This week’s video is about the power of humility and being humble. It’s not discussed a great deal! It’s of tantamount importance, though, especially if you’re learning how to be psychic and do cool things that not a lot of people can do.

My guides say humility is a true blessing and gift, because it keeps the ego at bay. It also reaffirms that no-one is better than anyone else.

In our society (generally speaking) we are trained that wealth is the ultimate goal. Once attained, wealth is often tied to clout, indicating a superiority over others who don’t have it.

But when it comes to spirituality, superiority does not get a seat at the table. Humility is where it’s at. Even if we can talk to God, raise the dead, and cure people of all ailments, we are nothing if we’re not humble.

An excess of pride leads to hubris, which aligns us too closely with the negative aspects of the ego. Hubris sets us up to fail in the most spectacular ways. We start to think we are different; better. It’s an ugly vibration to feel that way or live in that energy. Superiority isn’t fun; it’s cruel and tragic!

One of the things I talk a lot about is the problem with manifestation teachings. I disagree with teachers who say we can have whatever we want, whenever we want it, and that our purpose here on earth is to be happy.

My experience in the trenches with people for over a decade doing intuitive work indicates something quite different. We can’t have everything we want in life. Nor is it our right to have life always go exactly the way we want it to go.

Yes, we are powerful, but we are mortals. In some instances, we don’t know what the best thing for ourselves is. You may think the ultimate achievement in life is to have a dream home. But what if that’s not it? What if your soul wants you to help others, or to do deeper spiritual work? Maybe siting in a dream home will not bring you what your soul desires, or what your fate has in store for you.

We can manifest many things. Yet fate and destiny still exist, and are more powerful than one person’s individual will. There are greater forces at play than our personal desires. Keeping that sense of humility keeps everything smooth. It helps us relax and understand that maybe the vast and mighty universe knows better than we do.

It is all about balance, too. We don’t want to be so humble that we feel we’re nothing. We want to appreciate ourselves. The key here is to think “I am wonderful, and so are you.”

Perhaps utopia is a dream, but if we all adapted this mindset, things might change for the better.

What do you think about wealth inequality, spirituality, psychic superpowers, and humility? I really want to know. Let’s get a conversation going! Please leave a comment below if you are watching this on YouTube. Thank you!

Do you like Disney movies? I do! And the new ones they are making, like Mulan and Frozen, are so empowering for young people. I love that. Older movies, however, like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, conditioned many of us to believe something not altogether positive about soul mates and life partners.

I hear a LOT about what people go through doing intuitive work. The most prevalent is the belief that a soul mate is someone with whom you will have a match made in heaven and live happily ever after.

When that doesn’t happen, some people become very upset. A common question that comes up in readings is, “Why did this happen?” and “Why did (or do) I have to be with this person?”

One of the clearest explanations that I have discovered that answers this dilemma is that there are soul mates who are fun and wonderful, and there are soul mates who teach challenging life lessons.

The more we understand that, the clearer we can be about who we are, and what we are here to learn. Some of the most triggering soul mates force us to grow, to resolve karma, and to heal ourselves. In many cases, they force us to heal from the pain we went through because of them!

If you are in a situation where it’s not a walk in the park, but you are bonded with that person, one of the best things you can do is ask how you can grow from the situation. If you look for the lesson and the gift, you’ll start to discover what patterns and cycles need to break so that you can ultimately get to where you want to be in life.

For some people, a realization that they don’t need to stay with a pain-causing soul mate is a part of that lesson. They can then forgive the person, forgive themselves, and move on. Spiritually speaking, this is more empowering than feeling the energy of anger and hatred, then parting ways without working on forgiveness and understanding.

I understand how tormenting it can be to be with someone who causes you pain. I have counseled people who have been through hell and back in relationships. Sometimes, however, the person who causes the pain is really a powerful, loving teacher in disguise. A foil, if you will…and on the other side, the spirit is indeed a true soul mate and friend.

It would be wonderful if we didn’t have to suffer. But in some cases, being with the perfect companion can cause us to be complacent and comfortable. While many teachers say we are here to be happy, I believe we are here to learn, grow, and evolve.

A person who prompts you to look within and do the work to transform, even if that transformation means standing up for yourself and leaving the situation, is truly a catalyst for growth. If we can think of things in these terms, we can more easily understand situations that we don’t love, but that are asking us to grow.

This week’s message is a little more out there than usual! It’s about gnomes and the fairy folk, and whether or not they are “real.”

