So many people who are searching for true, lasting, meaningful love come to me for sessions to find out what they are doing to create blocks and repeat negative patterns. While everyone is different, one common thread I have found is that a lot of what’s going on has to do with scarcity thinking.

What Does Scarcity Thinking Mean?

In a nutshell, it means they are afraid they are going to have to settle for less. This fear manifests in a myriad of questions:

“Is the guy you see me with going to be shorter than I want?”

“Am I going to even be attracted to my future husband?”

“Is he at least somewhat good looking?” 

And these questions are all speaking to the same fundamental core issue, which is,

“Please tell me I don’t have to settle for an ogre.”

Of course I get that fear! But that fear, unfortunately, can stop the flow of things happening in your love life. It indicates that you feel you’re not going to be able to have someone come in who is right for you, who you want to have in your life. And it stops the flow when you are looking around the world like “Oh no, I am so not going to get what I want.” Imagine taking that energy with you when you’re shopping for clothes or shoes or makeup! That’s no fun at all! Whereas when you’re excited and hopeful and you know you’re going to score…you generally do.A Core Question: What do you feel you deserve to have?

If you have a sneaking suspicion that you might be aligning with scarcity thinking, don’t worry! Just be real with yourself, and explore how you feel. Get deep into the emotion of it and the energy behind it. Don’t be afraid to feel it. And be honest! If you think there is no one out there for you, say it. Write it down. If you worry that you’re too old to find love, write that down. If you’re afraid you’ve never had good luck and you never will, acknowledge that, too. 

Once you get it all out, purge it! Send it down your grounding cord and release it. Meditate and clairvoyantly see pictures that represent that fear, and then blow them up and watch that energy dissipate. Of course, you can also work with an energy healer or intuitive or therapist to help you heal and release this energy.

Are You Willing to Accept Love when it Arrives?

Another issue that often comes up around blocks to love is that of sending away good potentials. For example, when you see someone who might be suitable for you, you find reasons not to like that person and you stop anything from developing. Maybe you are still caught up with another unsuitable person, or you look for reasons not to like the person that is here for you right now.

A great way to work with this is to practice being open to love coming through in many different ways, shapes, and forms. No, you do not have to settle, but you do need to be open to a myriad of different people as potential partners. Different ethnicities, ages, etc. There are billions of people on the planet! Start to look for the beauty in others! Look into their eyes and see their spirit and you will find so many more wonderful people you could be in partnership with.

And Last but Not Least…Manifesting Time!

Sometimes we are so used to living on auto pilot that we forget what powerful manifestors we are. You really can get what you want in life. Once you see that you can create circumstance and experiences and things in other areas of your life, you can apply it to love and watch beautiful transformations take place. Start easy! Make a manifesting list, a vision board, and start to make that happen. Keep it simple! Try to remember that it can be as easy as making a grocery list: you just go to the store and get all the things on your list. You created a fridge full of food! You can do the same with manifesting other things in life, including love. Why not?!

Finally, as I always say, once you know you have a block or pattern, you can release it! There is so much reason to have hope. Really and truly.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

When you begin to activate your innate psychic awareness and intuition, and really let it play an active role in your life, you start to become aware of the fact that things are much more limitless than we’re often aware of.

One of the most extraordinary ways in which this occurs is in readings where a person wants to know how they will eventually meet “THE ONE.”

First and foremost, releasing the notion that there is only ONE, and knowing that there are so many great people on the planet right now, so many kindred spirits and potential matches, can free up a lot of energy and help you manifest more joyfully.

Secondly, and the main reason I made this video, is that so many people, in asking about meeting their life partners, want to know how they will meet. And sometimes that wanting to know is so based on fear that the fear of not meeting the person creates an energy of it’s own. I’ve had people worry that if they’re not at the right place at the right time, they will completely miss out on the opportunity to have this one true ideal love forever.

I am not knocking that fear. We all have fears and they all manifest in different ways. Learning to soothe your fears and release them, though, is one of the key factors in spiritual growth and evolution.

And the good news is, when it comes to meeting The One, or One of The Ones who would be an awesome life partner too, there is no limit to the ways you can meet that person. I’ve seen it time and time again. If you don’t meet at the airport, you’ll meet at a party. If you don’t meet at a party, you’ll bump into them at the grocery store. If it’s not the grocery store, it will be through a work-related interaction. If it’s not through work, it will be through social media. The ways in which it can happen are endless.

