I was at an incredible energy healing workshop this January, led by Bill Bengston, who is a researcher, educator, and author in the field of energy healing. His method of healing, which has been tested in hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments, cures cancer in mice.

It was a great weekend and I am so excited to be practicing and playing with “Bengston” energy (as a side note, for some reason doing it makes me really hungry, only I don’t gain weight! Priceless benefit right there, my friends).

But more to the point of this email, my intuitive friend and I were talking to a fellow workshop participant, and we mentioned that we teach people how to be psychic. Now this woman was clearly into energy work, and she has been practicing Reiki for years, but she said she had NO IDEA people could learn to be psychic – she thought you were either born that way, or not.

That surprised me, because as an energy healer, I kind of assumed she would know we can all be psychic. However, making assumptions is really a terrible thing to do, so I decided to make a video instead.

Just as there are some people who are born with a gift for singing, or a gift for mathematics, or a gift for writing…there are those who are born extra-sensitive and psychic. However, just because you’re not gifted at math doesn’t mean you can’t learn to do math. I for one nearly failed Algebra, but I pride myself on balancing my accounts every month.

You could also think of it this way: if you happen to be born with athletic prowess, or a talent for music, you will still get better at it if you practice regularly and commit yourself to excellence. You know what I mean?

So, just because you may not have come into this world as one of those Super Psychic Children, that doesn’t mean you can’t become very intuitive and psychic by practicing some basic techniques.

In the video above, a talk a little bit about X Men (I LOVE superhero movies, especially X Men!). Early on, when I actually learned how to be psychic, I felt like a mutant myself, prey to the evil glare of humans who didn’t like my mutation. However, as time has gone on, I’ve noticed that more and more people are opening up to and accepting that we are all intuitive. It’s not about proving that someone else is psychic anymore: it’s about proving to yourself how psychic YOU can be. And you can. It’s completely natural; it’s in your DNA.

So with that, I send you the best wishes for a very Happy New Year (it’s the Year of the Dog!).

And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Namaste America!

In case you didn’t already know, Namaste America is a very popular televised program that my forefathers, who are East Indian, and many others in the East Indian community tune into on Saturday mornings. It is a cultural phenomenon amongst immigrants and their descendants alike, to the point where, when someone says Namaste to me, I almost ALWAYS think “Namaste America.”

Namaste is a Sanskrit word translating to a beautiful way of greeting someone while honoring their spirit. Namaste, in essence, means that your being/spirit literally BOWS to the spirit, or spark of the divine, in another being.

And that brings me to the whole topic of the video above, and the secret ingredient that makes clairvoyant readings so powerful.

It is simply all about witnessing the spirit of another person – greeting that spirit, communicating with that spirit, bypassing the personality and the ego and just being at one with another being on a deep spirit-soul level.

Clairvoyance is really a method of meditation, that, when applied in communicative form towards healing another person, can help them to shift and transform. The reason why a clairvoyant reading (which follows a certain set of procedures to be done properly) is more powerful than other forms of divination is that it requires the reader to tune in to the spirit of the person being read. Not the personality: the SPIRIT.

Think about it: how often, in our everyday lives, do we take the time to stop, to look into someone’s eyes, and to listen to their spirit? How often do we see others for who they really are at their very core? Not often enough, if you ask me.

So whether you do energy healings or readings yourself, or would just like to bring more light and spirit-centered communication into your life and the lives of others, why not set the intention to greet and honor their spirit, and to ask the spirit to step forward and be more present in your interactions?

The spirit brings with it an energy, a connection, to the oneness of all that is. When it is honored and witnessed, a sacred space opens up. All you need to do is to allow for that to happen, and it will.

Namaste America! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Hello and Happy November!

I’ve got a new way of looking at things and it all started with the Trader Joe’s Haunted House Gingerbread Kit. We got two and had great messy fun with them, from set up to breakdown (which happened daily as Ivan and his friends picked pieces of candy off before finally chomping down the walls and roof). So my new way of looking at things is this: the holidays start in October with Halloween.

I mean, why not? We’ve got the great rituals – decorating the house, picking out pumpkins, choosing costumes, etc…and then we’ve got heartier foods, holiday scented soaps and candles, and general holiday-centric cheer. I like this new way of looking at things because it puts me in a celebratory mindset, which is good for my spirit.

You can change your way of looking at things at any time in your life. And here’s an idea, if you are experiencing a spiritual awakening: we all have psychic abilities. If we were taught to use them from an early age, just as we are trained to read, write, and do math, we could more easily rely on them in a natural and cohesive manner, incorporating them into our daily lives with ease.

It’s only because humans have labeled psychic phenomena as odd and supernatural (as opposed to SUPER NATURAL) that we get all weirded out about it and think it’s this gift only some people are graced with, or this “weird” thing that spontaneously happens sometimes.