I have never seen a gnome, elf, or fairy in person, but I would love to. I got the idea for this topic because I did a session with someone who had seen gnomes as a child.

Fun fact: I LOVE gnomes, I have the classic gnome book by Rien Poortvliet, I used to make gnome t-shirts and onesies for babies, and my son was an adorable gnome baby for his second Halloween, chubby cheeks, pointy red hat, and all.

When I exclaimed in delight over her gnome sighting, the readee corrected me, and said they were mean and scary! She remembered that they didn’t like her, and she ran away. I tuned in psychically, and what I saw was that the gnomes themselves were terrified. Here was this human coming into their territory — so they made themselves look angry in order to scare her off. They didn’t know if she was going to come back with an adult or an evil kid who would throw rocks at them, stab them, or capture them and keep them in captivity. So they disappeared after that, and she never saw them there again.

I hoped that seeing this would help her trust that it wasn’t personal, and that gnomes are not, traditionally speaking, mean creatures.

I loved the whole exchange, because I strongly feel that the more we keep an open mind, the better. Everything has a spirit, and everything is energy. There are spirits in the trees and spirits in the water. Why wouldn’t there also be elementals and nature spirits, fairies and elves as well?

And of course they would live far out in nature, away from us, because we are a destructive warlike race. And it would be second nature for a human to see a fairy, tell a friend, capture it, and dissect it, just to prove it’s real. We like to capture things and put them in cages for our amusement.

The magical creatures are smart enough to avoid us, and we, in turn, pretend they do not exist.

The further we go back in our lineage, the more likely we are to hear stories of our ancestors seeing them. I love fairytales and myths and fables, because in all of these ancient traditions, there are vivid stories about the little people and the fairy folk. Why did these tales originate? They came from somewhere! And they are so prevalent!

Have you seen magical creatures in this lifetime? Or do you have stories about your ancestors seeing them? If so, please share in the comments below if you are watching on YouTube!

Thanks so much for reading and watching!

When you are on the spiritual path and working on healing yourself, one of the best things you can do is forgive those who have hurt you. Not so the other person feels better, but so you are released from the pain that was created and the damage that was done to you.

Forgiving Bullies

Many of us sensitive people have been hurt by bullies. It’s a trigger issue for me, because I’ve been bullied. I know how painful and horrible it is. Bullies are scary. When you’re in a home or work environment where you can’t easily escape, it’s a matter of life and death. So the forgiveness of bullies is an extra powerful exercise for spiritual growth.

How can you possibly forgive a horrible, mean person like a bully?

Escape First

Obviously, getting away from (or stopping) a bully is the top priority. Earlier this year, my son told me an older boy at his school was bullying him, and recruited 3 other little boys to the cause. I immediately called the principal, who nipped it in the bud. In some cases, though, bullies won’t stop. The only recourse is to get far away from them. Once you’ve escaped, you can begin to heal the damage that was done to you.

How to Heal

The most gentle way of dealing with the fallout from bullies is to understand what happened to them and why they behave that way. Understanding is like a soothing balm on a wound, and it immediately reduces inflammation and starts the healing process.

Some bullies are just downright evil people. Everything is not all roses out there, and some humans actually delight in torturing other people. Others have psychological disorders for which there is no cure. If you can understand that they are sick, as are the evil people, you can release them with compassion and forgiveness because they know not what they do. They are ill.

Other bullies were abused as children or adults, and feel threatened by you and your light. They are acting out because they’re in pain. Their self-esteem is so low that they thrive on taking others down.

The Writing Process

There are other reasons people bully, of course. One of the most profound and powerful ways you can heal AND boost your intuitive skills is to journal. Write out why the person acts the way they do. Create it like a story. Chances are, you will be more accurate than you could ever begin to believe. And this writing process is very healing. You will hit on powerful truths.

You can then write “I release you, and I forgive you. You will not longer hurt me” or something to that effect. And if you want to make a ceremony out of it, burn the story about the person, and burn your note of forgiveness. Do this when the moon is waning, and you will have a powerful releasing process.

The act of forgiveness of a bully is serious work. And it’s important, because it releases you from being a victim. When you forgive, you lock in your true power. You are safe and protected. And that means you have the power to advocate for others who are being bullied. Together we can overcome this on a global scale.

I hope that makes sense and helps. If you have been or are being bullied, my heart goes out to you. Thanks so much for reading and watching.

