Meeting THE ONE

When you begin to activate your innate psychic awareness and intuition, and really let it play an active role in your life, you start to become aware of the fact that things are much more limitless than we’re often aware of.

One of the most extraordinary ways in which this occurs is in readings where a person wants to know how they will eventually meet “THE ONE.”

First and foremost, releasing the notion that there is only ONE, and knowing that there are so many great people on the planet right now, so many kindred spirits and potential matches, can free up a lot of energy and help you manifest more joyfully.

Secondly, and the main reason I made this video, is that so many people, in asking about meeting their life partners, want to know how they will meet. And sometimes that wanting to know is so based on fear that the fear of not meeting the person creates an energy of it’s own. I’ve had people worry that if they’re not at the right place at the right time, they will completely miss out on the opportunity to have this one true ideal love forever.

I am not knocking that fear. We all have fears and they all manifest in different ways. Learning to soothe your fears and release them, though, is one of the key factors in spiritual growth and evolution.

And the good news is, when it comes to meeting The One, or One of The Ones who would be an awesome life partner too, there is no limit to the ways you can meet that person. I’ve seen it time and time again. If you don’t meet at the airport, you’ll meet at a party. If you don’t meet at a party, you’ll bump into them at the grocery store. If it’s not the grocery store, it will be through a work-related interaction. If it’s not through work, it will be through social media. The ways in which it can happen are endless.

On the heels of the questions about how people will meet is the question of timing. And as much as we want to control things and make them happen when we want them to happen, sometimes divine timing knows better. The universe has a plan, and if we can relax and trust that it will happen when it’s meant to happen, we can enjoy the waiting period.

It’s like waiting for anything; the more you focus on how unhappy you are standing in line or waiting at an endlessly long red light, the longer it takes. But the minute you pick up a magazine, put on some lipstick, or call a friend, the time speeds up and the next thing you know, the wait is over.

Trusting your intuition, knowing that everything will be OK, and calming your fears down will all help lead you to your greatest joys. Letting go of being afraid or worried isn’t always easy, but it increases flexibility and serendipity almost exponentially. And that’s where the real magic happens.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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