How would you like to have a magical genie lantern that granted your wishes? It would be pretty amazing – and also a great responsibility!

I’ve been practicing the Bengston Energy Healing method (Image Cycling) for about 5 years now, and it is exactly like having that magical lantern. You make a list of at least 20 things you want, spin it, and it generates the energy. Then you actually get the things on your image cycling list. To keep the energy fresh, you need to keep adding things/experiences to that list once other ones manifest.

And knowing what it is you REALLY want takes time!

In this week’s video, I discuss making the list and what you can put on it. One of the things I forgot to add that is very important is health! If you want to improve your eyesight, heal from an ailment or condition, whatever it may be – add it to the list!!!

If you missed my previous email about why I love the Bengston method, I’ve copied the details below:

What makes this energy healing technique so great in my mind is that the practice – image cycling – is one of the most potent and powerful form of intentional creation I’ve ever experienced. It’s also pretty fun.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

Make a list of at least 20 things you want to have or experience in your life. Deep dive into what it would be like to have each list item in your life. Imagine it as if it’s already happened, and feel the energy of it, the emotions. Some people do this alone as a manifesting technique.

The list is never stagnant. It’s continuously updated and maintained. When you get something, take it off the list. When you want something else, add it to the list. It’s imperative that the list is up to date and current with your current desires.

Now we generate momentum: the cyling itself. Take these 20 things and encapsulate them with a picture for each item, and then put them onto something that spins, like a clock or rolodex. The cycling of these items generates the energy that heals the physical body. It’s also as if that spinning creates the energy that magnetizes what you want into your life.

These three elements make Bengston flow.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

One of the biggest myths that confuses people about energy work and energy healing is its connection to spirituality. Many believe that anything having to do with psychic-ness and energy healing is also innately spiritual.

While one could argue that everything is spiritual, as we are spirits having an earthly experience, one doesn’t necessarily even have to believe in God for energy healing to work.

There are certain aspects of energy work that can be spiritual, absolutely! But just working with energy itself, whether it’s Reiki, Theta healing, Bengston, or any other energy modality, does not have to be spiritual in order for the healing to work.

I love the Bengston method and talk about it a lot in other videos. Bill Bengston, who created the modality, is adamant that belief has nothing to do with healing success. He says his energy technique is not holy, nor is it about “spirit.” It’s simply energy. It’s a resource, like gas, or wind, or solar power.

What confuses many, I think, is that the actual reason energy healing works seems unknown. So when it works, that seems miraculous. Humans have always attributed miracles to Higher Power until science proves otherwise.

And on the flip side, you really CAN connect to Source/Spirit/Higher Power with psychic and energy healing work. I do, and I love it, because it is something my spirit really longs for and loves. I can’t even put into words how incredible that connection is.

I have a library of guided meditations on my website. Some of them are channeled energy healings, where you can really feel the divine presence. Others, like my Psychic Setup Toolkit Meditation, are simply energy – you’re just running energy through your body. Both have their purposes, and both work.

What are your thoughts on this? Thanks for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

I’m back talking about my favorite energy healing method, which involves the most powerful technique for manifesting that I’ve yet experienced: Image Cycling.

William F. Bengston created the image cycling process, which is the engine that generates Bengston energy. The Bengston energy healing method has been proven to cure cancer in multiple controlled laboratory studies. It’s also effective on a whole host of other physical ailments. In short, it works.

Image cycling involves making a list of at least 20 things or experiences you want, and then getting really clear on what those 20 things look and feel like. Once that’s complete, you flow the images in your brain, and that generates the energy.

What makes Bengston so cool is a twofold process. Image cycling alone is an incredible tool for self-growth and self-knowledge. It’s not like a vision board, where you cut out pictures and stick them up there to look at indefinitely. Those of us who cycle are constantly changing, updating, and modifying our lists. Several times a year, we throw out our old lists and make new ones. We are constantly getting the things we put on our list.

One of the most wonderful thing about Bengston is that there’s a global community of practitioners. We cheer each other on and share stories of our successes and frustrations. Sometimes we don’t get things on our list. When that happens, we either take them off briefly, tweak what it is we are asking for, or just take a deep breath and surrender to divine timing. It’s a wonderful way to take stock and direct our lives in a flexible, flowing way.

For more info on Bengston, visit

Imagine if you could manifest so easily that the objects and circumstances you desire just magically appear in your life. Wouldn’t that be so much fun? It would be incredible! To have a focused intention and then allow that to flow…wow.

Well, guess what!?!? YOU CAN!!!


With Bengston Image Cycling!

The Bengston Energy Healing method is my favorite energy healing methodology to date. I have talked a lot about how powerful it is; it’s been clinically proven to cure cancer in many controlled laboratory experiments, and it works on a whole host of other ailments. Bengston runs on a process called Image Cycling.