On the heels of the questions about how people will meet is the question of timing. And as much as we want to control things and make them happen when we want them to happen, sometimes divine timing knows better. The universe has a plan, and if we can relax and trust that it will happen when it’s meant to happen, we can enjoy the waiting period.

It’s like waiting for anything; the more you focus on how unhappy you are standing in line or waiting at an endlessly long red light, the longer it takes. But the minute you pick up a magazine, put on some lipstick, or call a friend, the time speeds up and the next thing you know, the wait is over.

Trusting your intuition, knowing that everything will be OK, and calming your fears down will all help lead you to your greatest joys. Letting go of being afraid or worried isn’t always easy, but it increases flexibility and serendipity almost exponentially. And that’s where the real magic happens.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Are you looking to create a relationship or just more spice in your love life?

If you are, but have been experiencing difficulties in the process, here’s something to be aware of:

You may be unknowingly cloaking yourself.

Just like Harry Potter has that awesome invisibility cloak, you, too, are capable of cloaking your aura so that you go unnoticed by others. It creates this sort of safe haven in your personal space. However, that safe haven can actually get in the way of drawing in love, and if you’re not aware that this is what you’re doing, you’ll find your efforts at finding and attracting love are not really working.

If you think you might be cloaking yourself, the first thing to work on is why. Over the years, I’ve noticed 2 very common and prevalent reasons.

They are:

1. Low self-esteem

2. The fear of attracting a not-so-great person

Once you figure out the core of your own personal “why,” the rest of the work is actually fun and easy! I’ve broken it down into 2 steps.

Step 1: Love Yourself (for reals)

The most effective way to begin to uncloak is to flow love to yourself wholeheartedly. Look at yourself in the mirror and say “I love you.” Notice your reflection in windows when you’re walking down the street and say “Hey Handsome!” or “Hi, Gorgeous!” Coax yourself to open up to do this until you are 100% OK with it.

For a lot of people, this is very difficult to do. So even if you can just get yourself to look into your eyes and say “I love my soul” until you genuinely feel it, that will help. Make this a ritual, and adhere to it. Have your spirit step forward so that you can release the ego aspects that are creating this pain that is cloaking you.

To further this practice, throughout the day, send love to your hands, feet, your whole body. Flow a pink and/or green vibration through your aura, which softens it up and breaks down that cloak.

Next, focus on the things you love about yourself; your positive aspects. Write them down. Think about them. Allow them to sink into your subconscious mind by doing this in the evening before bed and in the morning when you wake up. In this self-love practice, don’t adopt an attitude that’s not yours – there’s no need to project false confidence or be someone you aren’t. Try to genuinely lock in with the things you feel are positive aspects of your being.

Think about these aspects, and let them fuel your confidence so you stand with more genuine pride and self-appreciation. And then…

Step 2 (The Really Fun Part): 

Now, start to become excited about others. The energy of excitement is very alluring – it’s about hope. If you are hopeful and you expect to see and love and appreciate the souls of others, to be excited about meeting different people, to be excited about what fun things are going to happen, what new friends you’re going to meet, what wonderful partners you’re going to bring in, it will create an energy that is genuinely attractive.

Love your environment, love your life, love the people you meet, flow appreciation to all. Appreciate a smile, appreciate that someone let you pass them in traffic, appreciate the way someone is so good looking that you let yourself flirt a little bit!

This will start to transform how you feel about relationships and move from a place of fear to a place of joyful anticipation, positivity and hope.

Remember, it’s it’s more about vibes than looks. This world can trick you into thinking it’s all about appearance (just look at social media!) but that’s simply not true. Everyone – or at least the love you are seeking –  is looking for the joyful spirit of another person. Connect with yours and start bringing through that radiance and you will be magnetic to love. I guarantee it.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

I am so excited to talk about today’s video, because I just came back from a conference in Las Vegas, where I not only got to spend time with fellow clairvoyants and energy healers, but also chatted with Bill Bengston’s wife, Margaret, who works with him and co-facilitates the workshops. Bill created an energy healing methodology that cures cancer and has been tested in hundreds of controlled laboratory experiments. For more info, check out

As I explain in the video above, the major component to getting the “Bengston” energy running is to make a list of 20 things that you want. I had a very hard time doing this when I purchased the audio course, but got over that hurdle when I took the in-person training earlier this year.