Because using your 6th sense is different from using your 5 senses, it helps to figure out where your strengths are. Are you more clairvoyant or clairaudient? Do you tend to visualize things, or just know them from a thought-based place?

That’s what I chat about in the video above. Just like some people are better at writing than math, some people are more clairvoyant and see things more easily with their third eye, than clairaudient, where they distinctly hear messages from beyond. One thing most people have in common is that we are all pretty much clairsentient, which means we feel and sense energy easily.

Once you know where your greatest strengths are, you can start using them and naturally incorporating them into your life. To get good at being more intuitive and psychic, you have to be diligent about practicing – just like to stay physically fit you need to exercise – but practicing is fun, and you get better and better as you do it. You basically have nothing to lose!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything if your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

As you probably already know (because I say it CONSTANTLY!), I learned how to be psychic and intuitive.

And because of this, I know for a fact that we can all do it. I’ve worked with groups and with individual people to help them tune in and amplify their innate abilities, and never have I met anyone who is flat out completely and totally unable to tap in to either clairvoyance, clairaudience, or empathy.

However, we all have weaknesses. A common one for a lot of people is the fear of being wrong. The thing is, once you start putting your intuition to practice, you’ll find that it’s not about right or wrong – it’s about INSIGHT. And intuitive insight is always helpful. It’s all about the vibes!

ANYWHO, what is very interesting about the psychic development world is that your ability to tune in is oftentimes directly related to your excitement and/or interest in the subject matter. It makes sense, doesn’t it? If you are fascinated by something, or driven by the desire to know more or learn more, you will be more inclined to pursue it.

I talk about it in the video above, but a recent example of this happened with my Clairvoyant student Courtney, who definitely has clear sight. I was teaching her how to do Remote Viewing, and had her look into my closet, which was great fun for the both of us. Note: She was at home in Kentucky, while I was at home in Los Angeles. We were doing the training over the phone. And Courtney was so incredibly accurate I had to laugh! It was as though she was really here with me, or we were FaceTiming, because that was how amazing it was. But she, like me, loves clothes and shoes, so it was a win-win. When it comes to subjects that are trickier, or not as easy/fun, we can block ourselves because of the fear of being wrong, or just the boredom/distraction factor (a story about how that happened to me in a Remote Viewing class is in the video above too).

If you are interested in boosting your own psychic and intuitive abilities, first trust that you have them, and then embrace the idea that it can be EASY. Don’t throw yourself under the bus by making yourself do right/wrong games, but try and just get a sense or feeling of things. Tune in to people or situations for yourself and for others. Make a game of it, and make that game fun. The more you work those intuitive muscles, the more they will grow. I guarantee it!!

And remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Do you want to become more psychic and intuitive? If so, my one-on-one intuitive development program is unlike any other. I guarantee you’ll be able to unlock your psychic and healing abilities and incorporate them into your daily life, whether you want to be a pro healer, or just tune in for a deeper level of guidance at any time. For more info, click here.

In today’s video, I talk about some basic things that block your psychic abilities. It’s a longer video and I ramble a tad about this whole world, so if you don’t have time to watch, here’s the jist of it:

1. Past Life persecution
2. Family thinking you are in league with the devil if you do this
3. Fear of looking stupid
4. Fear of saying the wrong thing or being WRONG
5. The belief that you can’t be this powerful or know this much (this is a big one I actually didn’t cover in the video, I forgot!! But it is HUGE!!!!)

We all have psychic and intuitive abilities; we are a spark of the divine! So if you’re longing to tune in or know more, there is no reason why you can’t. Come on in! The water’s warm!

This past weekend we went to an amazing birthday party for Ivan’s 4 year old friend and there was a big fat lizard who changed colors that they were teaching the kids about. He happened to have a little teeny tiny eye on top of his head so he could see birds above who might want to eat him and it made me think of our third eye.

I’ve always thought Clairvoyance was such a funny, old-timey word! I picture Victorian ladies doing séances in candle-lit parlors with lace doilies. But really it’s just a basic ability everyone can tap into (though those who are naturally more visual and imaginative will find it easier to work with). If you’re not so visual, fret now! Your skill will probably be in clairaudience, instant knowing, or just plain old intuition – more videos on that to come, or look for tips and articles on the blog.

I learned how to be psychic, and so for me Clairvoyance is two things. First, basically it’s a method of tapping into your intuition by using your imagination and visualizing pictures that deliver information. If you can read a book and imagine what’s going on in your mind’s eye, you’re using your clairvoyance. Secondly, Clairvoyance is a school of training, a method by which instructors teach students how to use their clairvoyance and do clairvoyant readings and healings. The school that started all of this was the Berkeley Psychic Institute. I learned through the International School of Clairvoyance, founded by my teacher and friend Debra Lynne Katz.

In this video, I talk about clairvoyance, your third eye, and how clairvoyant schools teach you to do readings and healings. If you like this kind of info, please subscribe as I’ll be prattling on about it with new videos every week!

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