How to Reconnect with Your Spirit Guides

Today’s video was inspired by Louise, who asked for tips on reconnecting with your guides. I think we’ve all been there – where we have a good connection, but then lose it for whatever reason.

The good news is, if you’ve already established a connection with your guides, getting it back is EASY! Here are 3 tips to strengthen that connection:

1. Start asking for help again.

Say things like, “If you are here, help me out!” Then notice when problems get solved more easily. It’s critical that you pay attention and recognize when you have been helped. Document the cases where divine assistance came through. And then, offer gratitude!


Pretend you have imaginary friends, which you do, and just talk to them like they are really there. Ask them to show you that they are around and NOTICE! when you start seeing signs and synchronicities. Keep an eye out for sequences of numbers, meaningful music, books, colors, messages, dreams, and more.

3. Meditate.

Meditation is one of the easiest ways to reconnect with your guides. I have a beautiful guided meditation you can get here.I also created a “Meet and Work with Your Spirit Guides” MP3 course that will help!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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