I have to confess, I LOVE watching fantastical and magical shows and movies. Series like Manifest, The OA, Ragnarok, and Shadow and Bone are my most recent Covid-era favorites.

A part of why I like this genre so much is that what the characters can actually do is not very far removed from what we humans are able to do. And what we WILL be able to do in a hundred years or more.

Some may scoff at this idea, but hear me out. In Marvel Comic’s Dr. Strange, the monks build up and move energy, open portals to other worlds, and fight evil. People now can build up and move energy, travel with their consciousness through unseen portals, and fight evil. So we’re already doing that!

In this series I’ve been watching called Ragnarok, one of the characters shape-shifts into a bird. Some actually can do that. It’s not as obvious as it is when it’s shown on film, but if you devote  enough time to shamanic journeying, you will likely develop the ability to shape-shift, if you wish to do so.

What is depicted in film, TV, and the cartoons my son watches is just a more visual version of what those of us into energy work are already doing. And if we keep at it, we will get to the level where we might actually visibly see portals to other worlds, or see energy with our regular eyes as it flows out of hands and hearts. Better yet, we might all accept that we are made of energy and that being psychic is very natural.

I believe writers and artists are definitely tapping into something much greater than ourselves, and that’s how these wonderful and exciting feats are woven into stories. It’s not all imagination; human consciousness is heading into a more expansive direction. And that’s exciting!

What is your favorite show or movie? Can you do things you’ve seen in movies? I want to know! Please put it in the comments on YouTube.

Thanks so much for reaching and watching, and I’ll see you next time!

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