3 Signs You Need More Self-Love

Self-love is something we all need to work on at some point or another in our loves. Few of us actually master self-love and embody it fully 24/7. Realistically speaking, it’s more of an energy that ebbs and flows. Sometimes we’ll really be in the flow of self-love. Other times we will need to do a little work to get back to center.

Life can get so hectic that it’s hard to tell at times when we could use some self-love. Here are 3 basic tips that will show you it’s time to deepen into your practice:

1. You allow others to treat you in ways you don’t like.
This is a crystal clear sign that it’s time to create your boundaries and focus on building your self-love back up!

2. You are critical of yourself.
You don’t like what you see in the mirror, or you negate compliments you receive…this indicates that your self-love meter is running low!

3. You engage in self-sabotaging behaviors
This can be tricky, as you’re not always aware of self-sabotage…but if you pay attention, you’ll for sure notice where this is happening.

Of course, there are many more ways in which a lack of self-love manifest. These are 3 of the top issues that will come up to show you it’s time to shower yourself with love. This video is a part of a series, so over the next few weeks, I’ll be sending out tips to improve your self-love.

How are you in your self-love journey? Do you feel like you’re in a good place? How can you tell that you are off center?

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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