We’re all familiar with the idea of psychic protection, which keeps you safe from bad juju and negativity in all of its different forms.

Over the years, out of sheer necessity, I’ve studied, and put to good use, many different psychic protection rituals and techniques.

So I was thrilled when a viewer asked me to talk a little bit more about the topic, including how to stop people’s negative thoughts.

The thing is, while you can’t change what someone is thinking, you CAN protect yourself so that their thought vibrations don’t affect you as much. And eventually, there is a strong likelihood that they will stop being negative about you and turn their attention elsewhere.

With all of the hands-on research I’ve done, from Kabbalistic rituals, to prayers, to clairvoyant healing methods, I have found one technique that helps more than anything, and it’s this:

The best form of protection is to have your light so bright that it deflects negativity.

While the other techniques I’ve done are amazing and powerful, and I still love them, I’ve noticed a shift that’s taken place, especially since I began working with the Ascended Masters and bringing through the light of the higher realms.

Here is, verbatim, a transmission I received when I asked about the topic above:

“In the presence of those who would seek to destroy you, you must shine a radiance brighter than the sun from your core. The SOLAR LIGHT.

Let that light shine out and with each breath you take, breathe in more light.

Allow the angels to surround you, and picture yourself surrounded by friends, angelic presences of protection.

Talk to the angels of protection, the cloaks, and ask them to deflect negativity and to transmute that energy the other person is reflecting.

In this bubble of light, with the angels around you and your light shining from your core, you will not feel the darkness of others. You will float along in your own biosphere, happy, feeling good, feeling safe and secure and confident in WHO YOU ARE.

This is of the utmost importance.”

It’s not always easy to stay positive and bright, but it’s certainly worth the effort. And another really great side effect is that when you shine bright, others around you will begin to resonate with that brightness. And then their light will spread to others…and it creates a radiant domino effect that has lasting results.

You can protect yourself at work, at home, while driving, and/or in any situation where you feel it’s necessary. Or, you can just practice breathing in this solar light throughout your day, so it just becomes a part of your consciousness and your vibrational field. I mean, ultimately, that’s the best way to do it…so you’re ALWAYS shining bright. And then, when you need it, call in the cloaking angels to keep you extra safe. 🙂

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!:)

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