Happy New Year! If you are ready for new skills in 2024, have I got the workshop for you next month!

It’s energy healing and manifesting all wrapped up into one – the Bengston method.

When you really tap into the power of manifesting, a whole new world opens up. By intentionally bringing new things and experiences into your life, you really get to know who you are and what you want on a deep, fundamental level.

For example, you may want a lifetime of McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (I know YOU won’t want this, but it’s such an easy example!).

While that may sound good and be fun, is it really good for your body? Once you start eating that McDonalds 24/7, will you continue to desire it? Or will you realize that what you really want is a private chef who can whip up the most delicious healthy foods you can eat at any time?

See the difference?

I am continuously learning more about myself and what I want by working with the Bengston method, which is a powerful form of manifesting that also happens to generate healing energy. Bengston is so amazing you’ll find that you start manifesting things you didn’t even know were TO BE HAD! It’s really incredible.

Fun Fact: I recently added “I’m good at technology” to my Bengston image cycling/manifesting list. If you watch the video above, you will see that I finally figured out how to actually add in clips to the raw video file in iMovie, an application that I have not been able to understand how to use for the past 10 years.

Have you intentionally manifested something you realized you didn’t really want or need after all? How about just some of your favorite manifestations? Please share!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

It’s really fun to talk about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting, and to see it work in action. One thing I am noticing, though, is that a lot of people say that everyone can do it. I don’t know if I agree with that. (aside from the fact that we DO have control over our thoughts and can change the way we think about an awful situation and be positive and optimistic)

The ability to manifest things is very much a privilege! People living in war zones, places where there is famine, under the thumb of oppressive regimes…they cannot manifest the way we can.

My favorite form of manifesting is Bengston, because it works and it also generates a powerful healing energy that has been tested in clinical trials. When you really get into the energy and the community, it becomes quite evident that those who are doing Bengston have a very strong desire to help others.

And isn’t that more meaningful than manifesting yourself a parking space?

We are so much more powerful when we manifest not only for ourselves, but for the wellbeing of others as well. And by others I mean the planet, the ecosystem, the animals on the planet, and other humans.

If you’d like to learn this amazing energy system, here’s the link to the Zoom workshop this February 2024:

Bengston Workshop

What are your thoughts on manifesting? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

If you are in a job that is crushing your soul, but you just can’t figure out how to leave, I hope this helps! It’s a common predicament many of us find ourselves in, and although we KNOW what we need to do, sometimes it just seems impossible to be able to do it. So here are the very basic steps I thought of that might help:

00:00 Intro

1:08 Three universal steps to break free

1:19 Step 1 – Manifesting and planning

2:56 Step 2 – Putting your plans in motion

4:22 Step 3 – Leave

Just how we can all learn to be psychic, we can also learn to do energy healing work. And my favorite energy healing method is Bengston. Bill Bengston demonstrated the efficacy of this method in controlled laboratory experiments on cancerous mice. When the Benston method was applied, the mice recovered.

What I have learned in my work with Bengston and as a part of the wonderful Bengston community is life-changing. There are so many aspects to healing. One of my favorite takeaways, though, is that it takes a village to help someone come back from the brink and heal completely.

It’s so encouraging – the ultimate expression of what we can do when we all come together and support one another. This is the ultimate expression of divine love. The more of us who come together to help, the better. It WORKS.

More on this in the video above – please watch!

And if you’d like to learn this amazing method of energy healing, come join us this April & May 2023 via ZOOM! Click here for the info.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

Have you ever really wanted something…and then once you got it, realized it wasn’t nearly as great as you thought it would be? That’s a classic example of manifesting from an ego space, which isn’t always in alignment with your higher self or divine will.

In this week’s video (above), I chat about manifesting from a place of alignment with your spirit, vs. manifesting based on what you THINK you want. While it’s fun to manifest in general, being on the same page as the divine can save you valuable time and energy.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so leave a comment on YouTube! Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

This week I’ve got a secret ingredient for you that will amp up your manifestation process. Want to know what it is?


When you charge up your dreams and goals with the feeling that your manifestations will bring you, it makes the process so much more powerful. Emotions are really strong vibrations! They can magnetize things in, and push them away. The excitement behind your expectation of getting something or doing something you want is the key that brings it all in.

Whether you have a vision board, a manifestation journal, or several goals you are working towards, try experiencing what it will feel like to have that. And then every time you think of it, bring up the emotion. It works!

Have you ever really wanted something…and did everything within your power to make it happen, too…only it didn’t? Or took longer than you wanted it to take?

While manifesting teachers love to tell us it’s our birthright to have everything we want in this world, that’s not 100% true. There is a higher consciousness running the show here. We are powerful, but we are not ALL POWERFUL.

Sometimes we think we want something, and we have no idea that it’s actually not what we want at all. We imagine that having or doing or being something different will be better, but that’s not always the case.

There is such a thing as divine timing. And it works in mysterious ways! Sometimes with divine timing we realize we don’t want what we thought we want, and forget about it. We move into a different direction altogether and are much happier for it! Other times, it just takes longer for things to show up. This happens all the time with soul mates. Clients are always asking when their true loves are going to show up, getting very frustrated when it’s not as soon as they would like. But when it does happen…and it almost always does…that is divine timing in action. It’s meant to be.

For more info on Bengston, visit http://www.bengstonresearch.com.

Imagine if you could manifest so easily that the objects and circumstances you desire just magically appear in your life. Wouldn’t that be so much fun? It would be incredible! To have a focused intention and then allow that to flow…wow.

Well, guess what!?!? YOU CAN!!!


With Bengston Image Cycling!

The Bengston Energy Healing method is my favorite energy healing methodology to date. I have talked a lot about how powerful it is; it’s been clinically proven to cure cancer in many controlled laboratory experiments, and it works on a whole host of other ailments. Bengston runs on a process called Image Cycling.