I have found over the years that there’s an ideal mindset to follow when you’re doing psychic and spiritual work. It’s basically being skeptical, but open and willing to learn, and curious about everything.

Too Much Skepticism = Bad News

Being too skeptical closes you off to everything! The people who think anything psychic is fake, or the work of Satan, end up shutting themselves off to the magic and wonder of this realm. Skeptical people tend to ridicule believers, too. Those of us who are sensitive have a very hard time with that. Some of us are afraid to shine our light for fear of being burned at the stake. This is not an unfounded fear.

Too Much Blind Belief = Bad News

If you are too extra with the woo-woo, that can be bad, too! Walking around with your head in the clouds, being too airy-fairy and over the top, can leave you ungrounded. It can also lead you to believe people, concepts, and ideas that may not be in your best interest to follow. You might open yourself up to corruption, like the people drinking the Kool-aid to get on the Mothership.

The Middle of the Road

I firmly believe the best path is to take everything and study it before fully believing it. Read the books. Listen to the meditations. Watch the videos. And then, decide for yourself: is this true for me?

I come across so many different concepts in this psychic work. Some resonate with me, and some don’t. For example, I discovered the iChing when a friend did readings with it. She did some for me, and I was intrigued. Eventually, I got the iChing book she used, and another…and then more. I continue to do readings for myself, and find them to be insightful and accurate. You see, using cards and clairvoyance for yourself can be tricky. Your own “stuff” tends to get in the way. But the iChing is different, and can be very clear. So I use it more often now, because I find it to be very helpful.

A lot of this boils down to plain old trial and error. If something really resonates with you, then it’s meant for you. Remember that people in authority and power are invested in your believing them. They will say whatever they need to say to be heard, even if they’re not authentic. Questioning leads you to your power. And being skeptical, but curious, is a wonderful state that allows you freedom, but protects your safety and sanity.

A viewer requested that I talk about Source and the higher self, so here goes.

The Source

I believe that God, or Source, is not a gendered being, but more of a source of light that is encrypted with data and information. Like an energy that knows things.

We humans made God into a man in the sky because that is what we relate to as human beings. Seeing God as a person makes God more understandable. But really, from what I’ve seen, I think Source is palpable, tangible, intelligent light and energy.

The Spirit

I believe that the spirit is a part of that source energy. It’s a spark of light that can individuate and live in a human body, and then become one with the greater Source after the body is no longer.

The Higher Self

The higher self is like a higher part of our mind that channels our spirit. Recently I had an idea that the higher self/spirit/soul are encoded with information, just as Source is. Like a credit card chip that has data that tallies what you spend. From what I have read and seen firsthand in readings, the spirit has a memory. It records things, so it’s like light with data encrypted in it.

They’re all Interchangeable

Some call use words like higher mind, higher self, spirit and soul interchangeably. As if they are all one and the same. I’ve also heard spiritual teachers say that the soul is not the same thing as the spirit. Some say the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, so it’s just another vessel, like our body, that houses the spirit. That very well could be!

I haven’t seen it first hand, though, so to me that, and all of this, really just is conjecture. What I see is that the soul, spirit, and higher self work very closely together and it’s OK to refer to them interchangeably.

Don’t you wish people in the world were more flexible with beliefs and religions? Rather than fight over which religion has it “right,” we’d be so much better off investigating our own beliefs and not discounting anyone else’s experiences. Alas, that’s for another lifetime…looks like the human race has a ways to go on that front.

In any event, thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

I’ve thought about this week’s message for many years now. And it’s this: one of the most incredibly powerful ways you can relate to the people in your life is by…

Looking at them with a Sense of Understanding and Acceptance.

Why? Because it is both therapeutic, and spiritually aligned. While love is, of course, a very strong vibration, sometimes it’s hard to continuously emit a frequency of unconditional love. It’s easier to look at someone and try to understand where they are coming from, why they behave the way they do, and then to accept them just the way they are.

Many of the issues people have with each other spring forth from the fact that they are unwilling to understand and to get why they are they way they are…and then to be OK with it and accept it.

It Works with Family, too!

Understanding and acceptance is especially helpful when it comes to people within our family, and/or at work. People who rub us the wrong way and irk us, making us feel like ARGH!!! can really test our merit. A way around feeling like that is to look into what others have been through, and to deeply try and understand the whole genesis of who they are, inside and out.

