Several friends have had their beloved pets (who are truly more like family members) cross over recently. It seems like these things happen in waves at times, doesn’t it?

I have worked with many clients over the years who have asked me to check in on their pets after they’ve crossed over. It’s always an honor and quite an experience to see where they are and what it’s like.

What I have noticed time and time again is that there is such a sense of complete joy, happiness, freedom and light where these animals go after their time here!!!  It’s unbelievable. Recently, one person’s dog was even cracking jokes and being funny and delightful. It’s totally different in “Pet Heaven.”

If only everyone who is mourning the loss of a dear family member pet could KNOW how joyful it is for them, they would feel such a sense of comfort and relief.

If you are grieving a beloved pet, ask for signs from them to reassure you and comfort you! It can be something special you shared with your pet, or just something meaningful to you.

When my beautiful chocolate cat Coco died at Christmas several years ago, I was stricken with grief. We were out of town, and I wandered into a shop. They were playing the song “Moon River” from “A Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and it was so special. That song has a deep significance to me.

Coco also left black feathers for us – right in front of our feet, at different times. And whenever I would think of her in those days after her passing, I would hear the prettiest little birds chirping outside. I knew these were all signs from her, and that she was more than OK.

In fact, she was so good, she was sending signs to comfort US! That’s how it works, and that is what your beloved pet can do for you to help ease your pain.

Thanks so much for reading and watching. If you have an experience with a pet who crossed over and sent you signs, please put it in the comments on YouTube!

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