Forgiveness is something we all have to work on – forgiving others as well as ourselves. And it’s a lifelong process, to be honest with you…at least if you want to go deep, and really, truly get into that space of pure alkaline neutrality.

As we go through life and the natural aging process, not forgiving and/or resenting people and situations creates a very negative vibration that can actually cause a hardening in areas of the body, which in turn causes pain, malfunction, and disease. I’ve seen it over and over again with clients I work with, and I’ve seen it happening first hand with myself. In fact, right now I’m going through a very deep process of healing the mega horrible wounds I had from childhood.

There are many ways to work at forgiveness. But one of the easiest things to do is to cultivate, as a practice, the art of compassion on a moment-to-moment, day-by-day basis.

Compassion in conjunction with forgiveness is so helpful because it eases your anxiety and tension, softens the flow, and creates a gateway/portal to love, which is the highest vibration of all.

So how do you cultivate compassion?

It’s actually not that hard!

Just approach people with a tender heart, let your guard down, and really try to understand or think about what they might be going through. Instead of saying or thinking “You’re a jerk!” or “I don’t like the way you look, your attitude, the way you do your job, the way you’re driving” etc., take those areas or that upset feeling, look at that person, and try to understand, sympathize with, and have compassion for their lot in life. Think about what they might have gone through and how it might have affected them. Even the people who appear to have it all or are so extremely good looking that you feel like they can’t possibly know what it is to suffer, have gone through stuff.

Every human on the planet suffers. Nobody gets out scott free. We’ve all got wounds. The people who appear to be perfect, to have it all and more…if they haven’t suffered yet, they will. We all do. Sadly, it comes with the territory here on planet earth.

So, the next time someone royally pisses you off, instead of reacting and barbing out more hate, consider the fact that they are having a rotten day and you just happen to be there. Summon up all your neutrality and conjure up some empathy.

Even with the people who are the most horrible, those who have terrible behavior patterns and do awful, unforgivable things – well, maybe they are narcissists, or sociopaths, or have some other sort of psychological disorder that is actually a disability, even though they look and appear to be normal on all other fronts. Just understanding that they are fundamentally diseased can help you to cultivate compassion and forgiveness.

Ultimately, if you can look at everyone as though they are a friend –  even if they are projecting this adversarial energy – that’s the place to be.

And then when you’re confronted with the big bad stuff, like the people who did you wrong or who really hurt you…no matter how bad it is…sitting in a place of compassion, and thinking about what their life experience must have been like, what they went through, can help you to soften and release. Not everyone is mature or enlightened enough to be able to treat people well or make the right choices. When you understand that, you can heal yourself and your reaction and response to them and to the damage they did to you.

When it comes to healing those deeper wounds…trust me, it takes time. A lifetime, in fact. But what else are you going to do with your time? And if you do commit to this, know that I’m right here with you doing it too. You’re not alone.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

There are many ways to tune in and get insight from your higher self and your guides. But one of the best, most tried and true methods of downloading distinct and clear messages is through the art of automatic writing.

Here, in a nutshell, is how to do it!

  • Set your intention: who do you wish to communicate with?
  • Relax your mind by meditating or being quiet
  • Get a pen and paper and let yourself start writing
  • Be aware, and loose, and let the words come
  • Don’t censor yourself!

Automatic writing flows through your hand chakras, which are connected to the flow of your heart chakra. As you write, imagine light pouring into your crown chakra, down into your heart and through your arms and hands onto the paper.

What you want to do is to get to is a place where you completely let go and let the information come out of you. This takes time, but if you stick with it, you will see results!

You might find messages and insights that are very profound, healing, and therapeutic. That might not sound like you; it will likely sounds like someone wiser than you – your higher self or your guides!

Do it on a regular basis and you will establish a connection and the easier the messages will flow. Create the space, intend, allow it to happen.

We all have access to God – a direct link to the divine. We can all be channels, and we can all get the guidance and assistance we need.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

I’ve heard a lot of buzz about spiritual awakening over the years, and the reason I made the above video is that someone asked me how long it took for me to awaken. Just as we have the whole ascension process, which involves shifts and upgrades in energy, the spiritual awakening process is definitely a “THING” that happens…but it doesn’t necessarily coincide with a linear timeframe. In fact, if you look at life as a study in evolution, a spiritual awakening can take a lifetime to happen…in layers and layers…and that’s a good thing!

The spiritual awakening process starts with a change, or a feeling, or the sense of being drawn to a particular practice. For some people, a mastery over a practice, or an intentional shift to a higher vibration, is just the starting point to a path that leads to even deeper understandings and awakenings at different levels. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, nor does it mean that once you’ve started on the path of spiritual awakening that you have figured it all out. Even the most celebrated and worshipped spiritual teachers have not figured it all out…and I digress into a little speech about that in the video above.

Because we are all unique and different, awakenings happen in different ways for different people. Some find a surge of information and energy so powerful that they can’t ignore it….and it propels them into an entirely new direction in their life. It’s like – BAM! WAKE UP!!! For others, it’s a gentle, slow process that eventually heals limiting beliefs and/or painful emotional wounds, and changes the person on a very powerful and sometimes subtle level.

