. It is based on the fact that life is a series of changes. By following the I Ching, you will develop a stronger character and become a Jun Zi, more in alignment with your highest self.

How do we know when something is fate or destiny, or can be changed and altered? That is a real trip, when you think about it. Does fate exist? Yes. How would we have these astrological charts, which are essentially 3-D grids of light, vibrant energy fields? How is a chart created as a map of one’s life without speaking to destiny and fate? Certain things are going to happen. Accurately predicting them, though, is tricky. Perhaps we’re meant to discover it as we go along, and use our intuition to help us find the way.


Looking at it through another lens, however, it is said that the more energy comes together, or, rather, the larger the impact of a global event is, the easier it is for people to predict it and see it. There are teams of people trained in Remote Viewing who look for these things. This natural disaster or that, precognition and retrocognition, they are all over it! 

And yet, it’s never 100% all of the time.

In closing, if you are getting readings, be very nonchalant about predictions when it comes to timing or what is going to happen. Instead ask questions along the lines of…what can I do now to be happy now, or what is the best path to get to where I want to go??  Otherwise you will be like my friend, who was thrilled when a reader said he was going to be married by end of next year. Next year came and went and it didn’t happen. Maybe it will happen in 5 years. You don’t want to have false hope, you want grounded, real hope. Which is what you get when you ask for guidance that helps you to follow your highest path in the present moment. 

Well, that was a long one! Thank you so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about a fascinating mediumship-related story that happened just a few weeks ago. You can watch the video above for the full details of it all; I’ll just sum it up here by saying that yes, without a doubt, consciousness lives on after death, and sadly, some spirits do NOT go into the light. They’re either in shock or they weren’t ready to let go, and they end up hanging around instead of heading up into the light.

I know I always say this, but it’s true: I don’t like mediumship AT ALL. No thanks! Nein Danke! The energy can be so sad and angry and heavy, and for an extra sensitive empath like me, those vibrations are just too much. But luckily, the people in this story – my wonderful former student Louise, who is a very highly gifted natural medium, and the person she read for, Jeannette, who is a fearless healer – don’t mind a bit, and the work they did together actually helped an earthbound spirit release up into the light, which was a blessing not only for that spirit, but for the people he left behind here on the earth plane.

There is so much to learn about the meaning of life, life after death, and life before life. To be honest with you, I wish people were as fascinated with where their fresh new babies had just come from as they were with where people went when they died!!! Baby energies are usually much lighter as their spirits are more excited to be here. But I digress.

In any event, I don’t have all the answers, but it is most certainly fascinating to glean bits of information about what happens when we’re not “here” anymore.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

You might be surprised to hear me say this, considering I do intuitive sessions for people for a living, but there IS such a thing as getting too many readings! Now, this is different from consistently working with someone to get through a difficult period in one’s life, or to heal something you are working on. What I’m talking about is that there are people who spend thousands of dollars on psychic hotlines and go to intuitives way more often than necessary, asking surface questions about people and situations, but not going deeper. When you are working on something with an intuitive/energy practitioner, like when you’re working on an issue as you would with a therapist, that’s different, and is fine, and healthy.

But if one is just going to psychics and asking the same question over and over or the same question in a different way, not working through the core issue but repeatedly asking nonconstructive questions, the situation can become really unhelpful and perhaps even more confusing than it needs to be. Essentially, it’s not good to go to someone or to a bunch of people for readings too often unless your focus is more along the lines of “how can I shift, heal, transform, and move the energy to live my highest truth and to evolve and grow.”

Repeatedly going to psychics/intuitives for surface readings can become addictive, sort of like gambling. In addition to that, you might start receiving confusing information or muddled up intel that doesn’t help you at all.

The easiest way I can explain this is through the iChing, which is an oracular book that I use for myself when I have questions and don’t want to sit down and be clairvoyant. The iChing is called the book of changes, and it helps you navigate your way through the constant changes in life. When you sit down to consult the iChing, you are asking the spirits and guides of the oracle to help you through a situation, to provide guidance and insight.

And here’s the funny thing! The iChing is so helpful and soothing when you desperately need help, but when you are asking repetitive questions of a non-helpful nature, it literally sasses you and is like no no no, that’s not the way! Listen, why don’t you ask it in a better way? There are passages in the iChing that literally tell you “Ask once, okay. Ask twice, fine. Ask a third time? Trap! The way closes!” or that tell you that you are muddying the waters by asking too much. And I’ve worked with the iChing so often now that these answers are really tuned in to where I am with what I’m asking – it’s seriously profound and incredible how it works.

