A viewer requested that I talk about Source and the higher self, so here goes.

The Source

I believe that God, or Source, is not a gendered being, but more of a source of light that is encrypted with data and information. Like an energy that knows things.

We humans made God into a man in the sky because that is what we relate to as human beings. Seeing God as a person makes God more understandable. But really, from what I’ve seen, I think Source is palpable, tangible, intelligent light and energy.

The Spirit

I believe that the spirit is a part of that source energy. It’s a spark of light that can individuate and live in a human body, and then become one with the greater Source after the body is no longer.

The Higher Self

The higher self is like a higher part of our mind that channels our spirit. Recently I had an idea that the higher self/spirit/soul are encoded with information, just as Source is. Like a credit card chip that has data that tallies what you spend. From what I have read and seen firsthand in readings, the spirit has a memory. It records things, so it’s like light with data encrypted in it.

They’re all Interchangeable

Some call use words like higher mind, higher self, spirit and soul interchangeably. As if they are all one and the same. I’ve also heard spiritual teachers say that the soul is not the same thing as the spirit. Some say the soul is the vehicle for the spirit, so it’s just another vessel, like our body, that houses the spirit. That very well could be!

I haven’t seen it first hand, though, so to me that, and all of this, really just is conjecture. What I see is that the soul, spirit, and higher self work very closely together and it’s OK to refer to them interchangeably.

Don’t you wish people in the world were more flexible with beliefs and religions? Rather than fight over which religion has it “right,” we’d be so much better off investigating our own beliefs and not discounting anyone else’s experiences. Alas, that’s for another lifetime…looks like the human race has a ways to go on that front.

In any event, thanks so much for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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