Your third eye center is the home of your clairvoyance. When your third eye is wide open, you can perceive subtle energies with clarity. While meditation is the most direct route to opening your third eye, you can also benefit from working with certain essential oils and crystals. Two of the top oils are frankincense and rosemary. And my favorite third eye crystal is amethyst. More details in the video above.

Thanks so much for watching!

While dabbling in the psychic arts can be fun, true mystical training takes a lifetime (or lifetimes) of dedicated effort. There are so many lessons to learn, upgrades and activations to receive, and wisdom to be gleaned. That’s why so many spiritual traditions have strict measures in place. That’s also why there are secrets and mysteries that are not available to us until we are truly ready and prepared to receive and understand them.

In this quick-fix world, we are so used to getting things “on demand” that it’s easy to apply that mentality to everything. Deep psychic and mystical work, however, requires serious dedication. It’s worth it in the end — although there truly is no end. 😆

Thanks so much for watching!

Animal communication is a form of psychic work that is especially wonderful. Why is that? Because animals LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! to communicate with us!! They love to tell us what they want and need, where they hurt, and especiallywhat they like to eat.

As with most psychic practices, anyone can learn to do this; it just takes practice and patience. More info in the video above.

Thanks so much for watching!

All the Best,


This week I’m bringing you an interview I did with my friend and mentor, Debra Lynne Katz. Debra is a leading expert in the field of psychic development and remote viewing. She’s written three books on psychic development and is finishing up a fourth book on remote viewing.

I actually trained one-on-one with Debra over a decade ago when I was developing my own psychic skills. She is a wonderful teacher. She makes the psychic arts accessible and fun.

In this interview, we cover some important questions about psychic development, such as:

  • How and why everyone is naturally psychic
  • The best way to get started on the path towards developing your own psychic skills
  • The most common blocks to being psychic
  • The dangers of doing psychic work
  • Why formal training in the psychic arts is important

This is the first interview I’ve done for the channel, so I hope you like it, and bear with me as I learn and grow!

Thank you so much for reading and watching. For more info on Debra’s amazing work, and her psychic development classes, visit

This week’s video is about the power of humility and being humble. It’s not discussed a great deal! It’s of tantamount importance, though, especially if you’re learning how to be psychic and do cool things that not a lot of people can do.

My guides say humility is a true blessing and gift, because it keeps the ego at bay. It also reaffirms that no-one is better than anyone else.

In our society (generally speaking) we are trained that wealth is the ultimate goal. Once attained, wealth is often tied to clout, indicating a superiority over others who don’t have it.

But when it comes to spirituality, superiority does not get a seat at the table. Humility is where it’s at. Even if we can talk to God, raise the dead, and cure people of all ailments, we are nothing if we’re not humble.

An excess of pride leads to hubris, which aligns us too closely with the negative aspects of the ego. Hubris sets us up to fail in the most spectacular ways. We start to think we are different; better. It’s an ugly vibration to feel that way or live in that energy. Superiority isn’t fun; it’s cruel and tragic!

One of the things I talk a lot about is the problem with manifestation teachings. I disagree with teachers who say we can have whatever we want, whenever we want it, and that our purpose here on earth is to be happy.

My experience in the trenches with people for over a decade doing intuitive work indicates something quite different. We can’t have everything we want in life. Nor is it our right to have life always go exactly the way we want it to go.

Yes, we are powerful, but we are mortals. In some instances, we don’t know what the best thing for ourselves is. You may think the ultimate achievement in life is to have a dream home. But what if that’s not it? What if your soul wants you to help others, or to do deeper spiritual work? Maybe siting in a dream home will not bring you what your soul desires, or what your fate has in store for you.

We can manifest many things. Yet fate and destiny still exist, and are more powerful than one person’s individual will. There are greater forces at play than our personal desires. Keeping that sense of humility keeps everything smooth. It helps us relax and understand that maybe the vast and mighty universe knows better than we do.

It is all about balance, too. We don’t want to be so humble that we feel we’re nothing. We want to appreciate ourselves. The key here is to think “I am wonderful, and so are you.”

Perhaps utopia is a dream, but if we all adapted this mindset, things might change for the better.

What do you think about wealth inequality, spirituality, psychic superpowers, and humility? I really want to know. Let’s get a conversation going! Please leave a comment below if you are watching this on YouTube. Thank you!

When I started developing my own psychic abilities and learning how to tune in to my intuition, I heard a spiritual teacher say that one of the things you absolutely had to do, no matter what, was meditate.

