The Consequences of Speaking your Truth

In spiritual and personal growth circles, you will hear a lot about the importance of speaking up for yourself, and for speaking your truth. However, the stark reality is that speaking your truth often brings about consequences – and not all of them are easy.

Are you ready to deal with what may come?

Change is an inevitable part of life, and speaking up for yourself will likely result in change. Some of us find this challenging – so with that…

Here are 3 steps to getting more comfortable with speaking up for yourself:

1. Does this situation bother you? If so, are you willing to do something to change it? This is the key factor. If you are more content NOT communicating, and this feels good to you, then why change it? Wait until you are ready. But if you are UNCOMFORTABLE or you feel off, this is your intuition telling you that you need to make a stand.

2. Practice! Speak up in little ways in your life. Say how you really feel when people ask how you are. Practice saying no when you feel safe to do so. Be honest re. your preferences, decisions, etc. Do this with people you feel comfortable with, then gradually start to branch out.

3. Before speaking up re. the bigger things, be aware of what the potential fallout could be. The more you are aware of the landscape, the more equipped you will be in dealing with what comes next.

Have you ever had to speak up for yourself in an unfair or uncomfortable situation? What happened as a result? Please leave a comment!

If you watch the video above, I reference a Chakra Clearing meditation I made that will help with this: Click here to get it. 

I also recommend the new version of the Psychic Protection for Empaths course – check it out!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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