As an example, some people are suffering with legitimate chemical imbalances in the brain. They look fine and “normal,” but they are not, because they are dealing with a very challenging health problem. Many people dealing with this face their own feelings of immense guilt and shame. On top of that, others in their life accuse them of being down in the doldrums, or not like everyone else.

I thought of talking about this in this video because a couple of beautiful souls came to me for readings recently who are dealing with this exact ailment. If their loved ones only knew and understood that they have legitimate physiological issues, they might find it easier to simply “be” in life.

Employ Your Intuition with this One.

A very helpful and useful way to use your intuition is to figure out what makes people tick so that you can understand why they are the way they are. You can’t change them; you can only change yourself, and, as they say, knowledge is power.

Being an understanding and accepting person is such a wonderful way to be. It’s definitely peaceful and creates more harmony in your life. It lets you let go!  

And to be on the receiving end of that, to be understood and accepted, is priceless. I love being around friends who completely get me. I can be myself. I am seen. I am understood. I am accepted. 

People who accept you can literally save your life…they make you feel like you are OK, and that you are fine just the way you are. It’s so healing and feels SO GOOD!

That’s all for this week! Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

So I haven’t talked about this much, but I made a spiritual pilgrimage to Italy last year to visit Rome and Florence. While I was there, I roamed all though the Vatican and went to the Wednesday audience with Pope Francis, or, as they lovingly call him in Rome, Papa Francesco. That day, he delivered an interesting talk about the commandment that says…


We have all heard of that one, right? And it’s pretty obvious, like, duh, of course I’m not going to kill anyone! I remember thinking that when I first learned about that commandment as a kid.

But Papa Francesco put a spin on it that I honestly hadn’t heard before (it’s not like I’m Catholic or anything so I don’t know if they talk about this in regular church). He said it’s not just about killing someone. He said “Thou Shalt not Kill” also applies to putting people down, belittling them, or making them feel bad about themselves. Intentionally hurting another person in any way is breaking that commandment because, by doing that, you’re crushing their soul. That means…

Bullying is a BonaFide Sin.

I have been bullied over the years by family, and in the workplace – horribly so. If you have a job where you are bullied like I was in a few different scenarios, I feel your pain. That royally sucks because it’s your livelihood! The whole thing is really shocking. And, sadly, it’s rampant. 

Doris Day got it Right…

The beautiful and talented Doris Day died this year, and one of her most famous quotes that circulated around was “I never met an animal I didn’t like, and I can’t say the same thing about people.”

But back to Rome! When the pope was talking about this, I totally had an a-ha moment, like OH! THAT’s what that commandment is about!  We shouldn’t be assholes to each other and putting people down and bullying them and being mean, because that is a form of violence. The soul is a beautiful vibrant energy, and repeated attacks and put-downs can crush someone’s spirit. I mean, abusing kids can ruin their lives. For example…

A Lifetime of Repairing the Self-Esteem

I was raised by my mom and Nana, who was spiritual, but also talked shit about everyone all the time. She was very hard on me, much to my detriment. Of course there was some good, and I have spent a lot of time on forgiveness for the bad, but the way she treated me damaged my self-esteem to the point where this is one of the things I will be working on for my entire life. 

The good new about that is, hey! I have something to work on and keep busy with. And, once I figure it out, I can share it with you guys. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

It’s a Beautiful World (or it CAN be)

If we can all think about treating each other with respect, and work to see the spirit in someone and honor that and be peaceful and kind, much goodness can come about as a result.

Circling back to that commandment, I’ve noticed that even spiritual people can be critical, unkind, and cruel. Maybe it’s because those of us who turn towards spirituality have the most work to do. But we have to watch ourselves and stay true to the path. When the negativity comes up, as it often does, the best avenue to follow is to take a look at it and ask why you are being triggered by others, as opposed to just reveling in your anger and annoyance. 

We should be behaving better. We should be kinder to each other! Let’s love each other and serve as role models for one another. We don’t have to be Polly Perfect little pleasers. We can have fun and laugh and be naughty! We just don’t have to crush people’s souls!

If someone you know starts with garbage critical talk, try and change the subject. Steer it towards the beauty in other people and the good things people are doing. The more we focus on that, the more it becomes our reality, and it will have a domino effect. You can create your own beautiful paradise in life. It IS possible!

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

As I’ve been discussing recently, a lot of people approach the psychic realm with a sense of trepidation and fear. They are afraid something they don’t want to know is going to come up, or that they’re going to get devastating news that will make them feel hopeless and powerless. That said, though….