If you ask a question that helps to you heal and transform, the iChing will encourage you to keep following that line of questioning, by saying that the spirits will help you through it and it’s important that you understand the situation.

So, to recap what I’m trying to illustrate here, the iChing oracle (which is older than the bible, by the way!) will:

a) Scold you for asking petty questions
b) Encourage you to ask deeper, more transformative and probing questions

So if, for example, someone keeps calling psychics to ask what a guy is thinking about them, and the guy is really not the best person for them in any way, nor is he interested in a relationship, a more healing and productive way to approach the situation would be to look at how to break the cycle of being attracted to the wrong men, how to repair the self-esteem, and how to then attract in an ideal partner. Does that make sense?

When you are in a reading, and/or you find that you are getting too many readings asking the same types of surface questions, you also want to be careful not to give your power away. We ALL have the power to be intuitive and psychic! And it’s so empowering to be able to be your own oracle. Of course, we also all need guidance and/or confirmation from a trusted advisor now and again, especially when we are really close to a situation and it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. In cases like that, it can be wonderfully healing to work with an intuitive and energy healer you know you can trust. And it’s fine to go often if you need to! Just don’t get readings every single day. Let the answers sink in so that you can continue to heal and move forward on your path.

I hope that helps and makes sense! Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I’m just every-so-lightly touching on the subject of dark energy because a request came through for me to address the topic. I don’t like to talk about dark energy. It’s sort of like Voldemort in Harry Potter – it’s so evil I don’t ever want to talk about it or think about it! It does exist, you see. And when you dabble in the psychic or healing arts, even when you have no intention of encountering something like that, chances are, you will. 🙁

So my advice is, before doing any kind of readings or energy healings, call on all angels, light beings, guides of light, masters of light, and bring in as much light as possible. Billions of kilowatts of bright, bright light!!!

There is such a thing as black magic and evil and scary stuff. For example, I visited New Orleans for the first time as a young adult, and I loved the vibe there; it was cool and witchy, fun and interesting. I wandered into a shop that sold voodoo dolls and voodoo doll kits that had actual instructions that essentially said “Listen, if this doesn’t work, call us and we will help you out.” YIKES! Talk about dark energy, right?

Heed my words: any time you see sense or feel anything about negative energy, run for the hills and get away as fast as you can, because it will attempt to take you down if it can!

Just be careful with what you are dabbling with and working in. There is a reason, for example, that people say you shouldn’t monkey with ouija boards, because who knows what kind of hellish thing you will bring in. Mediumship is not my cup of tea for that reason. Not only did I get spooked by Poltergeist, the Exorcist, and The Omen 1, 2, and 3 as a young whippersnapper, but as an adult working in the psychic arts, I know there is a dark side, just like in Star Wars.

Before you do any sort of ceremony or ritual, call in protection! And don’t do anything dark or negative, like attempting to control someone else’s free will or wishing ill on someone. Trash can stuff like that is very bad and invites more darkness in.

Pray with intention to sync up with the highest forces of light and protection. Cast a circle of light around you, and call in the angels to surround and protect the space you’re working in. Any time you do readings and energy healings on people, you are exposed to the energies around and within them. Be cautious and careful, work with the light, have high intentions and you will be ok.

if you feel like you have encountered darkness, look for people who can help you get rid of it. There are a lot of powerful light workers who can release darkness. They are like the ambulance/emergency care workers of the spiritual realm. Research them to find the right fit for yourself. A good person will not charge $100k to remove a curse. There’s no need for that. The very best people are down to earth and have integrity. There are so many legitimate, good people out there, so just set the intention to find the right one, and you will.

Dark energy: it’s real – avoid it – that’s that! May The Force be with you!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


If you’re working on your psychic and intuitive development and want to make a go of it as a professional, I have some sage words of advice:

If you are sensitive, AVOID doing readings at psychic fairs and parties!

It makes sense and goes along with the business model of doing demo (paid or unpaid) readings for lots and lots people in a party/fair setting. After all, the more people who know who you are, the better, right?

Maybe…and then again, maybe not.

You see, from my experience, these types of events can be detrimental to your psyche, your chakras and aura, and your body. Now, some people are naturally good at seeing tons of people, one right after the other, and go through them like a powerhouse. I wish I was like that, but I’m not! Rather, I’m the one who did too many of these, fried my circuits a few times, got vehemently ill one time, fought off attachments, and am here to tell you, dear soul, that there has to be a better way.

Doing psychic work is not for the faint of heart and frankly can be very taxing on the HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). Couple that with doing readings for anywhere between 10 and 20 people, one right after the other, some of them drinking, some of them angry, and you’re setting yourself up for a major drain.