At that time, I despised the idea of meditation! I was really reticent about it. But I have a very active chattering monkey mind that is extremely powerful and is always going, going, going all the time. I’ve learned from experience that you can’t get into that intuitive space if your mind is taking over. It is just nearly impossible. So take it from me – the #1 most important thing you can do in order to activate your psychic abilities is to still yourself and get into a very quiet space.

Noise Pollution = Energetic Pollution

We live in a noisy world where we are constantly on the go. Noise and energy radiates from our phones, other people, their phones, radios, TVs, exterior noise, and more. All of that drowns out the intuition, which is extremely quiet. 

To get to that space where intuition lives, it’s vital to retreat from the noise and the people of the world. There’s a reason why powerful monks and sages have retreated into the mountains, away from society, for ages. External factors don’t bother them, and they are able to dedicate their lives to their spiritual practice.

Guided Meditations are Ideal for Psychic Development

In everyday life, if you can set aside time each day to listen to guided meditations that are geared towards activating your intuition, you can make great progress. What you are doing is actually slowing down your brain waves, turning down your analytical mind, and activating your creative, intuitive mind. Following these types of guided meditations (I have a few on my website) really does shift your energy. 

Something to be aware of, if you’re working on your intuition and psychic abilities, is that the majority of people do not believe this is possible. Whether or not they vocalize this belief, it’s still there. That might cause you to shrink back and not be as amazing and incredible as you can be. 

Retreating and creating a cocoon of quietness every day gives you the sacred space and place to work on these skills. Eventually, they will get stronger and better, and you will look forward to the respite you get as well. It’s priceless!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week I wanted to share an observation that I’ve noticed: it seems that there is a massive surge of energy when someone is born and when someone dies.

It’s so incredibly fascinating and powerful. Have you heard or experienced what I’m talking about?

Batten Down the Hatches for Hurricane Ivan!

I first noticed this when when my son Ivan was born. Everything went haywire!  My cat Aloysius was going bananas, meowing like crazy at all hours. He definitely sensed something was up, as most animals do. But then our electronics went on the fritz, too. Many things broke, but what I remember most was that we had a nice coffee maker that made coffee and espresso. I’d had it for years, and it just went caput. We had to get a new one stat, right before hurricane Ivan made landfall. 😉

The Oven Went with Her…

My dear friend’s mom died last year after struggles with dementia and health issues. Right after she passed on, the stove/oven that had been in the house for over 50 years broke. She died, and the oven went with her. This was particularly poignant because she was the mother, the grounding force of that homestead, and the kitchen was the hub of her home. The oven breaking was very symbolic of her departure.

A few other electronic things went wrong, too, though. I swear that house is alive! One circuit shorted and could have started a blazing fire under my friend’s bed (!)  but it didn’t. The guy who came to repair it said it was a miracle she survived. I think angels and/or her mom were looking out for her there, don’t you?

Spirits Work with Electronics.

Another example of this is with spirits. They are very strong and pushy, and that’s why I am not fond of mediumship. For example, a family member died suddenly last year. I was at the gym the next morning, and my iPod started and stopped more than 10 times. I just KNEW it was her. My iPod had never fritzed out like that before, and it never did again. I feel like what happened there was that her spirit had vacated the body, was shocked, and was here with me (bc she knew I have “the sight”) as well as with her family. I could feel her going back and forth. Thank God the angels came and lifted her up into the higher realms…I felt that, too, and was relieved and grateful. 

Spirits really do mess with electronics. So if you think a spirit is trying to communicate with you, pay attention to lights going out, strange things happening with your circuitry, and radio waves. They will monkey with all kinds of electronic things to get your attention. I can’t explain why, but the energy of the soul impacts electronics. Go figure!

I just wanted to share this fascinating subject with you. There are so many things we don’t know about, but it’s great fun to talk about them and pay attention and notice. And in closing, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

Happy Thursday! This week’s chat is all about a core facet of the psychic arts that I think turns a lot of people off and creates a collective block to the whole thing. It’s the fact that psychic accuracy is never a sure thing. ESPECIALLY when it comes to predictions.

Yes, intuitive intel can be very insightful and intriguing and helpful and healing, but when you do a test of it, it’s rare that you’ll get 100% accuracy all the time.


This is mostly related to the prediction side of things. Just being psychic about something, getting intuitive information about why someone is feeling a certain way or how a pattern began and how that looks and feels etc. is another matter. That is neither accurate nor inaccurate. It’s about discovering truth, however that truth appears. Once you are in the flow, you go beyond right and wrong, which are human constructs, and into a realm of limitless possibilities, with no restrictions.