Image Cycling generates the energy…and you do that by rapidly cycling through images of things and circumstances you want in your life. And the most incredible thing about cycling is that the things you want actually start to show up in your life.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the video above!

For more info on Bengston, visit

This week I have a fun experiment you can try at home with water…and that’s charging it up with energy!

Water is very influenceable and very reactive, so you can easily charge it. It will change according to the energy you’re giving it – both positively and negatively.

Masaru Emoto

I first learned about charging water from Masaru Emoto, a Japanese author who wrote a book called Messages from Water. In the book, he discusses how water crystals change under different circumstances. Polluted water crystals create unattractive crystal formations, while fresh, clear water from mountain streams create beautifully formed crystal structures.

It’s very easy to study water as it pertains to energy work. You can just look at the molecular structure under a microscope. Next, you charge that water with energy, and then look at the structure under a microscope again to see how it changes.

Try this at Home!

All you have to do to try this at home is to get some water in a container. Hold it, and then imagine you are infusing it with light. Give it positive messages. Tell it it’s beautiful, and wonderful, and that you love it. Give it gratitude for being here for you. Then drink it, and see how you feel! You can also give some to your plants, and see how they grow and how things change.

Just experiment, take note of what you see, and be open!

Super Charged Water

If you’re really into energy work, you can also charge the water with your preferred treatment. You can charge it with Reiki, or Theta energy, or with Bengston, which is one of my favorite energy healing modalities. I love the Bengston method because Bill Bengston studied it in rigorously controlled scientific experiments, and it’s been scientifically proven to work! And while it’s not easy to learn, the results are beyond worth it. He advocates charging water, as well as cotton. Both can take a charge and hold it. When I really pause and take a minute to think about this…it’s just incredible.

There so much we can do with energy…and charging water is a great place to start!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about the art of psychic surgery and what I know about it. I didn’t realize the video was so very long and rambling until I was done – so I’ll try and make this descriptive post about it a bit shorter!

Debra Lynne Katz and the Filipino Faith Healers

My friend Debra Lynne Katz first introduced me to the concept of psychic surgery over 10 years ago. She actually studied with a group of faith healers in the Philippines and watched them perform the most incredible feats. In page 222 of her book, Extraordinary Psychic,she says “Some of these healers, known as psychic surgeons, had the extraordinary ability to make an actual incision in a patient’s body with their bare hands, reach into the incision, and pull out the foreign energy, which would then manifest into physical matter such as tissue, blood clots, tumors, stones, fluids, and the like.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but I do NOT like gross physical matter. Even my son’s little scrapes and owies make me a tad squeamish. The good news is, psychic surgery doesn’t have to be like that. Everything is energy, and you can definitely transform it without seeing actual matter. Phew!

Connecting with a Higher Power is Imperative

At the beginning of the video, I said I wasn’t going to teach you how to do this…but I ended up giving tips on it regardless! If you are into energy work and would like to figure out how to do psychic surgery, the very best and most important thing you can do is to connect with an extremely high-level healing guide. The faith healers in the Philippines work with the Holy Spirit and channel that energy through their bodies and hands to do the work that they do. That’s why it’s miraculous.

Practice Makes Perfect.

A few years ago, I had a terrible energy attachment that got into my central nervous system and started wreaking havoc. Psychic work is not for the faint of heart, and this literally could have killed me. I don’t like to talk about it because it was so bad. I worked with a lot of people who helped immensely. And the great news is, my clairvoyant student Rachel performed a psychic surgery on me that got rid of it for good. In combination with a Kabbalistic energy healing technique that came to me, Rachel used her hands to make incisions into my auric field and pulled the energy out. This was her first time doing this and neither of us were 100% certain it would work, but it did. That is why I am certain that it can be learned and that even novices can do it.

Is it Really all that Strange?

Everything is made of energy, so when you think about it, why can’t we heal our bodies using psychic surgery and/or energy healing techniques? It just seems strange because it’s not common practice, nor is it widely spoken about or accepted in the Western world. And yet, modern healthcare, although somewhat advanced, fails people time and time again. Why not explore all of the limitless possibilities available in the world of energy?

I hope that one day psychic surgery and other clinically tested energy healing techniques like the Bengston Method are as commonplace as Reiki. Until then, you and I can keep on practicing, exploring, sharing our stories and experiences, and living in our own strange and magical realities. 

Thank you so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

You might be surprised to hear me say this, considering I do intuitive sessions for people for a living, but there IS such a thing as getting too many readings! Now, this is different from consistently working with someone to get through a difficult period in one’s life, or to heal something you are working on. What I’m talking about is that there are people who spend thousands of dollars on psychic hotlines and go to intuitives way more often than necessary, asking surface questions about people and situations, but not going deeper. When you are working on something with an intuitive/energy practitioner, like when you’re working on an issue as you would with a therapist, that’s different, and is fine, and healthy.