For some, a spiritual awakening encourages (or forces) dramatic changes that aren’t easy. For others, spiritual awakening is gentle, healing, and therapeutic. However, my whole point in talking about this is from the framework of timing, and the amount of time it takes to awaken. And to that end, I’ll reiterate – it can take a lifetime if you’re dedicated to going with the flow. There is so much to learn, know, and understand not only about ourselves and our relationships, but also about the worlds we live in – both seen and unseen. In fact, forget taking ONE lifetime…the true process can take many, many lifetimes, until we complete the cycle of samsara and go wherever we’re meant to go after that, or melt into the great one-ness. 🙂

It’s at times both simple and yet incredibly complex!!! The most important thing to remember, though, is that it’s doesn’t have to be serious or hard. Spiritual awakening essentially leads you into unconditional love and bliss, so why not set the intention to let the energy of that flow while you are unfolding and awakening? You can! And it will make the process…dare I say…FUN!!!

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂


Have you heard of the concept of your “higher self?” That all-knowing, wise aspect of yourself who is much more calm, more focused, and more high-vibrational than your regular old ego-self?

The term “higher self” makes sense and of course has validity. I like to think of my higher self as that quiet part of me who KNOWS THINGS. However, because I’m visual and clairvoyant, I like to see who and what things are. And it’s been hard for me at times to associate with an aspect of myself that feels a tad intangible and un-relatable.

Am I making sense here? It’s like, OK…I know there is a higher self, but who or what exactly IS she?  Please tell me I’m not the only one pondering this dilemma. 🙂 In hopes that you, too, may at some time or another have felt or do feel the same way, I made this video and am offering up a tip that has helped me in the past.

It’s all about associating with an archetype to connect with, visualize, and tune in to your higher self. Just like Wonder Woman has her fierce divine female warrior outfit, and Super Man has his costume, we, too, can transform into our most powerful higher selves by imagining who we would be if infused with super-human, divine spiritual powers.

At one point in my life, when I was struggling to break free from a negative work environment, I would visualize myself as a serene, kind, powerful and benevolent golden princess. I would do this before every clairvoyant reading, and the golden energy of this archetype, representative of my higher self, began to empower my energy field. Within a very short amount of time, I was catapulted out of there, never to return.  When you associate with an image that captures your imagination, the power behind that – the essence and energy of it – will change your vibration and cause this higher self aspect of you to lead the way when your ego-self can’t. It’s a great tool to use when you are going through a challenging time, or need to make a change. And it’s a really great way to tap into your limitless strength and power. Because you are using your imagination, which goes hand in hand with your intuition, you can change your archetype whenever you see fit. There’s no need to limit yourself.

I hope this helps, and that you are able to become one with your higher self on a moment-to-moment basis.  And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with (including but not limited to helping you connect with your higher self!), I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

I am sure you’ve heard the phrase “what’s your story” or, if you’re working on improving yourself and your life, the healing method whereby you re-write the story of your life.

We all have a story; our lives are stories. What is your story like? Is it the kind you’d love to read? Or are you telling yourself, and everyone around you, a story that diminishes you or keeps you in a pattern or cycle that is less than positive?

If you are in a scenario that’s not so great and you want to change it, the first thing to do is to look at it as though it is nothing but a pretend story. What are you telling people about yourself and your life? What do you talk about all the time? What are you thinking about? How are you perpetuating this story?

Many of us wear our stories like a cloak around our bodies. They become interwoven with our aura, and therefore these stories literally become US. But if we stop talking about the stories, stop complaining about them, and stop being them, we can remove that cloak and don a new, sparkling cape that tells a different story.

Life is all about cycles, patterns, eras. And the biggest thing about these cycles and patterns and eras is that they can all come to an end. They can mutate, shift, and transform. We can choose to end patterns, become different people, and improve our lives. It just takes a concerted effort and a willingness to shed the old skin in order to make way for new growth.

It’s not like we’re getting rid of ourselves, our core being – it’s an upgrade. If you want a laugh, I made this video (in which I talk about getting rid of physical objects when I did The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up earlier this year) wearing a dress that I got in high school. It’s one of the few clothing relics from that era and I kept it to remind myself that I can change, and be a new and improved version of myself, but still retain that part of me that was young and hopeful and wore a silly yellow dress from a vintage store with red lipstick. In essence, still be me. Does that make sense?

I have done a lot of work on re-writing the story of my life, and little by little, it has made a difference. There are two easy ways you can do it. One is doing a hypnotic regression or guided meditation where you go back to your childhood and change the really traumatic things and make yourself feel better. Another involves associating with a new archetypal image and imagining you are that god or goddess or superhero. Both have been amazing for me – so try them if you are so inclined! All it takes is a little time and imagination.