It’s human nature, though, to need things to be “right” or “wrong.” When it comes to predictions and solid, left-brain cognitive practical questions, we want accurate results.

However, predicting things is very tricky, because the entire act of predicting something takes into account another person’s free will. For example, you can say this person is your soulmate, I see him, he’s coming, and it will be in May in XYZ year. And then that guy meets somebody else and goes on that bandwagon, and it doesn’t happen because of his free will. Or the readee will meet another person first and go down that path instead.

A way around this is to look at and ask for potentials, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” book.

When people ask me to predict potential outcomes, I tend to give percentages, because nothing is set in stone.

I have been searching for a way to predict timing with close to 100% accuracy, and had found a way to do it with my cards and a clairvoyant technique as well, but then time got slippery and it seemed it wasn’t quite working. Other readers reported the same thing.


Even with astrology, which I am not fond of for this reason, there are blind spots when it comes to timing and major life events. An astrologer can see where something traumatic is going to occur in someone’s life. But unless you are really tuned in and are prophetic almost it can be difficult to say with 100% accuracy what exactly is going to happen to someone, and when. For instance, you might be thinking, “Oh! This ending means it’s the end of that awful job because the astrologer saw a major ending and that must be it!” And you are all happy, then the time comes and your next door neighbor moves away. And it’s that ending instead.

Because there are so many factors at play, it’s very difficult to say, OK this is going to happen, and it’s going to happen at that juncture. You yourself, with your free will, can do something completely and totally different that would change the course completely. It is simply not a hard proven science.

It is exciting when you get a hit that does come about. But I can’t say what it is that makes that happen. Things can change on a dime at any given moment.


The beauty of intuitive intel and what makes it so powerful is that it can help you guide yourself and navigate through the changes of life on a day to day basis, following what is for your highest good. I love the I Ching, the book of changes, because of this. It is based on the fact that life is a series of changes. By following the I Ching, you will develop a stronger character and become a Jun Zi, more in alignment with your highest self.

How do we know when something is fate or destiny, or can be changed and altered? That is a real trip, when you think about it. Does fate exist? Yes. How would we have these astrological charts, which are essentially 3-D grids of light, vibrant energy fields? How is a chart created as a map of one’s life without speaking to destiny and fate? Certain things are going to happen. Accurately predicting them, though, is tricky. Perhaps we’re meant to discover it as we go along, and use our intuition to help us find the way.


Looking at it through another lens, however, it is said that the more energy comes together, or, rather, the larger the impact of a global event is, the easier it is for people to predict it and see it. There are teams of people trained in Remote Viewing who look for these things. This natural disaster or that, precognition and retrocognition, they are all over it! 

And yet, it’s never 100% all of the time.

In closing, if you are getting readings, be very nonchalant about predictions when it comes to timing or what is going to happen. Instead ask questions along the lines of…what can I do now to be happy now, or what is the best path to get to where I want to go??  Otherwise you will be like my friend, who was thrilled when a reader said he was going to be married by end of next year. Next year came and went and it didn’t happen. Maybe it will happen in 5 years. You don’t want to have false hope, you want grounded, real hope. Which is what you get when you ask for guidance that helps you to follow your highest path in the present moment. 

Well, that was a long one! Thank you so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

A fascinating topic that often comes up when people talk about the power of the mind is that of telekinesis, which means moving objects with your mind. While it really does sound like a power limited to superheroes, telekinesis CAN be learned: you just have to be patient and build up to it.

Some people are naturals when it comes to TK (not to be confused with Transitional Kindergarten). For others, it takes practice. It’s best to start out with lightweight objects before attempting bigger and heavier things, because, sensibly speaking, they weigh more and it takes more energy to move them!

If you’re interested in learning how to activate your own telekinetic abilities, here are a couple of things you can start out with:

  1. Use a Pendulum

A pendulum is, generally speaking, a crystal or stone that hangs from a chain. Using a pendulum can give you great yes/no answers. It will either swing back and forth, or kind of swing around in a circular direction. My pendulum swings clockwise for yes and counter clockwise for no.

Hold the pendulum and say “show me yes/no” or just say “move for me” and keep your hand still, or hang it from something and look at it as you mentally ask it to move. Even if your hand is completely still, it will move. That is TK – you are moving an object with your mind. When you are using a pendulum to get answers or guidance, you’re using your subconscious/higher self, but when you are just telling it to move, as in this exercise, you’re demonstrating TK.