But if one is just going to psychics and asking the same question over and over or the same question in a different way, not working through the core issue but repeatedly asking nonconstructive questions, the situation can become really unhelpful and perhaps even more confusing than it needs to be. Essentially, it’s not good to go to someone or to a bunch of people for readings too often unless your focus is more along the lines of “how can I shift, heal, transform, and move the energy to live my highest truth and to evolve and grow.”

Repeatedly going to psychics/intuitives for surface readings can become addictive, sort of like gambling. In addition to that, you might start receiving confusing information or muddled up intel that doesn’t help you at all.

The easiest way I can explain this is through the iChing, which is an oracular book that I use for myself when I have questions and don’t want to sit down and be clairvoyant. The iChing is called the book of changes, and it helps you navigate your way through the constant changes in life. When you sit down to consult the iChing, you are asking the spirits and guides of the oracle to help you through a situation, to provide guidance and insight.

And here’s the funny thing! The iChing is so helpful and soothing when you desperately need help, but when you are asking repetitive questions of a non-helpful nature, it literally sasses you and is like no no no, that’s not the way! Listen, why don’t you ask it in a better way? There are passages in the iChing that literally tell you “Ask once, okay. Ask twice, fine. Ask a third time? Trap! The way closes!” or that tell you that you are muddying the waters by asking too much. And I’ve worked with the iChing so often now that these answers are really tuned in to where I am with what I’m asking – it’s seriously profound and incredible how it works.

If you ask a question that helps to you heal and transform, the iChing will encourage you to keep following that line of questioning, by saying that the spirits will help you through it and it’s important that you understand the situation.

So, to recap what I’m trying to illustrate here, the iChing oracle (which is older than the bible, by the way!) will:

a) Scold you for asking petty questions
b) Encourage you to ask deeper, more transformative and probing questions

So if, for example, someone keeps calling psychics to ask what a guy is thinking about them, and the guy is really not the best person for them in any way, nor is he interested in a relationship, a more healing and productive way to approach the situation would be to look at how to break the cycle of being attracted to the wrong men, how to repair the self-esteem, and how to then attract in an ideal partner. Does that make sense?

When you are in a reading, and/or you find that you are getting too many readings asking the same types of surface questions, you also want to be careful not to give your power away. We ALL have the power to be intuitive and psychic! And it’s so empowering to be able to be your own oracle. Of course, we also all need guidance and/or confirmation from a trusted advisor now and again, especially when we are really close to a situation and it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. In cases like that, it can be wonderfully healing to work with an intuitive and energy healer you know you can trust. And it’s fine to go often if you need to! Just don’t get readings every single day. Let the answers sink in so that you can continue to heal and move forward on your path.

I hope that helps and makes sense! Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I am always interested in learning various healing techniques, and when I heard Bill Bengston speak about his work at a conference a few years ago, I got REALLY excited.

The energy healing technique he developed cures cancer, among many other things. And it’s not just heresay (meaning, this or that person said the energy helped them). You see, Bill is a researcher, and he performed hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments on mice with cancer. The statistics prove that the energy works.

So why am I talking about this?

First of all, I just want to share cool things with you when I’m into them, in case you might find them exciting and helpful too! Personally, I’m not going to become a cancer healer, because I don’t feel that that is my path. But I’m practicing using this energy every day, and I have to tell you, it works!

I broke my baby toe, wrapped it in cotton I charged with the energy, and it healed in THREE WEEKS! That’s fast for me – I’ve had bruises that have taken longer to heal. And note – I’m still learning this – I’m a novice! I’ve been practicing on my cat and he swoons when the energy is running. I’m also trying some other things (charging vitamin C for cold season, charging up oil for beauty purposes, and other little experiments).

Secondly, one of my favorite clients bought Bill’s book and is practicing it, but the technique is a little tricky to master. She asked me to explain the nuts and bolts of the “image cycling” process, which is what generates the actual energy, and that’s what I chat about in the video above. It takes a lot of practice to master, but I can’t think of a better way to use my time.

There is so much more to the world than what we are aware of, and so many ways in which we can heal ourselves and just get through this life. This energy healing method is one way that’s helping me a lot, and by the way, it helps with manifesting, too. There really is something incredible going on here, and I’m pretty excited about it!

So if you’re interested, check it out, and let me know how it goes. If anything, it’s just one additional tool to put in your tool kit – just remember, it takes practice. I did his workshop in January and am still learning and working with it, but hey – like I said, what else are you going to do? The cool and fun thing about this energy too is you’re meant to multi-task and do other things while it’s running, so you don’t get in your own way and stop the flow. I love that – don’t you?!

Whether you are suffering through a breakup, the end of something that never really began, or a general parting of ways, the experience is rarely fun. So here are a few self-healing essential tips to help you recover with ease, so you can reclaim your energy and move forward.