If you are interested in healing and transforming your life, remember I’m always here to help, with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

A wonderful person who I have known for quite a while now through the scope of the intuitive realm asked me to talk about the soul path and spiritual purpose of people with disabilities. While every situation is different and there is no blanket statement that covers the life path of every soul who incarnates here on earth, what I can say from what I have experienced is that people with disabilities are usually pretty powerful spirits, some in fact master spiritual teachers who inspire others to learn to be kind, strong, less ego-driven and more open-minded and compassionate.

Many of us walk around so wrapped up in our struggles, so all-consumed by what we are going through in our lives, and so quick to judge everything and everyone that we don’t always see situations through an unclouded filter. People who have disabilities teach us to observe the world differently and to broaden our perspective. Two people who are close to me have disabilities: one obviously so (she can’t walk), and the other rather hidden (he is dyslexic). They have taught me to be patient, to understand their struggles, to treat them no differently than anyone else, and, above all else, to be respectful. They have taught others a myriad of lessons as well, and they themselves are learning volumes upon volumes of lessons about their own strengths.

And so in this video, I chat a bit ineloquently about it (I apologize, I tried to do the video a couple of times before hand and just didn’t get it right so this is my best try!). Thank you for subscribing and for watching.

And remember, if you need help with connecting to your own intuition or would like guidance in any area of your life, I’m here to do readings, healings, spiritual coaching packages AND one-on-one psychic development training – so don’t hesitate to contact me for a session at

A client came to see me last week, and asked about her ears; she’s been losing her hearing, and doesn’t know what to do about it. I tuned in to her physical body and noticed that there appeared to be a swelling and buildup in both ears, and one ear had a fluttering sense to it in the eardrum. I asked her if she’d been to a doctor, as obviously I’m not a medical professional (I majored in Art History!) and I always recommend a client sees someone trained in medicine for an official diagnosis. And get this.

She had BEEN to a doctor. An ear, nose and throat specialist. And you know what he said? 
He checked her ears, shrugged his shoulders, and dismissed her. 
What a joke, right? It’s a crying shame. But what’s even more of a shame is that this happens all the time. MOST doctors are like this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to doctors with problems, only to be offered a prescription to mask the symptom rather than an in-depth understanding of the real root of the issue.
If all doctors were trained to use their own intuition and tune in to their patient’s bodies, the world would be a different place. We’d have a whole new understanding of what causes illness in different people, and health would be much less elusive. The CIA trained soldiers  in the art of remote viewing; surely, doctors can be trained to remote view their clients bodies and pick up things that MRIs, X-Rays, and CT scans can’t register. 
It’s not difficult to use your own intuition to find out what’s going on with your body. The first thing you need to do is learn how to be in sync with your physicality. A lot of people think of their bodies as separate from themselves, and then when the body malfunctions, they get fearful and don’t know how to get the answers they need. 
If you’re tired of getting no answers from your doctors, or if you want to learn how to use your own intuition to maintain and promote good health, here are three ways you can tune in:
1. Think of your body as an ally. Appreciate it, and ask it what it needs. 
Before you take a bite of a Big Mac, for instance, ask your body if this food will truly nourish and support it. If you’ve already ordered the Big Mac, of course you’re going to eat it, but in the future, just try and sense what your body – and not your taste buds – craves. Same goes for exercise. As you’re toiling away on the elliptical or the treadmill, ask your body if it likes and is getting the most out of that exercise. You may hear a “Yes!” or you may get a sort of “I’m bored” feeling. If your body seems bored, let your imagination show you what it needs. You might get a vision of yourself skiing, or swimming, or doing something different. Just go with what you get, and then try and implement that new element into your routine. Same goes for herbs, supplements, and medications.
2. If you’re ill, don’t be content to mask your symptoms – dig deeper, and get to the root of the problem, then work on solving that. 
Most doctors encourage people to take their pharmaceuticals and shut up. They solve the problems after all, right? But if you want true healing, you have to find the root of the issue. In order to do that, you must quiet your mind and tune in to your physical body. This classic grounding meditation will help you get into the zone. Next, just visualize your body on a screen in front of you, and ask it to show you the problem area(s) and the solution. You may hear answers, get ideas, or see images of things that will help. The key here is to let your imagination take the reigns. Don’t dismiss anything you pick up as silly or “out there.” That’s how intuition works. Release yourself from your analytical mind and trust what you get.
3. As for higher guidance, and be open to different answers.
Every human body is different. Some people need meat, and some don’t. Some are allergic to things that others are not. In order to find out what is best for your body, ask for higher guidance to support you and give you the answers. Perhaps your body is too sensitive to live in the city, and a life in the country would revive you and give you the energy you need. Maybe you need acupuncture, or a holistic health practitioner. Maybe Western medicine is just the thing for you. You never know until you ask for higher guidance. It’s like putting a request out to the universe, and then just waiting for the answers to come in. Know that you don’t have to struggle, and it doesn’t have to be this great big difficult challenge. 
The more you work with and trust your intuition, the more it grows. There are no wrong answers, either. Just have fun with it, and explore, giving yourself validation, as well as credit, for seeking information and knowledge. 
What do you think about medicine today? Do you think things would be different if all medical doctors were trained in medical intuition?
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