First and foremost: nobody should be dabbling in the psychic arts, especially when it comes to spirits and ghosts, without being fully aware of what’s at stake. Ouija Boards introduce spirit contact into a game-like setting, which makes it seem fun and interesting. But they’re really portals for lower-level energies, ghosts, spirits and other things in the astral realm to communicate with (and monkey with) people. It’s a very real thing. So, and this goes without saying, AVOID at all costs!

The dark side is real, my friends. As a practitioner of the psychic arts, I’ve come across things that I wish I hadn’t. Seriously.

With ouija boards, you don’t know who is going to come through, if it’s a who or an it, or what is going to happen. 

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Let’s say, as if often the case with Ouija Boards, that you are curious to see if someone you know who died is going to come through. The first mistake about this is that approaching the spirit world with careless curiosity is a big no-no! Spirit contact should be sacred, and done in a very particular manner. Once you open that door, you have no real way of knowing who is coming through it. Ghosts and spirits love to trick people and and be very deceitful. 

This is why good, true mediums train and practice for YEARS. They create a sacred environment and work with teams of guides and angels on the other side. Trust me –  you don’t want to just dabble in these sorts of things for entertainment purposes.

You don’t know what you could be opening yourself up to! Entities and scary things, you don’t want to play with them. They could destroy your life! They can come into your home, get up into your aura, and wreak all sorts of havoc. 

You’re much better off playing twister or chutes and ladders!

I am sure you know all of this, but for the youngsters in your life…make sure they know not to get involved in this sort of thing! 

Thanks so much for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

This week’s video is about a fascinating mediumship-related story that happened just a few weeks ago. You can watch the video above for the full details of it all; I’ll just sum it up here by saying that yes, without a doubt, consciousness lives on after death, and sadly, some spirits do NOT go into the light. They’re either in shock or they weren’t ready to let go, and they end up hanging around instead of heading up into the light.

I know I always say this, but it’s true: I don’t like mediumship AT ALL. No thanks! Nein Danke! The energy can be so sad and angry and heavy, and for an extra sensitive empath like me, those vibrations are just too much. But luckily, the people in this story – my wonderful former student Louise, who is a very highly gifted natural medium, and the person she read for, Jeannette, who is a fearless healer – don’t mind a bit, and the work they did together actually helped an earthbound spirit release up into the light, which was a blessing not only for that spirit, but for the people he left behind here on the earth plane.

There is so much to learn about the meaning of life, life after death, and life before life. To be honest with you, I wish people were as fascinated with where their fresh new babies had just come from as they were with where people went when they died!!! Baby energies are usually much lighter as their spirits are more excited to be here. But I digress.

In any event, I don’t have all the answers, but it is most certainly fascinating to glean bits of information about what happens when we’re not “here” anymore.

Thanks for reading and watching. And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!

No matter how much we KNOW that death is a part of life, it is still difficult to have to endure the departure of someone you love. While it’s easy to understand that they’re in a better place, in limitless form, we still have to forge ahead in the physical realm without them.

That’s why it’s so reassuring to see signs from the other side, and know that they’re still with us, and able to communicate, in spirit.

A very common form of spirit communication that I have noticed over the past few years is through the appearance of BIRDS.

In the video above, I chat about several cases in which birds appeared as a specific sign from loved ones, including one story in which the spirit told me she’d give her loved ones a sign in the form of a bird with blue feathers…and they noticed exactly that type of bird the very next day.

Since the beginning of time, humans have communicated with the spirits of nature in order to obtain information from the unseen world, and the appearance of birds today is just a continuation of that lineage.

While I have pondered a lot about just HOW it’s possible and WHY, I don’t have a specific answer…but I can assume that birds represent the free spirit. I am sure physics has something to do with the how of it too, and in the coming weeks I’ll share with you a download I received about angels manifesting into our dimension through the n-manifold and Euclidian space.

If you have lost a loved one, simply ask for a sign to give you hope and reassurance, and it will appear. If you need more than one, ask for more than one. Allow yourself to be surprised. There is no limit to the amount of support that is available. And from what I’ve noticed in my channeling work, hope and reassurance are two things that the higher forces and beings of light are VERY good at delivering.

Our loved ones who are no longer in physical form are really not all that far away…and these beautiful signs provide comfort in times of need.

Thanks for reading and watching! And remember, if there’s anything in your life that you would like assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out!


Not to be macabre, but death has been on my mind lately. A family friend ended her life two weeks ago, and my dear friend’s mother crossed over on Wednesday evening.

We love to talk about births (in fact, today is my birthday!). But most of us do NOT like the idea of death. My guides have been talking to me a lot about it, and the main takeaway that they want me to know, and to share, is this:

What we think of as death is really a birth into light.

Now, I lost my mother at a young age, and I’ll be the first one to tell you that while I know that full well, it still doesn’t make living here on earth WITHOUT them any easier. I mean, the friend who took her life recently left behind beautiful children who now have to spend the rest of their lives without a mom.

It is so incredibly painful to have to adjust to life without a loved one. But the thing is, they really aren’t all THAT far away…and they will talk to you in your dreams if you are open to it. And that is what the video above is all about.

The family friend who died recently appeared to me in a dream earlier this week, and we spent a great deal of time together, and I remember hugging her and holding her body, which she was so abruptly separated from. It was a peaceful dream, and it was good.

Three years after my mom died, I had one of the most vivid dreams I can remember. We were together, and she was pointing to a very beautiful star-filled sky. She said “I won’t be able to be at your high school graduation, but I’ll be looking down on you from up here.” I woke up in tears, which has never happened aside from that night, and I knew we had been together. My mother had always told me that if she died, she would always be watching over me, and this dream was her way of showing me she was trying to do just that.

If it is any consolation to you, the spirit realm really isn’t that distant from ours. And I also have it on good authority that even if a soul has already reincarnated into another body, the spirit is so vast and omnipresent that they can still communicate and help you out if you need it. It’s like putting a call on hold so you can answer another call.

So if you are missing a loved one and really want to connect with them, set your intention to visit in your dreams, ask for protection and for guidance in your sleep, and then consistently remember your dreams when you wake up in the morning. Know that even if you don’t remember your dreams, you might feel better. Different. Expect it and it will happen.

And please remember, if you are in really dire straits and need help, angels will come the INSTANT you call on them, and they are more powerful and helpful than any soul could ever be. And there are millions of them.

Thank you for reading and watching.

And, as always, if there’s anything in your life that you need assistance with, I’m here to help with readings, energy healings, on-demand meditations and my psychic development training program. So just reach out! 🙂

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