You know how we talk about the concept of “The One” in terms of soulmate, romantic love? It’s very common – almost universal!

The thing is, to think of a romantic partner in terms of “The One” is limiting and can create enormous fear. Like if you’re not at the right place at the right time, you will miss meeting “The One” and that will be the end of that. Or if you broke up with, or never got together with, someone you thought was your only person…all hope is gone. The idea is devastating!

What tends to happen on the heels of “The One” is that you get fixated on one human, to the point where if it doesn’t work out, you suffer enormous pain. You might even fear “The One” got away, and you will never have the love you so desperately want and need.

There are over 7 billion people on the planet right now. How could it be that there is only ONE ideal match for each of us? It’s more likely that there would be several really solid potential matches for each person here on the earth.

So what’s the solution? When approaching this subject, a practice of surrender might be the best path forward. To trust that there is a divine plan, and if not this particular person, another wonderful and just as perfect soulmate will be delivered.

What are your thoughts on this? Or your own personal experiences? Please leave a comment on YouTube!

If there’s one thing I’ve seen time and time again in sessions with people, it’s this: the moment you realize you’ve fallen into a not-so-great pattern, you have the opportunity to shift and change it.

This is one of those places in your life where fate meets free will, and it’s basically an invitation for spiritual growth. The most prominent area I see these shifts taking place in is regarding romantic relationships and love.

I’m talking about this from first-hand experience with thousands of clients from all walks of life, people who come to me when they’re fed up with something that just KEEPS HAPPENING, and they are ready to figure out 1) why and 2) how to make it stop.

The core essence of a pattern typically surfaces in the form of a situation that repeats again and again like Groundhog Day, resulting in a negative feeling that you are imprinted with. You can meet 5 or 10 different people, and in the end have that same feeling. It’s as if you’ve grounded into it, and it’s now your LIFE. But the good news is, it’s really just a pattern, something you do have control over and can break so that it doesn’t happen again.

The causes of these patterns vary from person to person. They can sprout up because of a limiting belief, early programming, past life issues, and/or general run-of-the mill fear.

While every situation is unique, here are some core techniques to help you break patterns that you know don’t serve you any longer:

  • Change your mindset
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind re. your value and worth
  • Re-train your brain to think predominately constructive thoughts
  • Expect good things!
  • Become aware of your fears, and gently set them aside, acknowledging that while they do exist, they do not need to run the show
  • Learn to love yourself thoroughly and completely
  • Love everyone in your life; focus on their positive aspects
  • and, finally…trust that everything is going to be okay!

In doing the work, you will find that you can easily melt away a lot of fear and create harmony and circumstances that are more in alignment with what you really want.

Circumstances shift and unfold all the time, and often healing takes place on different levels and in many layers. But one of the most important things to remember is that when you’re doing transformative work on yourself, the work itself is soothing and healing. It’s a win-win!

The root of romantic issues is related to love; receiving love and giving love, in peace and balance. As spirits having an earthly incarnation, we all want to be loved and understood. It is our birthright. And so, again, if you realize there is a pattern taking place where the balance is off, that’s a soul calling for you to heal it. You can…and you will. I promise.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!🙂

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