Psychic Protection: Signs & Symbols from Guides

One of the most powerful forms of psychic protection is your inherent sense and feeling that everything is going to be OK. Just knowing and resting in a place of safety can be EVERYTHING when going through the trials of life.

And one of the easiest ways to achieve this is to ask for your guides and power animals to provide you with symbols. The signs and symbols they send will help you understand and know that you are going to be OK, and that you are on the right track.

When you ask angels, guides, and power animals for signs, they always come through. Even when you go through periods where they seem dormant, they are still there. And when you are ready again, and you ask, they will appear. You just have to heighten your awareness to see these when they appear.

I have a great story in the video above about how I’m going through this process right now, being led by the Siberian Tiger. It’s pretty amazing how this all works.

Have you experienced this? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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