Oh, is this ever a fun topic to talk about! I can’t tell you how many times over the years that I’ve been asked the following questions:

What do I need to do to meet my soulmate?
How can I prepare myself energetically to meet someone?
What is blocking me from meeting a romantic partner?
What practical everyday things can I do to meet this person?

And there are a few big things I’ve noticed that tend to block a majority of people in the love department:

Scarcity mentality – there aren’t enough good men/women out there
Fear of meeting a horrible person
The desire to stay in a safe, happy comfort zone

This video and chat is all about the comfort zone.

Many times when people ask what they need to do to meet someone, I’ll get a laundry list of suggestions of hobbies they can take up, places they can go, and things they can do in real life in order to naturally bump into that much-desired significant other.

However, when these suggestions come up, I’m often surprised to hear the readee say “But I don’t like sporting events!” or “I don’t want to learn how to golf.” or “Martial arts? Are you kidding me?” It’s funny and I totally get it – it’s much easier and more relaxing to come home from work and curl up in your cozy pajamas with a glass of wine and watch Netflix than it is to do something totally out of character with the objective of meeting some stranger who will hopefully one day become Mr. or Mrs. Right.

So I’m just gently bringing this up, because it’s a core concept in manifesting, too! Sometimes we THINK we want certain things, because we are supposed to want them, but we’re much more at ease in our comfort zones than we are dramatically changing things up. And that’s OK! It’s just that, if you really do want something, it helps to take actionable steps towards getting there than just doing the same old thing and expecting different results.

Yes, people meet by happenstance. I have a family friend who met her husband in a traffic jam in San Francisco! People do bump into each other in elevators and at the grocery store.

But if you wish to really make it happen sooner, nothing shifts energy more than mixing things up and doing things differently. It doesn’t have to be scary or uncomfortable, either…if you shift your mindset and think of it as an exciting adventure, it might actually be fun. I know many people might be rolling their eyes right now going, great, now I have to do this activity and that activity and meet this stranger and that stranger and they STILL might not be the right person…but yet, it’s about energy, and ramping it up will probably increase the odds more so than just hoping it’ll happen while you’re at home binge-watching The OA.

That’s my two cents on the matter!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

When you begin to activate your innate psychic awareness and intuition, and really let it play an active role in your life, you start to become aware of the fact that things are much more limitless than we’re often aware of.

One of the most extraordinary ways in which this occurs is in readings where a person wants to know how they will eventually meet “THE ONE.”

First and foremost, releasing the notion that there is only ONE, and knowing that there are so many great people on the planet right now, so many kindred spirits and potential matches, can free up a lot of energy and help you manifest more joyfully.

Secondly, and the main reason I made this video, is that so many people, in asking about meeting their life partners, want to know how they will meet. And sometimes that wanting to know is so based on fear that the fear of not meeting the person creates an energy of it’s own. I’ve had people worry that if they’re not at the right place at the right time, they will completely miss out on the opportunity to have this one true ideal love forever.

I am not knocking that fear. We all have fears and they all manifest in different ways. Learning to soothe your fears and release them, though, is one of the key factors in spiritual growth and evolution.

And the good news is, when it comes to meeting The One, or One of The Ones who would be an awesome life partner too, there is no limit to the ways you can meet that person. I’ve seen it time and time again. If you don’t meet at the airport, you’ll meet at a party. If you don’t meet at a party, you’ll bump into them at the grocery store. If it’s not the grocery store, it will be through a work-related interaction. If it’s not through work, it will be through social media. The ways in which it can happen are endless.

On the heels of the questions about how people will meet is the question of timing. And as much as we want to control things and make them happen when we want them to happen, sometimes divine timing knows better. The universe has a plan, and if we can relax and trust that it will happen when it’s meant to happen, we can enjoy the waiting period.

It’s like waiting for anything; the more you focus on how unhappy you are standing in line or waiting at an endlessly long red light, the longer it takes. But the minute you pick up a magazine, put on some lipstick, or call a friend, the time speeds up and the next thing you know, the wait is over.

Trusting your intuition, knowing that everything will be OK, and calming your fears down will all help lead you to your greatest joys. Letting go of being afraid or worried isn’t always easy, but it increases flexibility and serendipity almost exponentially. And that’s where the real magic happens.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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