It was there that I discovered I was not alone – LOTS of people had problems creating this list. And the whole thing got me thinking about manifesting, which is the topic of today’s video.

Essentially, a very important piece of the manifesting puzzle is this:

Do you REALLY want what you THINK you want?

If you intend to manifest something, and are working on it, but don’t really want it, you will have a hard time creating it. In fact, it might be virtually impossible.

When we’re focusing on what we intend to create, we have to be mindful of the following energies that block us from manifesting things and creating new realities:

1. Groupthink. 

Because we’re human, we resonate with each other. Therefore, we might unintentionally desire things we don’t really want, because everyone else wants that, too. Do you want to get married because all your friends and family members are married, or do you really desire freedom? Do you want a house because that’s what everyone says you’re supposed to want, or would you rather have a low-maintenance place so you can travel?

2. How is your life going to change when you get what you want – and are you ready for that?

Often, the things we really desire involve a dramatic change in lifestyle. Are you ready for that? To give up the struggle you’re so used to, to operate under an entirely different set of circumstances, to just change completely to the point where your life looks nothing like it used to? This is an important consideration and not one to be overlooked!

3. Havingness.

Havingness is a concept taught in clairvoyant training programs. You may think or feel that you want something, but your ability to allow yourself to actually HAVE it is not quite there. By working with a “Havingness gauge,” you can heal and adjust what you are allowing yourself to have, therefore allowing in more of what you want.

4. The people in your life.

Do the people in your life want you to change, and most importantly, will they allow you to change in order to manifest what you want? You are resonating with them! If they’re stuck in a certain place, it may be more comfortable for you to stay in the same place and not create dramatic shifts in lifestyle that may distance you from comfortable familiarity.

Manifesting can be as simple as making a grocery list and as complex as charting an entire new course for your life. By investigating what you really want, and looking into the 4 factors listed above, you’ll be able to disentangle from things that are holding you back, while gently releasing the blocks that are standing in the way of creating a life you love.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

Oof, was this a hard video to make! I recorded two versions before finally accepting that this is NOT smooth, clean, or all that professional. It’s messy, not 100% clear, and super rambling. So let me make it easy and summarize it all for you. 🙂

A lot of modern spiritual teachers have been talking about manifesting, and how you can be, do, or have ANYTHING you want. That you can create your own reality.

And while that is true to an extent, it is also NOT TRUE to an extent.

But nobody wants to hear that. That’s not gonna sell any books. That’s not going to make anyone happy. And that’s why, although I wanted desperately to talk about this fact, the video itself is incredibly long and drawn out and discombobulated.

At the VERY end of the video, after rambling on for quite some time, I delivered 5 coping mechanisms and potential explanations as to why manifesting might not be working out for you. And so here they are:

1. Look at your astrology chart: your life path and trajectory can be very easily explained here and might help you understand why you’re not manifesting all these things and experiences everyone is saying you should be able to have because you are the creator of your own reality.

2. Think about timing and what is happening in your life. Take into serious consideration the fact that certain things occurred in your life that were unavoidable, or simply meant to be (i.e. fate), therefore shifting the timing for when certain things are going to occur in your life (i.e. destiny). What can you do in the meantime, while waiting for your other desires to manifest?

3. Reflect, at a deep soul level, on karma with other people, karma with your objectives and life circumstances, etc. Understand at this level that, while what you have experienced and are experiencing might not be what you think you want, these experiences are good for your soul and are helping you to learn, evolve, heal and grow, while balancing out the karmic scales.

4. Re-evaluate. Do you REALLY want it? Why? What is the feeling place of what you want? Could it be achieved in another way, a way that could be different than what you are working on manifesting?

5. Focus on how you are feeling, because this is the one thing you can control. How you think, feel, act and react. Manifesting a level of calmness in your life, while surrounding yourself with light, can absolutely help smooth things out so life is at least a bit easier and more delightful, no matter the circumstances.

And that about sums it up. I hope I got this difficult point across. It wasn’t brought up to be discouraging, but to offer a solution to an issue I believe a lot of people are struggling with, but few teachers are talking about to a great extent. So thank you for reading and watching.