  1. Practice with a Candle Flame

Light a candle in a room with no breeze or air flow. Just stare at the flame and become one with it, and feel like you are simpatico with that flame. Admire it, appreciate it, think about how much you like it. And then ask it to grow taller. And the flame will get taller! Then ask it if it can shrink low, and it will. Next, ask it to dance…and it will!

Give yourself half an hour to an hour to get going with this. Many of us can get easily bored and give up before we have a chance to make it work. Again, if you’re patient, you will see results!

Now, sometimes TK happens spontaneously. A classic example is when our energy is strong and we experience a negative emotion while working on the computer. I’ve fried a couple of computers this way and I now know to put my laptop down if I get emotional. Many students and fellow energy workers have had the same thing happen to them. It also manifests in the form of cars acting up and “wigging out” when you’re emotional too.

I haven’t focused on telekinesis much in my practice because I didn’t see how it could immediately and practically help clients heal and grow. For me, learning to be psychic so I could get answers for people, and running energy to help them heal, made more sense.

I’ve been to psychic/consciousness conferences with friends in this realm, and at some of these, they all get together to bend spoons as a fun practice. They will literally grab some spoons from catering, meet in one of the conference rooms, and then bend them, but I never went in to join them because I was like, what am I going do with a bent spoon? Whoop dee-doo! I would be more inclined to learn TK in order to mend a wound. Let’s say somebody’s hurt and you know how to move objects with your mind and you bring the skin back together, or you knock a weapon out of a bad guy’s hand. Now that would be epic and very superhero-like, don’t you think?

If you would like to just see if you’re able to move a candle flame, or a pendulum, by all means try it! If anything, it will help reinforce how powerful you really are. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

When it comes to readings and energy healings, it’s imperative that you choose the right practitioner, and that you approach your work together with the best frame of mind in order to achieve the ideal outcome.

A very important thing to keep in mind about readings and especially predictions is this: sometimes you might hear things that are upsetting or that might cause you to have a “doom and gloom” outlook…like predictions that you’re never going to get married, you’ll never be successful, or that this or that negative thing is going to happen. If this occurs, the first thing you need to be aware of is that readers don’t know everything. And sometimes a reader will inadvertently be a catalyst, giving you info that wakes you up and causes you to pivot and change your direction towards something that is for your highest good.

The thing about predictions is that there is so much going on with your free will and the universe at large that to have 100% accuracy and say that this or that is going to happen within this timeframe is pretty difficult to get a grasp on, even for those who are known for being good at predicting things. Case in point: once I had a session with someone who is renowned for her ability to predict. However, during our session, it flipped, and all of the perceived predictions were actually things that had ALREADY happened.

So even with the best of the best…to predict and get a handle on the direction and flow of your life path according to a timeframe, especially when it comes to your free will and the free will of the people you are asking about, isn’t the best use of your time.

Better questions to ask are the empowering ones: how can i heal, how can I grow, what is the best direction for me to take and how can I course-correct?

Another thing to keep in mind is that intuitives, energy workers, spiritual teachers and gurus, astrologers, tarot readers, what have you – they all have good days and bad days. They might be very empathic and therefore a tad moody, and can inadvertently hurt you or insult you, not intending to make you feel bad. Don’t give them that power – maybe they have their own issues and need to work on interpersonal skills. Maybe it’s not about you, but them.

Once a spiritual teacher who I really admired was clearly annoyed by my energy – I was so excited to see her and filled with joy and exuberance that she actually winced/recoiled when I said hello to her. She literally shrank back and kind of gave me stink eye. It made me feel so badly and I wondered if she, as an intuitive, picked up something within me that was negative that I didn’t see? In retrospect, I realized that she is indeed hyper sensitive, and on that day, in a setting with a lot of people, she might not have been at her best. It wasn’t about me.

Spiritual practitioners are regular people, with good days and bad days, and we all have to take that into account. Just because they are on a spiritual path…doesn’t mean they are better than or higher than you. I am on this path and am in no way going to make any pretenses that I am further along than anyone else. If anything, those of us on this path are having harder tests and more challenges!

So, to sum this all up, be selective in who you are going to work with. Tune in to your gut first and foremost before you agree to work with someone. You are letting them into a very vulnerable area; you are giving them permission to work with your energy, to help you heal, shift, and grow. It’s like working with a therapist. You absolutely must be selective, and choose someone who is authentic, compassionate, and resonates with your energy. The good news is, there are tons of wonderful people to choose from. You just have to do your due diligence and, above all else, trust your inner guidance and intuition.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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