Guided Meditation: Chakra Cleansing and Healing


This guided meditation is a part of a series of channeled meditations by the Ascended Masters.

This guided meditation provides a complete chakra cleansing and healing experience. When all of your chakras are clear and spinning perfectly, you are aligned and revitalized in every area of your life. In this meditation, you are guided through each of your chakras, or power centers, from the root to the crown. Each center is cleared and then revitalized with healing energy. The goal? To bring you back to center, feeling balanced, whole, and happy in your own vibration.

Channeled Energy Healing Work: How it all Began

I first discovered the Ascended Masters during a trip to Mount Shasta in Northern California, near the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is known as an incredible power center on the planet. Many have spoken of Lemurians who live under the mountain. There is a great deal of extra-terrestrial activity here as well. The Ascended Masters have been linked to Mt. Shasta, but I did not expect to encounter them on this visit. I did, however, hope to see some Lemurians!

I experienced an interesting throat-opening sensation in my 5th chakra along with a strong headache while hiking on the mountain one day. Information started coming through! I listened and made a mental note. When I went back again, the same thing happened. This time I wrote it down.  Back at home, the same throat-opening sensation happened when I began to meditate, along with pressure on the right side of my head. This is how the channeling started.

From Early Transmissions to Guided Meditation

I started transcribing the messages that came though. The first series of transmissions came in 2016 from a group called “The Brotherhood of the White Light.” But soon after, a very kind, wise, and ancient primary spirit guide came through. I knew he had been with me, for I had identified him with a dark blue light years ago when I was working to connect with guides. He asked me to start channeling daily to strengthen the connection. I did.

From there, this guide led me into higher and higher realms, or dimensions, of light. He began to introduce other beings – angels, saints, and spiritual avatars – who told me who they were and then gave me their names. I would then google their names and be blown away by how accurate the information they told me about themselves was. It’s hard to put into words just how profound it is to hear from these highly evolved beings. Their love, light, and energy is so special. Many times, it drove me to overwhelming tears of gratitude. The advice and energy they provide is above and beyond that of any mortal. For more information on the channeling process, check out this video post I made.

My main guide and the beings he brought in began to help me with energy work, as well as helping with issues in my personal life. I came to trust their insight and energy healings so much so that I invited them in to sessions with clients. The results were incredible.

The guides suggested recording these energy healings to share with you. We hope you enjoy them!

Length: Approximately 22 minutes


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