First and foremost: nobody should be dabbling in the psychic arts, especially when it comes to spirits and ghosts, without being fully aware of what’s at stake. Ouija Boards introduce spirit contact into a game-like setting, which makes it seem fun and interesting. But they’re really portals for lower-level energies, ghosts, spirits and other things in the astral realm to communicate with (and monkey with) people. It’s a very real thing. So, and this goes without saying, AVOID at all costs!

The dark side is real, my friends. As a practitioner of the psychic arts, I’ve come across things that I wish I hadn’t. Seriously.

With ouija boards, you don’t know who is going to come through, if it’s a who or an it, or what is going to happen. 

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Let’s say, as if often the case with Ouija Boards, that you are curious to see if someone you know who died is going to come through. The first mistake about this is that approaching the spirit world with careless curiosity is a big no-no! Spirit contact should be sacred, and done in a very particular manner. Once you open that door, you have no real way of knowing who is coming through it. Ghosts and spirits love to trick people and and be very deceitful. 

This is why good, true mediums train and practice for YEARS. They create a sacred environment and work with teams of guides and angels on the other side. Trust me –  you don’t want to just dabble in these sorts of things for entertainment purposes.

You don’t know what you could be opening yourself up to! Entities and scary things, you don’t want to play with them. They could destroy your life! They can come into your home, get up into your aura, and wreak all sorts of havoc. 

You’re much better off playing twister or chutes and ladders!

I am sure you know all of this, but for the youngsters in your life…make sure they know not to get involved in this sort of thing! 

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

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