Image Cycling generates the energy…and you do that by rapidly cycling through images of things and circumstances you want in your life. And the most incredible thing about cycling is that the things you want actually start to show up in your life.

If you are interested in learning more, check out the video above!

For more info on Bengston, visit http://www.bengstonresearch.com.

This week’s video is about the power of humility and being humble. It’s not discussed a great deal! It’s of tantamount importance, though, especially if you’re learning how to be psychic and do cool things that not a lot of people can do.

My guides say humility is a true blessing and gift, because it keeps the ego at bay. It also reaffirms that no-one is better than anyone else.

In our society (generally speaking) we are trained that wealth is the ultimate goal. Once attained, wealth is often tied to clout, indicating a superiority over others who don’t have it.

But when it comes to spirituality, superiority does not get a seat at the table. Humility is where it’s at. Even if we can talk to God, raise the dead, and cure people of all ailments, we are nothing if we’re not humble.

An excess of pride leads to hubris, which aligns us too closely with the negative aspects of the ego. Hubris sets us up to fail in the most spectacular ways. We start to think we are different; better. It’s an ugly vibration to feel that way or live in that energy. Superiority isn’t fun; it’s cruel and tragic!

One of the things I talk a lot about is the problem with manifestation teachings. I disagree with teachers who say we can have whatever we want, whenever we want it, and that our purpose here on earth is to be happy.

My experience in the trenches with people for over a decade doing intuitive work indicates something quite different. We can’t have everything we want in life. Nor is it our right to have life always go exactly the way we want it to go.

Yes, we are powerful, but we are mortals. In some instances, we don’t know what the best thing for ourselves is. You may think the ultimate achievement in life is to have a dream home. But what if that’s not it? What if your soul wants you to help others, or to do deeper spiritual work? Maybe siting in a dream home will not bring you what your soul desires, or what your fate has in store for you.

We can manifest many things. Yet fate and destiny still exist, and are more powerful than one person’s individual will. There are greater forces at play than our personal desires. Keeping that sense of humility keeps everything smooth. It helps us relax and understand that maybe the vast and mighty universe knows better than we do.

It is all about balance, too. We don’t want to be so humble that we feel we’re nothing. We want to appreciate ourselves. The key here is to think “I am wonderful, and so are you.”

Perhaps utopia is a dream, but if we all adapted this mindset, things might change for the better.

What do you think about wealth inequality, spirituality, psychic superpowers, and humility? I really want to know. Let’s get a conversation going! Please leave a comment below if you are watching this on YouTube. Thank you!

I’m so excited to talk about this week’s topic with you! It’s an important concept. And it’s this: you may be creating limitations for yourself with what you feel like you deserve to have and experience.

In many cases, we think we want something, but when it comes down to it, we can’t allow ourselves to have it.

The Havingness Gauge 

In clairvoyance, we work with what is called a “havingness gauge.” The gauge shows how much you can allow yourself to have or experience something. It goes from 0 to 100, and more often than not, when I’m working with people to clear blocks, their gauge is rarely at the 100% mark. Many times it’s hovering down at 40% or less. Why? Because they’re creating limitations for themselves!

That said, here are some steps to get in the mode of creating the things and experiences you’d love to have.

Step 1: Know that You’re Creating Limitations

Just KNOW that for whatever reason, you may be deciding not to let yourself have or experience things. All you have to do here is acknowledge it and realize it – that’s it! 

Step 2: Let Yourself Dream

Knowing that you’re probably limiting yourself, now just push yourself to think more about what you want in life. Take your time on this and don’t rush it, but be diligent in letting your desires spring forth. And document them. Employ your imagination! Go wild and let it percolate while taking notes on a daily basis, for as long as you’d like. This is a magical, alchemical process. Enjoy it!!

Step 3: Ask for More

In your mediations or daily affirmations or statements to all that is, ask the universe to bring you more! Many manifesting rituals involve asking for what you want, or for whatever is for your highest good. What the universe may bring you can be very different than what you have in mind – but it can also be unbelievably amazing. Better, in fact, than you could have imagined. Really and truly!

Step 4: Give, Give, Give

Definitely make sure that you are able to give. Give freely! Give of yourself, give of your time, your possessions, give things away, give love! Give to people, plants, animals.  When you give, you open up space to receive. And giving is so much fun!

Step 5: Receive

Now that you are giving, be open to receive, too! Often we don’t let good things come into our lives. We can’t accept gifts or generous gestures from other people. If you are giving, however, you must be open to receive, because it will come back to you and you want to keep that flow open. It creates a beautiful balance! And keeping the balance of giving and receiving is important when it comes to creating what you want in life.

Can You Handle How Good it Can Be?

I recently watched Queer Eye on Netflix because my friend said it was happy and heartwarming. And she was right! One episode in particular got me emotional. These sisters who had a barbecue stand were getting a makeover. One of them had such bad teeth that she could never really smile – and she had such a fun, bright personality!

The team brought her to a dentist to get her teeth fixed, and one of them held her hand throughout the procedure. When it was over, she looked in the mirror and was shocked. And then she just started sobbing. As did I!!!! She looked beautiful! It was so overwhelming. Can you imagine how that feels? To finally have something you never thought you could have? To be able to smile openly and feely, to laugh out loud, and to be beautiful, after feeling embarrassed for all these years….it was one of the most touching things I’ve ever seen. 

That is how good things can be if you relax and allow!

We tend to grab onto things and hold on and need life to be a certain way. That tightness creates a restriction in the flow of energy, though. When we operate on a frequency of peace and harmony and joy…good things will start coming in more and more. And little by little, your life as you know it will change. It can and does work!

Thank you for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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