Although many people will tell you to simply activate a shield, I’ve seen from experience that creating a shield takes as much work as it does to channel energy and do a reading for someone. It take focus and dedication. You don’t just throw up a shield and call it a day.

Likewise, there are tools like crystals, stones, sage, palo santo, cedar wood, other essential oils, copper mats, iron rings, singing bowls, tuning forks, glasses of water and more that are purported to help you deflect the energy of others. They are fun to work with, but for the HSP, they simply can’t help when you’re in a situation where you are doing too many readings. You may be fine, up to a certain point – then someone comes in who is an energy vampire or a host to a gnarly attachment, or perhaps furious with you because you accidentally saw something a little too “real” for a party session…and you’re toast.

If you really want to bust your chops and get the experience, by all means do this – but reserve the next day for self-care. Don’t talk to anyone, drink a lot of water and tea, take baths, meditate and read books or watch Netflix.

Time out and meditation, running your own energy and calling in the forces of light are imperative if you want to stay strong, healthy, and unaffected by people you’re reading. There’s little opportunity for this in psychic fair/party environments. Yet, again, I know it’s an important step and way of getting your name out there. If you do want to do it, just pace yourself, try to do no more than 8 readings, and take breaks to recharge.

The psychic world can be dangerous; it’s like a walk in a park that has a nice playground, beautiful trees, a field and a lovely lake or river, and then an area way over there you should stay away from because there are drug dealers and hoodlums. Don’t play in that zone!

Stay in the light, and cultivate light. It takes daily work, and a level of intensity that I now know is imperative to your survival.

I hope this sheds some light on the matter. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

There are many ways to tune in and get insight from your higher self and your guides. But one of the best, most tried and true methods of downloading distinct and clear messages is through the art of automatic writing.

Here, in a nutshell, is how to do it!

  • Set your intention: who do you wish to communicate with?
  • Relax your mind by meditating or being quiet
  • Get a pen and paper and let yourself start writing
  • Be aware, and loose, and let the words come
  • Don’t censor yourself!

Automatic writing flows through your hand chakras, which are connected to the flow of your heart chakra. As you write, imagine light pouring into your crown chakra, down into your heart and through your arms and hands onto the paper.

What you want to do is to get to is a place where you completely let go and let the information come out of you. This takes time, but if you stick with it, you will see results!

You might find messages and insights that are very profound, healing, and therapeutic. That might not sound like you; it will likely sounds like someone wiser than you – your higher self or your guides!

Do it on a regular basis and you will establish a connection and the easier the messages will flow. Create the space, intend, allow it to happen.

We all have access to God – a direct link to the divine. We can all be channels, and we can all get the guidance and assistance we need.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

It’s Back-to-School week (already!) so this week’s note will be short and sweet!

Over the years of giving and receiving readings, I’ve noticed a really awesome way in which certain psychic information comes in. It happens a lot, but if you don’t pay attention, you can miss it.

It’s through short, succinct, to-the-point messages.

Just one little phrase, or even a couple of words, can be so loaded with significance that it can be more impactful to a person than an entire 60 minute reading. For example, a few years ago, I had an unfortunate negative energy issue. I got tons of readings and healings to clear it and it finally did go away. But during that time period, two wonderful people who didn’t know each other at all both said “rainbows and unicorns” in separate sessions when offering advice for clearing it.

Isn’t that nuts and also awesome? For me, rainbows and unicorns symbolize my childhood hopes and dreams, and, well, they make me very happy in a magical way. In the spiritual realms too, you’ll find that there actually is something to unicorns…they are indeed a healing energy…and rainbows represent the spectrum of visible light, which is incredibly powerful and healing to the aura, chakras, and etheric (as well as the physical) body. But they are also both just pretty awesome in their own right. Talk about symbolism!

Little messages like these coming up happens all the time in sessions, so if you just pay attention to odd or unusual phrases and words, you can unpack them and find them to be deeply significant and special.

To take it a step further, I recently attended the annual International Remote Viewing Association conference. One of the speakers was a woman who presented research findings from a project she did with some remote viewers. And she said one of the ways she interpreted the data that the remote viewers recorded was by playing what the viewers said BACKWARDS. So literally, she played the recordings backwards and heard other words and phrases that gave more insight into their findings.

I have to suppress a laugh about this because….scary movies…and then I also thought of Missy Elliot’s song “Work It” (“listen up close while I take it backwards” LOL!) But after all of my juvenile processing, I realized how utterly fascinating (and still a little bit creepy) it is that the human subconscious will deliver pertinent information through the subcontext of backwards speech. Still ever so slightly weird to me though!!!! Right?!?!

