No matter how much we KNOW that death is a part of life, it is still difficult to have to endure the departure of someone you love. While it’s easy to understand that they’re in a better place, in limitless form, we still have to forge ahead in the physical realm without them.

That’s why it’s so reassuring to see signs from the other side, and know that they’re still with us, and able to communicate, in spirit.

A very common form of spirit communication that I have noticed over the past few years is through the appearance of BIRDS.

In the video above, I chat about several cases in which birds appeared as a specific sign from loved ones, including one story in which the spirit told me she’d give her loved ones a sign in the form of a bird with blue feathers…and they noticed exactly that type of bird the very next day.

Since the beginning of time, humans have communicated with the spirits of nature in order to obtain information from the unseen world, and the appearance of birds today is just a continuation of that lineage.

While I have pondered a lot about just HOW it’s possible and WHY, I don’t have a specific answer…but I can assume that birds represent the free spirit. I am sure physics has something to do with the how of it too, and in the coming weeks I’ll share with you a download I received about angels manifesting into our dimension through the n-manifold and Euclidian space.

If you have lost a loved one, simply ask for a sign to give you hope and reassurance, and it will appear. If you need more than one, ask for more than one. Allow yourself to be surprised. There is no limit to the amount of support that is available. And from what I’ve noticed in my channeling work, hope and reassurance are two things that the higher forces and beings of light are VERY good at delivering.

Our loved ones who are no longer in physical form are really not all that far away…and these beautiful signs provide comfort in times of need.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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