It’s really fun to talk about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting, and to see it work in action. One thing I am noticing, though, is that a lot of people say that everyone can do it. I don’t know if I agree with that. (aside from the fact that we DO have control over our thoughts and can change the way we think about an awful situation and be positive and optimistic)

The ability to manifest things is very much a privilege! People living in war zones, places where there is famine, under the thumb of oppressive regimes…they cannot manifest the way we can.

My favorite form of manifesting is Bengston, because it works and it also generates a powerful healing energy that has been tested in clinical trials. When you really get into the energy and the community, it becomes quite evident that those who are doing Bengston have a very strong desire to help others.

And isn’t that more meaningful than manifesting yourself a parking space?

We are so much more powerful when we manifest not only for ourselves, but for the wellbeing of others as well. And by others I mean the planet, the ecosystem, the animals on the planet, and other humans.

If you’d like to learn this amazing energy system, here’s the link to the Zoom workshop this February 2024:

Bengston Workshop

What are your thoughts on manifesting? Please share in the comments!

Thanks so much for reading and watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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