Anyway, this short little video and message was just me wanting to share a cool way things come through. Your guides will work with you the same way, too – with short succinct messages that hit home.

There is so much we don’t know about all of this, but I feel like talking about it and acknowledging it helps us all understand things a little bit better, as well as remain open to new things that come though.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

As we collectively grow and evolve, more and more of us are tuning in to our natural and innate psychic and intuitive abilities. Having a deeper perception of the seen and unseen world around us helps us navigate our way through the uncharted waters of our lives; to heal, transform, and evolve in different ways and on different levels.

It takes practice to be clear and intuitive – to separate out our powerful desires and thought processes from what is truly psychic information. That’s why clairvoyance is such a great entry point for learning to activate your intuition. When you’re using your clairvoyance, you are solely relying on images and pictures that provide information to inform you. And pure clairvoyance comes in the form of colors and imagery that oftentimes do not make logical sense.

If you are learning to be more psychic, it’s very important to be able to differentiate between pure and clear clairvoyant imagery and general advice-giving. In the video above, I chit chat a bit about this. The most effective case in point that I can illustrate is a student I once had who desperately wanted to be psychic in order to help people. He kept getting in his own way, though. He would start out seeing great clairvoyant imagery, but because he wasn’t willing to let go and let it flow, he would stop himself, start asking the readee questions, and then just start doling out regular old advice.

Anyone can give advice.

It takes courage to be purely clairvoyant and to allow that intuitive information, as out-there and wacky as it may seem, to provide otherworldly guidance. It’s not logical because it exists beyond the bounds of logic – which is what makes it so special.

Basically, being truly psychic is about NOT using your analytical mind. It’s about NOT being logical, as hard as that can be. The breakdown is very simple:

Analytical Mind/Advice-Giving Information:

Focuses on problem-solving
Appears as a thought or belief: “I think you should…” etc

Clairvoyant/Intuitive Information:

Appears in the form of colors and images
Doesn’t seem to make logical sense, but if you let the images flow, it creates a set of pictures that informs

We are trained to think clearly, to be logical, rational, sensible and practical. And that’s fine. It keeps us safe, for the most part. But adding clairvoyance into the mix can really inform in a very wonderful and magical way. Using a combination of the two in your everyday life can help. If you want to be purely psychic, however, the best way to let that information flow is to pause the analytical mind and let the intuitive process flow without constriction. It takes practice, but it can be done!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

The subject of kids and intuition has always been one of my favorites. Kids are naturally intuitive, and even though what they’re saying and how they’re reacting to people and situations may seem completely arbitrary or contrary to how you would like them to be, there is often so much TRUTH to what they are picking up, on a purely energetic, intuitive scale.

In the video above, I meant to give advice to activate your own intuition, but prattled on a bit much with stories about how kids are so naturally intuitive. They are fresh from the spirit world, after all, so their third eye isn’t occluded as much.

If you have kids, it’s important to nurture their intuition by asking how they feel, and not placing judgment on their reactions to people and places. Note: if you have kids and are dating, I have seen and heard time and time again that kids are ridiculously intuitive when it comes to how they feel about someone you’re seeing. So, by all means, LISTEN TO THEM!!! Even if you don’t like what they’re saying…there is something to it.

And as for activating or re-activating your own intuition, here are some rudimentary tips for getting it going:

  • Remember to be playful and treat your intuition as a fun activity/game
  • Think of your life based on the things you LOVE, and let your intuition guide you to more of who and what you love
  • Let your body guide you, instead of your head
  • Check in with how you FEEL about things – do you have a good vibe, bad vibe, or neutral vibe?
  • Think of simple things to play with your intuition on – where to go to dinner, what classes to take, etc
  • Practice automatic writing and journaling
  • Play, play, play! and let your imagination flow
  • Be creative for the sake of being creative to open up your intuitive channels

Intuition can unfold in all sorts of ways. As someone who learned how to be psychic later in life, I still find myself explaining to people that “this may sound strange, but…”.  However, it’s when I let go and let that strangeness flow that the most incredible things happen. Just today, a client asked if he had been on another planet in a past life. I immediately saw a very tall, grasshopper-like creature who stood on two legs, had huge eyes, and communicated telepathically with a very high level of intelligence; a gentle, loving soul. Yep! That sounded weird AF, but I told him…and he said it made complete sense and in fact resonated with what he had been seeing in meditations he’d been doing.

So once you let go, let your imagination guide you, and have fun, your intuition will absolutely kick in for you. You had it when you were a kid, and you still have it now.

I hope that helps!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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