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Grounding Meditation to Activate Your Intuition



Activate Your Intuition

This is a core grounding meditation that will activate your intuition. I have used it before every psychic reading for over 15 years. It’s not just for deep intuitive work, though. If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening, or need to move energy in your body for any reason, this meditation will be of profound assistance.

Your Energy Field

This meditation has a very powerful affect on your energy field. It prompts you to ground your entire energy system, including your chakras and your aura. It then replenishes your life force with the energy of your true eternal spirit. Next, it prompts your to run earth energy through the lower centers of your body. Finally, you fill the higher centers with universal life force energy flowing down from your crown chakra.

People who use this grounding meditation to activate their intuition on a daily basis experience a dramatic shift in consciousness. Some have reported chakras automatically balancing and a feeling of deep peace. The grounding effect is quite powerful.

Grounding Meditation to Activate Your Intuition & The Spiritual Awakening Process

Those undergoing a spiritual awakening process will be benefitted by this meditation. It calms down the energy field, grounds the body, and creates space for new spiritual awareness to filter down into our 3-dimensional reality.

After you listen to this meditation for a while, you will be able to follow the steps on your own without the assistance of my voice in this recorded format. You can then spend as much time as you’d like on grounding yourself out, or on replenishing your own life force energy. The beauty of this is that you can practice the full meditation anytime, anywhere. Or, you can simply apply one of the components of the guided meditation when you need it.

Try it out and see how it works for you!

If you enjoy this free grounding meditation, take it one step further with the Psychic Reading Setup Meditation. It directs you right into psychic work and is another core tenet of the psychic development process!

Length: Approx. 15 mins


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Meditating near the ocean is grounding and activates your intuition
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