Intuitive Kids…and Re-Activating Your Own Intuition!

The subject of kids and intuition has always been one of my favorites. Kids are naturally intuitive, and even though what they’re saying and how they’re reacting to people and situations may seem completely arbitrary or contrary to how you would like them to be, there is often so much TRUTH to what they are picking up, on a purely energetic, intuitive scale.

In the video above, I meant to give advice to activate your own intuition, but prattled on a bit much with stories about how kids are so naturally intuitive. They are fresh from the spirit world, after all, so their third eye isn’t occluded as much.

If you have kids, it’s important to nurture their intuition by asking how they feel, and not placing judgment on their reactions to people and places. Note: if you have kids and are dating, I have seen and heard time and time again that kids are ridiculously intuitive when it comes to how they feel about someone you’re seeing. So, by all means, LISTEN TO THEM!!! Even if you don’t like what they’re saying…there is something to it.

And as for activating or re-activating your own intuition, here are some rudimentary tips for getting it going:

  • Remember to be playful and treat your intuition as a fun activity/game
  • Think of your life based on the things you LOVE, and let your intuition guide you to more of who and what you love
  • Let your body guide you, instead of your head
  • Check in with how you FEEL about things – do you have a good vibe, bad vibe, or neutral vibe?
  • Think of simple things to play with your intuition on – where to go to dinner, what classes to take, etc
  • Practice automatic writing and journaling
  • Play, play, play! and let your imagination flow
  • Be creative for the sake of being creative to open up your intuitive channels

Intuition can unfold in all sorts of ways. As someone who learned how to be psychic later in life, I still find myself explaining to people that “this may sound strange, but…”.  However, it’s when I let go and let that strangeness flow that the most incredible things happen. Just today, a client asked if he had been on another planet in a past life. I immediately saw a very tall, grasshopper-like creature who stood on two legs, had huge eyes, and communicated telepathically with a very high level of intelligence; a gentle, loving soul. Yep! That sounded weird AF, but I told him…and he said it made complete sense and in fact resonated with what he had been seeing in meditations he’d been doing.

So once you let go, let your imagination guide you, and have fun, your intuition will absolutely kick in for you. You had it when you were a kid, and you still have it now.

I hope that helps!

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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