When I first started doing professional readings, I was thrilled to be able to use my intuitive know-how and thought it fascinating that you could pretty much google the universe any conceivable question – and get an answer. However, I soon found out something very interesting about 95% of the people doing the asking: they MOSTLY just wanted to know about romantic relationships, and how to heal from them.

In fact, I had so many women coming to me asking how to stop obsessing over a guy that I created an entire month-long program to help. You may have taken it – it’s called Get Him Off Your Mind in 28 Days. Many women said the exercises and healing meditations in the program really helped them recover.

So in the video above, I go over some of the basics that have come up universally in the thousands of readings and healings I’ve done to help beautiful souls (like you!) to recover:

1. Remember to part ways energy-wise…that other person will have had an impact on you. This will be harder if the relationship was more in-depth or energetically charged, and may take a wee bit longer to heal from.

2. Allow yourself to go through a mourning process – there has to be time for you to heal and release!

3. Be aware that when you are sexually connected you create cords, cords into the root, second, and third chakras. Start with your solar plexus, the seat of your personal power. Imagine there is a cord running between you and that person, and cut it. Call in the archangels; typically Archangel Michael with his sword surrounded by the violet flame will help.

4. Reclaim your sex organs, ground into yourself, and into the earth. Create a grounding cord, plug it into earth, and release that person’s energy down through that grounding cord (free grounding meditation on my website HERE!)

5. If you feel too overwhelmed, do a cleanse and/or monitor or change your diet. Shift things up, purifying the body and reclaiming it as your own. (the other person may have claimed you as their own, so you need to make sure you are taking your body back).

6. Do a series of scrubs, cleanses, aura & chakra cleansing and purification rituals, focusing on the lower 3 chakras.

7. For your heart chakra, release the person with love and forgive them. Just imagine you are energetically taking them out of your heart and sending them back, release, you are done, cut cords, do not think about them too much, just let go. Manipulative and hurtful people can really hurt your heart if you hold them in there with the imprint of pain that was exchanged between the two of you. Send them away with love and then flood yourself with love, fill your aura with love, send bright pink and green energy to your heart, and focus on green and pink healing energy when you meditate.

Remember, above all else, to be gentle with yourself, and to give yourself time.


If you are fearing that having this kind of person in your life, or being in this sort of circumstance, is becoming a pattern, listen up!

Just by the virtue of you recognizing this means you are in a position to break it and end it. This is where you bring in your power to manifest things, to shift the karma, and to release it. If you are feeling the calling, it is the time. You will transform and evolve in the process and you will evolve out of that circumstance happening. You will not have to repeat it. You CAN do it.

Remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I made this video while at the tail end of a case of the sniffles – the first I’d had in months, thanks to my healer aunty AND some powerful energy healing techniques I’ve incorporated.

When you have a little kid, the viruses that you are exposed to are through the roof. We’re talking “next level” germs. I lost my voice for days two years in a row, which a) has never happened before and b) is quite an experience. Also when you have a little kid, you are pretty busy. In fact, that’s an understatement.

But now that my son is six, I’ve had time to focus, and this past year got serious about a few things, some of which are as follows:

1. Practicing this energy healing technique called Emotion Code on myself and my family
2. Healing with the guides I channel
3. Learning the Bengston method of energy healing, which is not super popular so you have likely not heard of it, but IT WORKS.

The combination of these methods, along with assistance from my favorite aunty when I was too overwhelmed/busy to sit down and do the work, kept me safe from all these kiddy viruses this past year.

So when I wanted to tell you was this. Energy healing really does work, and can heal your physical body, but there is a secret formula you have to use in order for it to be effective. It is not hard, but it is important to know. And here it is:

In order to heal, you must:

  • Remain stress-free. COMPLETELY STRESS-FREE!!!
  • Think positive thoughts
  • Think and feel happy
  • Believe you are getting better or are all better

It sounds simple, but oh my goodness have I learned first hand how important it is to do this and how challenging it can be. And believe you me, I meditate daily and work hard to practice what I preach.

I feel it’s important to be honest and transparent, which is why in the video above I told it like it was. Yes, I have been healed by energy (thanks aunty!). Yes, I have healed myself. Do I believe it works? Yes. Do I do it all the time? No. Why? Because I, like you, am mortal. We make mistakes. We go through stuff and must work to consistently practice, improve, and strengthen ourselves.

When doing healing and energy work we need to remember to be kind to ourselves, and to flow love to ourselves, the people around us, and our environment. It’s OK to not be perfect all the time. You just keep working at it, and with consistent effort, you’ll notice a change.

In fact, I’m going to practice some EC (emotion code) on myself right now…just to balance everything out. It goes really well with Bengston, which, when you get the hang of it, is sort of always running in the back of your mind. More on that if you want me to make a video on it (let me know if you do).

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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