Readers Don’t Want a Bad Reading, Either!

The majority of those of us who are doing readings and energy healings really want to help people move in a positive direction. We are all about delivering empowering information and providing healing assistance, helping seekers release negative energy and blocks so that they can transform and grow. When people are afraid of us, or afraid we have the power to deliver bad news, it creates another layer of negative energy we have to work to dissolve. It’s like cutting through the clouds with a ray of sunlight. We can do it…but sometimes the fear is so strong it creates a block to the healing flow. 

To make all of this a bit easier, I’ve put together a short and sweet list that will help you prepare for a reading so you can get the best possible outcome.


How to Prepare for a Reading:

1. Do your due diligence and make sure you know what the person you are reading with is about. You want to like the person and feel safe with them. Do you get a good vibe? What are the person’s reviews like? What does the person’s energy seem like to you? Some readers are abrasive, others are gentle and caring. This is an energy exchange, so it’s very important that you like the person and feel safe with them!

2. Make a list of the things you want to cover, and be clear in your questions. Don’t make them vague. Be concise, and ask them in empowering ways. Not “What is going to happen to me?” but more like “What can I do to make the change I desire come about?” See the video above for more examples. 🙂

3. Take 10 mins before your reading to meditate, drink water, and ask your guides and angels to help you get the highest, most empowering clarity from your session. Ask for clarity, hope, and help. Your intention will make a difference!

4. A reading is not going to go well if you are afraid of the reader. Be open and trust that this person is not doing readings to scare people and make them feel bad. They are there to help you in the best way possible. 

5. Don’t go into a reading in panic mode! That energy will affect the session. It creates ripples of fear and static and can get in the way of clear intel coming through. If you wait, breathe, relax, calm your vibration down, and get determined, the energy will be smoother. It will be easier for the reader, and you will get a lot more clarity.

Remember, be super clear and determined to get the best insight possible, and you will have an amazing experience!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

We are all growing and evolving here on earth – it seems like that’s just a part of the plan. Everyone has things to work on. I’ve had so much to work on, in fact, that I was delighted to think about, and answer, a question from Rebecca, who asked if I had any advice for when you when you have a realization or feeling that you want your soul to grow and evolve MORE. Frankly, I have enough material to keep me busy working on myself for the rest of my life! – and I know that if I run out, fresh new material will be delivered to work on. And that, perhaps, flavored my take on the matter. However, it’s really great to ponder these things. To set the intention to clear up karma and help your soul on your earth journey is an incredible way to ground into your spiritual practice.

The thing is, the spiritual path is literally paved with pebbles that grow your soul, which means, in essence, that life, in and of itself, will never run out of lessons to teach you and ways to help your soul evolve.

If you have a feeling that you really want to grow more, though, my first piece of advice is to be careful before setting that intention, because you might have a subconscious belief or pattern that in order to evolve, you have to go through hardship. So don’t do that! Just take the set of circumstances you are in right now and start to work with ways in which you can heal and transform – set that intention instead.

Some of the basics that are helpful with this are to:

1. work with someone to help you see your blind spots, to look at areas where you can improve, and then get started in on it
2. practice meditation and mindfulness on an ongoing basis
3. control your thoughts
4. work to resolve what already happened in your past: childhood traumas, past relationships, and relationships in the present
5. volunteer/donate/give to others

Soul growth at the highest/most supreme level has you in a place where you are so calm, grounded, in the moment, at peace with yourself and with others that you emit a very positive vibration that radiates out into the world. That vibration is very real and tangible, to the point where others resonate with it, and their vibrations raise up too.

Another thing about soul growth is that we don’t really control what our soul wants to do. Even the whole manifesting movement, which teaches that we can be, do, and have whatever we want, is about control. Your soul has already set up a path and trajectory for you in this lifetime. If you can make peace with that, and grow within the set of circumstances you’re in, you’ll be just fine. If anything feels like a challenge and you struggle with it, that is a sign you need to focus on it and transmute and heal that energy so your soul will grow.

It’s not all about difficulties, either. The essence of what you love and the experiences that bring you to life help grow your soul too, and create a really great sense of balance, which is key. It doesn’t have to be about work and struggle all the time; your soul loves the experience of life itself, so all the things you do that make you feel alive and vibrant will grow your soul, too.

I hope that helps!

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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