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

Hi There!

Today’s message is all about shifting your vibration to manifest or attract a romantic partner. It’s part of a two-part series on shifting your vibes to manifest what you want, so next week will be about money!!

The last time I manifested a partner was ages ago since I’ve been married for over a decade, but one never forgets the magic of how that happens. PLUS, I work with women on a daily basis addressing issues just like this, so I am “in the know” about it all. 😉

And it’s 100% true that your vibration is EVERYTHING when it comes to magnetizing in a romantic partner!!!

The video above addresses all of the things you need to know, but here is a short list of things you must do in order to be in the zone of attraction:

  • Be genuinely excited about your life
  • Make sure you really really really do want a romantic partner (a list of your ideal person’s qualities always helps)
  • Don’t cloak yourself: let your aura shine brightly
  • Muster up that “in love” feeling – FOR YOURSELF
  • Practice Mindfulness and being in the present moment so you don’t let your thoughts take over and bum you out
  • Get out there and go where that person might go!

As I always say…there are over 6 BILLION people on the planet right now, so the chances of you NOT meeting someone are close to nil, really. It’s all about your vibe (and a little bit of fate which I mention at the end of the video).

And remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

With Love,


If you have ever struggled with ANYTHING in your life – be it being single, or constantly dating the wrong type of person, or not finding your purpose in life, or struggling with money – you have likely asked yourself, “Is it just my FATE to go through this?”

And you know, to a certain degree, yes, it is. By the time you’re asking, is this my FATE?!?, fate has officially made her presence known.

Fate does exist. And many of us struggle with things we would really rather not have to struggle with. Why? Because there’s a code in place. You can hack the code, you can change the code, you can re-write the code – but there is always a code.

The code serves as the foundation of your life. If you didn’t come into life with a code, some sort of structure, there would be no order to anything at all. You wouldn’t know what lessons you were here to learn. There wouldn’t be any meaning to anything.

What if it’s Your Fate to be Single?

I focused this video on the idea of whether or not it’s your fate or destiny to be single because someone lovely specifically asked me:

“Do you think there are certain people out there just searching and searching, but not finding anyone because perhaps it’s their fate to be alone?”

Good question, right?! Every person is different, so maybe there are people out there with that fate. However, if you are struggling with being single and NOT WANTING TO BE, that NOT WANTING is a sign that this is something your spirit really really really desires to work on and transform in your lifetime.

Anything that you’re really having a hard time with is something that invites you to look at your core beliefs more deeply and to heal destructive patterns, whether they are conscious, subconscious, ancestral, past-life related, or anything else.

The energy of not finding someone wonderful to be with, and being single, is directly related to love. So if you’re dealing with that and thinking about how fate might have dealt you an unfair hand in that department, you have a specific invitation from Source to delve into and heal your core beliefs about love.

Love is limitless, and the idea that it can be withheld is just another construct of the human condition. It’s a fear picture that is not REAL. Why should you withhold love from yourself? Why would you think anyone would withhold love from you? Just because you experienced a withholding of love in the past does not mean that that’s how it’s always going to be.

Once you open up to more love, you break the code and end the cycle and pattern that keeps you attracting the wrong person, or nobody at all. Have you noticed that your reality matches your vibration? You won’t even be magnetizing in people who are afraid to love you. It will all change.

We all have a code, but that code can be hacked by changing your beliefs around the struggle, and by healing your vibration so that everything in turn shifts. And that healing work is FUN!!!!!!! It is meant to be enjoyed. You will feel liberated, lighter, and happier. And then you will notice things changing for the better. It might take time, but what else are you gonna do anyway!?! It’ll be time well spent. 🙂

P.S. And speaking of fate, who knows if perhaps fate has someone lined up for you in her own timeframe? I know of MANY people who thought they would never meet The One, until they did. In fact, my best friend from high school was just talking to me on the phone a few months ago, in tears, fearing that this was it: she was never, ever going to meet him. And then one day out of the blue, someone suggested she go out with this guy. And she did. And he is wonderful, and people ask them how long they’ve known each other because it seems like they’ve been together forever. They’ve only been dating for a couple of months, and they’re moving in. He has my seal of approval. 😉 Everything changed in an instant. HAPPY!!!!

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